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Submitted by

REG. NO: 17981-


Lecturer: ZIRARUSHYA P. Celestin

23rd 09, 2021

Table of Contents
1. Background of the Study 2
2. Problem Statement 3
2.Aim and Objectives 3
2.1. Aim 3
2.2. Specific objectives 3
2.3. Scope 4
3.Expected outcomes/deliverables 4
1. Introduction 5
2. Literature Studies 5
1. Introduction 8
2. Data collection methods 8
3. Development Methodology 9
1. System requirement 9
1. Hardware Requirements 9
2. Software Requirements 10
2. Choice and Justification of the Programming Language Used 10
3. Choice and Justification of the Development tool 10
• Photoshop 10
• Pencil 10
1. Bootstrap 10
•Budget estimate 11
•Conclusion 13
•References 14

There are still lots of communication gap among patients (accepting blood), donors (who donate
blood), blood banks and hospitals in our country. Medical facilities and blood banks are
not available equally in every part of the country. If someone needs blood, first of all he searches
it within his family members, then nearest hospitals and blood banks. If they cannot manage to
find blood in these ways, it is really hard for them to contact other people to collect blood in a
short time, hence there is a need for online blood bank management information system. The
online blood bank management information system offers functionalities to quick access to
register the donor, and collect donor details from various parts of the districts and it enables
monitoring of the results and performance of the blood donation activities. This system will
provide an efficient search for any patient who needs the blood in a particular city, name, and
blood groups as fast as possible.

1.1 Background of the Study

For hospitals, a blood bank known as blood collection center also is an area in which
collected blood bags are stored and preserved for future use in blood transfusion services. Blood
transfusion is a medical operation where a patient requires blood or blood products as a
life saving measure.
Most blood banks are still running manual system in its processes. As such, there is a lack of
efficiency because it is still paper-based in collecting information about donors, inventories of
blood bags, and blood transfusion services, even though Rwanda has adopted the use of medical
drones to supply life-saving medical products, such as blood and vaccines, to remote hospitals
throughout the country, online blood bank is still needed to identify the donors so that the drone
can then later carry blood to the corresponding recipients.
The lack of proper documentation may endanger patients’ health due to the possibility of
having contaminate blood bags. Contamination happened when there is an incomplete donors’
medical history record and the blood bags’ shelf life is not monitored properly. Hence, a web-
based blood bank management information system might be needed to address these issues and

1.2 Problem Statement
Despite advances in technology, nowadays, most blood bank systems are running in
manual system. As such, there is a prevalent problem in the availability of needed blood
types. For instance, when a person needs a certain type of blood and this type is not
available in the hospital, family members send messages through social media to those who can
donate to them and this process takes longer than the life of the patient to the most dangerous. In
addition, it seems that there is lack of proper documentation about blood donors and its medical
history. This may lead to blood bag contamination and may affect the blood transfusion safety.
Generally, this study aims to determine how the use of online blood bank management
information system enhance blood transfusion safety.

2.Aim and Objectives

1. Aim

This applied research aim is to design, develop and implement online blood bank management
information system that will automate the process of searching for blood donors in case
of emergencies and ensure proper management and availability of blood bags anytime.

2. Specific objectives
The specific objectives are listed below:

 To check the availability of blood bags anytime on certain hospital or blood collection
center/blood bank profile.

 To computerize all details regarding blood donor details and matches them to a patient.
 To allow good documentation about the donor and its blood donation activities.
 Support fast searching to find match blood bags for the right person.
 To automate the process of contacting donors and maintain their records effectively.
 To manage current blood group of the donors and maintaining new events.
 To provide Security of data this is very important due to the fact that hackers
and intruders are very disruptive to any kind of system, such as Standalone or Web based
Systems. So this system will be very secure rather than other systems which uses
the manual recording system.

2.3. Scope

This research study covers the three (3) basic operations of blood banks, namely: donor
registration, hospital/blood collection center/blood bank registration and monitoring of
their blood bags or products’ inventories, and monitoring of blood bags or products’
issuance. The research study talks about blood banks in Rwanda. In addition, the study
considers four (4) possible users of the system, namely: system administrator, hospital
administrator, blood collection center/blood bank receptionist and donor.

3.Expected outcomes/deliverables
The main deliverables of the projects are as follows:
 A complete, simple, efficient and fast system
 A simple, appealing interface both on the user-facing end and the administrator end.
 DDL (Database Definition Language) to create the database.
 DML (Database Manipulation Language) to seed/modify the database.
 Requirement Specification
 Use-Case Model

 Analysis Model will be used to show the realization of all use-cases conceptually

 Design specification will be used to specify the design for the realization of all use-cases
including class diagrams

 The documentation of source code used to develop the system.

 Documentation and Manual.


