Segunda Guerra Mundial

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2nd World War

• Causes of the War
• Impact on Civilians
• Technological Advancements
• Legacy of the War
Cause of the War
• The Second World War lasted from 1939
to 1945 and it started because the
aggresion of Nazi Germany and the
expansionist policies of Japan.
• But all started because Adolf wanted to
invade Poland, so Britain and France
declare war on Germany.
Impact on Civilians
• The Second World War had a profound impact
on civilians around ALL the world. In Europe,
many cities were destroyed by bombing, and
millions were displaced or killed.
• Asia also suffered a lot because of two bombings
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States
resulted in the deaths of over 200,000 people.
• But it wasn’t all negative because
thanks of the Second World War
there were some Technological
• For example the development of
radar and sonar allowed for more
accurate detection of enemy planes
and submarines or also the jet
engines and rockets revolutionized
air warfare.
Legacy of the War
• The Second World War had a lasting impact
on the world
• The establishment of the United Nations in
1945 marked a new era of global
cooperation and diplomacy and the Cold
War between the United States and Soviet
Union defined much of the latter half of the
20th century.

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