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• The Cold War was a period of

geopolitical tension between the
United States and the Soviet Union
and their respective allies, the
Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc,
which began following World War II

Cold War

• The Cold War was an ongoing • It was waged mainly on

political rivalry between the political, economic, and
United States and the Soviet propaganda fronts and lasted
Union and their respective allies until 1991.
that developed after World War
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• The strategy of "containment" is

best known as a Cold War foreign
policy of the United States and its
allies to prevent the spread of
communism after the end of World
War II.

• Containment represented a • George F. Kennan, a career Foreign

middle-ground position between Service Officer, formulated the
detente (relaxation of relations) policy of “containment,” the basic
and rollback (actively replacing a United States strategy for fighting
regime). the cold war (1947–1989) with the
Soviet Union.

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• The Marshall Plan was a U.S.-sponsored

program that was implemented following the
end of World War II. It was intended to aid
European countries that had been destroyed as
a result of the war, and it was laid out by U.S.
Secretary of State George Marshall during an
address at Harvard University in 1947.

Marshall Plan

• It was enacted in 1948 and • The United States transferred

provided more than $15 billion over $13 billion in economic
to help finance rebuilding efforts recovery programs to Western
on the continent. European economies after the
end of World War II.

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• The North Atlantic Treaty

Organization, also called the North
Atlantic Alliance, is an
intergovernmental military alliance
between 28 European countries and
2 North American countries.


• The North Atlantic Treaty • The organization implements

Organization (NATO) is one of the the North Atlantic Treaty that
world's major international was signed on 4 April 1949.
institutions. It is a political and
military Alliance of 28 member
countries from Europe and North
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• The Warsaw Pact was established as a

balance of power or counterweight to
NATO. There was no direct military
confrontation between them;
instead, the conflict was fought on an
ideological basis and in proxy wars.

Warsaw Pact

• The Warsaw Pact provided for a • Was the Warsaw Pact communist?
unified military command and • The Soviet Union and its affiliated
the systematic ability to Communist nations in Eastern
strengthen the Soviet hold over Europe founded a rival alliance,
the other participating countries. the Warsaw Pact, in 1955.

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• The Berlin Wall was a guarded concrete

barrier that physically and ideologically
divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989.
Construction of the wall was
commenced by the German Democratic
Republic on 13 August 1961

Berlin Wall

• The official purpose of this Berlin • The Wall cut off West Berlin
Wall was to keep so-called Western from surrounding East
“fascists” from entering East Germany, including East Berlin.
Germany and undermining the
socialist state, but it primarily
served the objective of stemming
mass defections from East to West
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• Mutual assured destruction (MAD)

is a doctrine of military strategy and
national security policy in which a
full-scale use of nuclear weapons by
two or more opposing sides.


• mutual assured destruction, principle • Mutually Assured Destruction,

of deterrence founded on the notion or mutually assured deterrence
that a nuclear attack by one (MAD), is a military theory that
superpower would be met with an
overwhelming nuclear counterattack was developed to deter the use
such that both the attacker and the of nuclear weapons.
defender would be annihilated.
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• A proxy war is an armed conflict

between two states or non-state
actors which act on the
instigation or on behalf of other
parties that are not directly .

Proxy wars
Described on 397

• The Vietnam War was described as • States sometimes use less

a civil war within South Vietnam, powerful states as proxies but
although it became a proxy war more often use violent non-
between Cold War powers. As a state actors, mercenaries, and
result, the Vietnamese suffered the other third parties, such as
highest casualties in the conflict. during in a civil war.
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• The Great Leap Forward of the Click icon to add picture

People's Republic of China was an
economic and social campaign led
by the Chinese Communist Party
from 1958 to 1962.
Great Leap
• The Great Leap Forward was a • Chairman Mao Zedong launched
failure because of the following the campaign to reconstruct the
reasons: The Cultural Revolution country from an agrarian
was a failure because Mao's Red economy into a communist
Guards attackerd anyone society through the formation of
consdiered bourgeous. people's communes.

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• Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung is

a book of statements from speeches and
writings by Mao Zedong, the former
Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party,
published from 1964 to about 1976 and
widely distributed during the Cultural

Little Red Book


Based in Shanghai, this innovative • Xiaohongshu allows users to post

app helps over 100 million users - product reviews and share
mostly younger women - to shopping experiences. Earlier this
discover and review beauty and month, it was among apps ordered
health products that can be hard by Chinese regulators to rectify
to find in China. what they called an excessive
collection of personal information
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• The Cultural Revolution, formally

the Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution, was a sociopolitical
movement in China from 1966
until Mao Zedong's death in 1976.
• Cultural Revolutionnoun. any • Social revolutions are sudden
reform movement in which a changes in the structure and
national government aims to nature of society.
radically change its country's
political, social, economical and
cultural values.
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• The line was chosen by U.S. military

planners at the Potsdam Conference
(July 1945) near the end of World
War II as an army boundary, north
of which the U.S.S.R.