1. Introduction
This section discusses findings and observations done by some research works on web-
based blood bank management system. The gathered information on these related
papers will and support the research study.

2. Literature Studies
According to (Teena, Sankar, & Kannan, 2014) in their study entitled “A Study on Blood Bank
Management”, they defined Blood Bank Information System as an information
management system that contributes to the management of donor records and blood bank.
Their system allowed an authorized blood bank administrator to sign in with a password to
manage easily the records of donors and patients who need blood. The system provided many
features including the central database, quick access to the system content through the login,
includes the search code to find donors on a given basis, and the ease of adding and updating
donor data. The main aim of the system was to complete the process of the blood
bank. This system was designed to suit all types of blood banks. Once successful in
the implementation of the application, it can be applied and rolled out in several
blood banks. This application contains User Login Screen, Blood Management, Menu
Form, Blood Stock, Donor Management, Donor Registration, Blood Reservation, Donor
Blood Test, Recipient Management and Blood Reservation. In similar manner, the
researchers planned in their application to have hospital administrator, doctors, and blood
bank receptionists as users. The authors did not mention the research method they used, and
failed to provide screenshots of the system prototypes, making difficult for the researchers
to visualize their application. No discussion also for their respondents, samples
and sampling techniques used. Subsequently, I am planning to provide figures to
explain the system, screenshots of system prototypes, and other diagrams that can help other
researchers to visualize the development of web-based blood bank management system. In
addition, I will explicitly discuss its research methods, sampling procedures, and
statistical treatment to be used for analyzing the gathered data.

On the other hand, study entitled “Blood Bank Management System” done by (Kumar,
Singh, & Ragavi, 2017), the researchers developed a web-based blood management, which
assists the blood donor records management, and provides ease of control in the distribution of
blood products in various parts of the country considering demands of hospitals. The developed
system was scalable and adaptable to meet the complex needs usually of a blood bank. Based on
this study, since entering the details about the blood donors and related records were
done manually, thus, tracking of blood donation activities was difficult and complicated, and
even led to erroneous information. Subsequently, the researchers mentioned that manual-based
system can be waste of time, lead to the error-prone results, consumes a lot of manpower,
lacks data security, data retrieval requires a lot of time, reports consumes a long time to
produce, and there is less precise accuracy on the results. As such, by developing and
implementing a web-based blood management information system, there was a quick and timely
access to donor records, and the system provided management timely, confidential and
secured medical reports. There were three (3) users in the system, namely: Administrator,
Donor, and Acceptor. Each user has been given user ID and password to identify their identity.
The said application was developed using ASP.NET, C#.NET, and using SQLServer 2000/2005
for the database. The research paper failed to mention the methods of research used.
In this study, the researchers learnt the importance of implementing a web-based blood
bank management system in handling records for blood donors and blood donation
activities to ensure accurate and readily available information for blood transfusion
services. Indeed, the impact of using Information Technology on hospitals provides better
healthcare services for the public.

In the study entitled “Blood Bank Management System Using Rule-Based

Method” undertaken by (Liyana, 2017), it found out that it is important for every hospital
to use an information system to manage data in blood bank. In addition, it observed that
the manual system has disadvantages for the user and the hospital. One of the disadvantages
identified was the blood bank staff should enter the donor details in each time he/she donate
blood in which led to duplicate data of the donor and also the data may be lost or missing after
period of time. Thus, the author developed a web-based system to help the blood bank to record
the donor details fast and easy. The system used rule-based decisions to ensure to have a right
decision on right time.
In addition, system can send messages to donors if any particular blood type is needed.
She developed blood bank system based on incremental model. She had chosen this model
because the system can be developed through cycle of phase and because of the advantages of
this model such as:
I.Easy to understand to flow of the phases.
II.Changes possible in the middle of any phases.
III.The system can be developed even if there is an error in the middle and it can be
corrected in testing phase.
In this study, the developer failed to include in the system the function to check the availability of
blood bags, and to check the shelf life or expiration of blood bags or products. As such, this will
be included these in this proposed system to enhance safety for blood transfusion where a
hospital can add its hospital in the system and record the available blood bags and do
its management.

1. Introduction
This section presents the research methodology used in the study, the research design, and
the data collection process. This section also presents the theoretical or conceptual
framework of the study, the sampling plan, and tools to be used for data analysis.

2. Data collection methods

There are numbers of approach to data collection depending on the nature of the research being
conducted. In this project, the methods of data collection that will used include the
following: Interview, observation, World Wide Web, references to published and
unpublished collection. The data collected for this research can be broadly classified into two
types, namely: the primary and secondary data.
1. Primary Data
Primary data can be defined as data collected directly from respondent relevant to the subject
under investigation. The primary data used in this case is observation and interview
method, primary source data collections are source from firsthand information. The tools for
gathering the primary source of data collection include; interview, observation and
questionnaire etc. In collecting data for this project few persons will be interviewed to get
some insight about existing blood storage, request and donation and to know more about
blood donation program when and how they conducted.

