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Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) is a

chemical company established in 1934, eventually expanding to employ 9,000 people working at 14 plants in five divisions.
51% owned by Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) and 49%

by Indian investors including the Government of India.

UCIL produced batteries, carbon products, welding

equipment, plastics, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and marine products.


In 1970, UCIL built a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. At the time of the disaster UCIL was ranked twenty-first in

size among companies in India with revenues of Rs 2 billion

In November 1994, UCC completed the sale of its interest

in UCIL to McLeod Russel Ltd. of Calcutta. UCIL was subsequently renamed Eveready Industries India Ltd.




25 Years on... New Victims are Born Everyday

In the months, years, and decades that followed the disaster, thousands of survivors and their next generations suffered from ill health and multiple symptoms. By the end of 2009, 25,000 had died & around 600,000 people were affected due to gas-related disorders. Though the plant was shut down soon after the incident, the toxic remains left it in a state to create even more havoc with each passing day


the walls of the UCIL plant and the roof remained covered with toxic materials which far exceeded safety standards sacks of chemicals and pesticides lay scattered in the factory Several metal boxes labeled 'Sevin' containing nitrate residues also remained. estimated that nearly 25,000 tons of contaminated material were also present


Negligent Management Practices

In 1980, trouble started brewing at the Bhopal plant with several incidents of death and injury being reported.

That Fateful Night

At around 9:30 pm on December 2, 1984, a large quantity of water entered storage tank 610 containing more than 40 tons of MIC When water mixed with MIC, it triggered an exothermic reaction, producing a lot of heat... 4/21/12

UCC's Take on the Tragedy

When informed about the incident, Mukund's first reaction was, "The gas leak just can't be from my plant. The plant is shut down. Our technology just can't go wrong, we just can't have such leaks."...


The Sabotage Theory

up the site and carried out the work under the direction of state and central government authorities...

. It took permission from the government to clean

Settlement Made by UCC

It passed the Bhopal Gas Leak (Processing of Claims) Act, 1985, and equipped with this power, the GoI filed a lawsuit to claim damages and compensation against UCC with the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York...

The Tragedy Continues Having paid the US$470 million

compensation, UCC maintained that it did not have any more liability for the tragic incident. However, survivors of Bhopal gas tragedy argued that UCC and Anderson should be brought to justice...
Longest-Running Struggle

against Corporate Crime 4/21/12

Two Decades and a Half Later...

On July 31, 2009, a few months before the 25th anniversary of the disaster, the Chief Judicial Magistrate of Bhopal court re-issued a warrant for the arrest of Anderson. However, no action was taken...

The Road Ahead

Dow continued to maintain that it did not have any liability since UCC had settled the matter by paying a one-time compensation of US$ 470 million. Its spokesman Scott Wheeler (Wheeler) said that Dow 4/21/12 had "never owned or operated the Bhopal plant site

Bhopal Gas Tragedy Judgment: Justice or a Mockery of Justice?

directors of the company of 2 years

Imprisonment each + nominal compensation.

It is the ignorance of present

circumstances and later effects of the accident. It is a principle of tort law that while considering the harm done, all the injuries occurred which are direct result of the harm/act done or if there is 4/21/12 a reasonable nexus between the

the war for justice continues

Warren Anderson, the one that got away


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