38th parallel

• 38th parallel, popular name • It was also important to Mao

given to latitude 38° N that in Zedong, who entered the war to
East Asia roughly demarcates devastating effect when the UN
North Korea and South Korea. forces ventured north of it

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• was a Vietnamese revolutionary

and politician. He served as Prime
Minister of North Vietnam from
1945 to 1955 and President from
1945 until his death in 1969.

Ho Chi Minh

• The details of Hồ Chí Minh's life • While working as the cook's helper
before he came to power in on a ship in 1912, Thành (Ho)
Vietnam are uncertain. He is known traveled to the United States. From
to have used between 50 and 200 1912 to 1913, he may have lived in
pseudonyms. Information on his New York City (Harlem) and Boston,
birth and early life is ambiguous where he claimed to have worked as
and subject to academic debate. a baker at the Parker House Hotel.
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• The domino theory was a Cold War

policy that suggested a communist
government in one nation would
quickly lead to communist takeovers
in neighboring states, each falling like
a perfectly aligned row of dominos.

Domino theory

• the theory that a political event • The domino theory was a Cold War
in one country will cause similar policy that suggested a communist
events in neighboring countries, government in one nation would
like a falling domino causing an quickly lead to communist
entire row of upended dominoes takeovers in neighboring states,
each falling like a perfectly aligned
to fall. row of dominos.
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• The movement originated in the Click icon to add picture

1950s as an effort by some
countries to avoid the polarized
world of the Cold War between the
pro-Soviet communist countries .


• Due to the complex history of • The "Three Worlds Theory" developed

evolving meanings and contexts, by Mao Zedong is different from the
there is no clear or agreed-upon Western theory of the Three Worlds or
definition of the Third World.[1] Third World. For example, in the
Western theory, China and India belong
Some countries in the respectively to the second and third
Communist Bloc, such as Cuba, were worlds, but in Mao's theory both China
often regarded as "Third World". and India.
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Darfur is a region of the western Sudan.

Dār is an Arabic word meaning "home [of]"
– the region was named Dardaju while
ruled by the Daju, who migrated from
Meroë c. 350 AD, and it was renamed
Dartunjur when the Tunjur ruled the area.


• Although violence is still occurring • Yet Darfur was not saved. There
in Darfur, it is at a low level and the has been no political agreement
region is increasingly stable. The to end the civil war between
UNAMID forces are exiting as there Darfuri rebel groups and
had been a reduction to the Sudan's government.
number of troops deployed in the
field in Darfur, Sudan.
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• The Suez Canal is an artificial sea-level

waterway in Egypt, connecting the
Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea
through the Isthmus of Suez and dividing
Africa and Asia. The canal is part of the
Silk Road that connects Europe with Asia.

Suez Canal

• In 1962, Egypt made its final • The Suez canal is a significant route
payments for the canal to the for energy, commodities, consumer
Suez Canal Company and took full goods and componentry from
control of the Suez Canal. Today Asia and the Middle East to Europe.
the canal is owned and operated The canal's location also makes it a
by the Suez Canal Authority. key regional hub for shipping oil
and other hydrocarbons.
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• Theocracy is a form of government in

which a deity of some type is
recognized as the supreme ruling
authority, giving divine guidance to
human intermediaries that manage the
day-to-day affairs of the government.


The word theocracy comes from

two Greek words literally
• Communism. Communism is a
meaning God-government, and
centralized form of government
meaning the government is run by
led by a single party that is
"The Church"
often authoritarian in its rule

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• The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting

Countries is an intergovernmental organization
or cartel of 13 countries. Founded on 14
September 1960 in Baghdad by the first five
members, it has since 1965 been
headquartered in Vienna, Austria, although
Austria is not an OPEC member state.


• OPEC's objective is to co- Nigeria had joined OPEC in 1971, to

ordinate and unify petroleum among other reasons, play a role in
policies among Member coordinating petroleum policies,
secure fair and stable oil prices, ensure
Countries, in order to secure fair efficient economic and regular supply
and stable prices for petroleum of petroleum to consuming nations and
producers ensure fair return on capital.

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• The Oslo Accords are a pair of

agreements between the
Government of Israel and the
Palestine Liberation Organization

Oslo Peace
The Oslo Accords created a The documents themselves were
Palestinian Authority tasked with signed by Mahmoud Abbas for the
limited self-governance of parts of PLO, foreign Minister Shimon Peres
the West Bank and Gaza Strip for Israel, U.S. Secretary of State
Warren Christopher for the United
States and foreign minister Andrei
Kozyrev for Russia.
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• A domesticated animal
descended from an ancient,
extinct wolf … the first species
domesticated by humans

• A shiba inu, an Anatolian • Dog is related to wolf, since the
shepherd, a Shitzhu both evolved from the same

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