2. Secondary Sources
These are source of data collection in which an already made data has been obtained i.e.
that information that is already in printed form. Sources of secondary data include
magazines, journals etc. in the case of this project, most of the data will be used will be gotten
from online blood donation journals and blogs, available online blood bank websites and
hospital platform especially those in Rwanda.
5.3. Development Methodology
The development methodologies are the various processes or methodologies that are being
selected for the development of the project depending on the project’s aims and goals.
The models specify the various stages of the process and the order in which they are carried out.
The methodology will be used for this project called blood Bank management information
system is the structured system analysis and design methodology (SSADM). Structured
system analysis and design methodology (SSADM) is a systems approach to the analysis
and design of information systems. This method develops better quality systems by
dividing application development project into modules, stages, steps, and provides a framework
for describing project in a fashion suited to manage the project. SSADM sets out
cascade view of systems development, in which there are a series of steps, each of
which leads to the next step and progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through
these steps.

1. System requirement
In implementing the system to ensure that the system performs effectively and efficiently
as required, all the program modules for all the specified functionalities has been
developed and efficiently coupled to produce a system to effectively locate and manage a
blood donor and a patient in times of emergencies. The minimum system requirements
ensued for the effective implementation of the functionalities of each module of the system
1. Hardware Requirements

i. A CPU of at least 1.60 GHZ processing speed.

ii. 1GB RAM and hard disk space of at least 250GB.
iii. High-resolution color monitor.
iv. RAM: At least 1GB of RAM
v. USB port enabled.
vi. Keyboard Type: PS2 or USB.
vii. Mouse Type: PS2 or USB.

2. Software Requirements

i. Operating system- Certified distribution of Windows, Linux, Macintosh etc.

ii. A web Browser such as Google chrome, Firefox, internet explorer etc.
iii. MySQL Database System or Maria Database System.
iv. WAMP Server, XAMP Server or online server that support apache and MySQL.
v. Text Editors (Bracket, Notepad++).

2. Choice and Justification of the Programming Language Used

The selected programing languages that will be used for development this system is
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). PHP is ease to use, Cross-Platform: speed, open
source and powerful library support.

3. Choice and Justification of the Development tool

In developing the system Blood bank management information system some development tools
will be used for effective, efficient and rapid development these tools are:
1. Photoshop

Photoshop is use in the making of the User Experience Design (UX design) template.
2. Pencil

Pencil is an open source tool for making diagrams and GUI sketch and prototyping that
everyone can use.
• Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for fasters and easier web development.

7. Budget estimate
The following is the estimated financial plan for which funding is required. This
includes all expenses that will be incurred and inclusive of the implementation cost. It
also includes all indirect costs that allow the project to bear a portion of the
administrative costs of the day-to- day operations.


Xampp or Wamp Software Free

Sublime Text Or Dreamweaver Free

Laptop/ Desktop I already have it

Data Collection 6,000

Flash Disk I already have it

Stationery And Printing 5,000

Miscellaneous Cost 4,000

TOTAL: 15,000

A Gant chart below shows the system time schedule to its successful completion. The
Gant chart will help in the development, implementation and testing of the system as it
will guide on when and how long the system development is supposed to take and this
Gantt chart shows the activities that will done within 6 months
ACTIVITY 18th 28th
22th Sep 10th Oct 20th Oct 12th 19th Feb
2021 2021 2021 Nov Dec 2022
2021 2021 Jan
1 Literature search

2 Requirements
analysis and
3 Logical Design

4 Physical Design

5 Coding

6 Testing

7 Documentation
and Presentation

9. Conclusion
In conclusion blood is recognized as the most important element that saves life. It has
saves countless number of lives across in various circumstances. in today’s world, where we can
do many things from home, by just pressing one click we can take advantage of that concept
by making online solution for locating of blood donors. The system helps to reduce the time
taking to locate a blood donor and reduces the gap between patient in needs of blood
and donor donating blood in a perfect and safe way with less effort. This web based system is a
contribution to the society. It can save lives by encouraging the public to donate blood, manage
records of donors and people who need blood.

10. References
1. Kumar, R., Singh, S., & Ragavi, V. A. (2017). Blood Bank Management System.
Retrieved from

2. Liyana, F. (2017). Blood Bank Management System Using Rule-Based Method.

Retrieved from

3. Teena, C. A., Sankar, K., & Kannan, S. (2014). A Study on Blood Bank Management.
Retrieved from

4. Who We Are: Our Divisions and Units: National Centre for Blood Transfusion. (n.d.).
Retrieved from RBC:


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