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1. Problems in Translation
2. Lexical Differences
3. Grammatical Differences
4. Cultural differences
5. Naturalness of Translation
6. Cultural and Translation
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The problem of translation is related to language, linguistic and cultural

(non- )translatability. Unlike French and culturally distant English, Indonesian and
English are linguistically and culturally distant languages. They do not share many
linguistics and cultural traits.
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As a lexical unit of language, words have many meanings (polysemy).

 House in Indonesian means rumah atau Gedung tempat tinggal.
 Rumah makan (restaurant), rumah sakit (hospital)
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Indonesian - lexical English - grammatical

Dia menari. The basic It’s hard to translated because

meaning of the sentence. the time indicator is unclear.

Dia menari kemarin. She danced.

Dia telah menari. She has danced.
Dia sedang menari. She is dancing.

Dia akan menari. She will dance.
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English Indonesian
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In English time markers which indicate On Saturdays he went to the cinema. Setiap hari Sabtu, dia pergi ke bioskop.
aspects are preposition or adverbs. When he had finished his work last Usai merampungkan pekerjaannya tadi
night, he went to the cinema. malam, dia pergi ke bioskop.

The perfective aspect He is eating a noodle soup. Dia sedang makan indomie.

He ate it up. Dia telah makan habis indomienya.

She shaved my beard. Dia telah mencukur jenggotku.

She shaved off my beard. Dia telah mencukur licin jenggotku.

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English Indonesian
Suffixes, prefixes and Cameraman – camerawoman Kamerawan – kamerawati
modifier to indicate gender Male dancer – female dancer Penari pria – penari wanita
Boyfriend – girlfriend Pacar (no gender distinction in
Lady friend – gentleman friend Teman wanita – teman laki-laki

Brother – sister Saudara laki-laki – saudara

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Zero – ness = --a, --i God – goddess Dewa-dewi

Steward – stewardess Pramugara – pramugari
Heir – heiress Ahli waris laki-laki – ahli waris

Zero --- ine Hero -- heroine Pahlawan pria – pahlawan wanita

--or --- -- Aviator – aviatrix “pria—wanita”

rix Dominator – dominatrix
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For animals, Lion – lioness peacock Buck rabbit – doe Jantan --- betina
there are – rabbit Jack
variations. peahen Cock sparrow ass – jenny ass
– hen sparrow Goat – Tom
she cat – tabby cat Sheep
goat - -- ewe Deer – doe
goat – nanny goat
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Problems in translating collocations :

1. The engrossing effect of source text patterning.
2. Misinterpreting the meaning of a source-language collocation
3. The tension between accuracy and naturalness
4. Culture-specific collocation
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May need to be translated into different word to indicate the same meaning.
Example : Taking medicine is “minum obat” not “ambil obat”

Connotative meanings usually according to cultural context. Word that have a
positive connotation in one culture may actually have a negative connotative.
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Over translation and Under translation

Over-translation occurs when a translator translates a source language sentence,
clause, or sentence longer than it should. Furthermore, Undertranslation occurs
when translators reduce the meaning.
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Figurative Senses of Lexical Items

1. Metonymy: Figurative use of words with associations.
2. Synecdoche: A pictorial sensibility based on the relationship between the part
and the whole.
3. Euphemism : to avoid offensive language that could be seen as offensive,
racist, or sexist.
4. Hyperbole: A hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration of a metonymy
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A Change Caused by Translation

The plural s – duplication (kids – anak-anak), he/she – dia, passive in Indonesian
can be changed to active in English
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1. Idiomatic translation
2. Meaning and nuances of meaning
3. Emotive meaning
4. Phonology In translation
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Strategies for Translating Idioms

1. Use idioms that are similar in meaning and form
2. I use idioms with similar meanings, different shape
3. Translation by paraphrasing
4. Translation by abbreviation
5. Compensation strategies
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