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Group 2:
Camara, Eunice Fe S. Mangahas, Jhon Carlo Z. Tugare, Angelika Mae G.
Datuin, Eduardo Eijaye G Roces, Shania A. Tuyor, Clave Lindell D.
Laluan, Geraldine Mae P. Sapera, Joana Marie A. Ytol, Mekyla F.
Magayano, John Vic P. Soriano, Xyra Mae A.
Main Objectives:

This study aims to understand how efficient and

effective modern machinaries are compared to
traditional harvesting methods for farmers in
Mapandan Pangasinan
Specific Objectives:

1. To assess the Pros and cons which determine the efficiency of modern
machines and traditional harvesting.
2. To learn how the modernization of farm machinaries changed their way
of harvesting.
3. To inform farmen on contet agricultural machinery maintenance,
operation and safety requirements in order to boost output and decrease
rists or accidents.
Statement of The Problem:

General problem
•The study intends to compare
the use of modern machines and
traditional harvesting, and
determine which harvesting can
be more or less efficient for
farmers in Mapandan
Specific problems
-The study seeks to answer the following

1. What are the pros and cons of modern and

traditional methods of harvesting?
2. What factors determine the efficiency of both
methods for farmers:

a. time
b. income
c. work experience (years)
d. location
e. age
3. Is the use of modern machinery more advantageous than
traditional harvesting?

4. How much profit does the farmers make annually when

utilizing modern machines?

5. Which method of harvesting is more used by the farmers?

a. modern machines
b. traditional method
Alternative Hypothesis:
1. Modern machinery is more efficient than traditional
harvesting methods for farmers in Mapandan, Pangasinan.
2. There is a significant difference in efficiency between
modern machinery and traditional harvesting methods for
farmers in Mapandan, Pangasinan.
3. Traditional harvesting methods are less efficient than
modern machinery for farmers in Mapandan, Pangasinan.
Null Hypothesis:
1. Modern machineries are less efficient than traditional harvesting
methods for farmers in Mapandan, Pangasinan.

2. There is no significant difference in the efficiency between modern

machinery and traditional harvesting methods for farmers in
Mapandan, Pangasinan.

3. Traditional harvesting methods are more efficient than modern

machinery for farmers in Mapandan, Pangasinan.
Research Design:

The study will inherit a correlational study as the

study compares two different variables, modern
machines and traditional harvesting.

The research study will have farmers of Mapandan

Pangasinan to be its respondents.

Data gathering tool:

This study will be using research questionnaires to gather

tools in which the respondents will answer various close-
ended questions.
Data Gathering Procedure:
The researchers will be using a cluster sampling
technique and will be giving each respondents a
questionnaire for them to answer, and after the
researchers will evaluate and interpret the answers
of the respondents.
1. What harvesting methods do you currently use on your farm?
 Traditional
 Modern Machinery
2. How would you rate the efficiency of your current harvesting
 Very efficient
 Somewhat efficient
 Not very efficient
 Inefficient
3. Does modern
machinery have an Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
impact for farmers?
4. Does traditional
harvesting Prove to
be more efficient?
5. Is modern
harvesting more time
6. How often do you
use modern
machineries for Never Seldom Sometimes Always
7. Do you use
machinery when
8. What time of
day you finish
harvesting? Morning Noon Afternoon Night
9. What time do
you start working?
10. Which barangay do you work?

 Apaya  Golden  Pias

 Aserda  Jimenez  Poblacion
 Baloling  Lambayan  Primicias
 Amanoaoac  Luyan  Sta. Maria
 Coral  Nilombot  Torres

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