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Research Methodology

Lecture 10: Surveys (Ch.8)

Prof. Dr. Raghda El Ebrashi

Associate Professor of Strategic Management
Head of the Management & Organization Department
Learning Objectives
 The process for selecting the appropriate and optimal communication approach.
 Factors affect participation in communication studies.
 Sources of error in communication studies and how to minimize them.
 Major advantages and disadvantages of the three communication approaches.
 Why an organization might outsource a communication study.

What are surveys?
And how are they different from interviews?

Please indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

True False

I am always willing to admit it when I make a mistake

I have never deliberately said something that hurts someone’s feelings

I have never been annoyed when people expressed ideas very different from
my own

There have been times when I was quite jealous of the good fortune of others

I am always polite, even to people who are disagreeable

“If social media is the temperature check, surveys are

Thoughts.. the taste test to validate that the meal is cooked

properly. A good survey enables you to:
(1) tune out the noise in the opinions and comments
that are directly applicable to your most pressing
questions, and
(2) validate trends and shifts in preference that you may
have suspected, but weren’t certain about.”

Reggie Aggarwal, CEO,

Data Collection
Selecting a Communication
Data Collection Approach
Survey as a Communication Approach

 The communication approach involves surveying or interviewing

people and recording their responses for analysis.
 A survey is a measurement process used to collect
information during a highly structures interview – sometimes
with a human interviewer and other times without.
 Derive comparable data across subsets of the chosen
sample so that similarities and differences can be found.

Communication Approach
Strengths Weaknesses
 Versatility  Error
(Adaptation)  Inaccessible
 Efficiency populations
(Cost saving)
 Geographic coverage
Sources of Error
 There are three sources of error that researchers Questions
should aim to control

Participant Interviewer
Sources of Error

Questions Participant

 Select or craft inappropriate  Participant cooperation.  Participation-based errors

questions.  Record answers accurately (willingness).
 Ask them in inappropriate or completely.  Response-based errors
order.  Interview procedures. (incomplete answers or
 Use inappropriate  Interview environment. wrong answers).
transitions and instructions  Influence behavior.
to illicit information.
 Physical presence bias.
What can motivate potential respondents to participate in a
And What factors can demotivate them?

Factors Influencing

Response Terms
Is a ratio of potential but unreached contacts to all

Noncontact rate potential contacts.

A contact may be unreachable due to no answer, busy
signal, answering machine or voice mail

Refers to the ratio of contacted participants who decline

Refusal rate the interview to all potential contacts.

Incidence rate Refers to the ratio of contacted people who actually

qualify for the survey to all contacts
Survey Techniques

Self- Survey via

Administered Personal
Survey Interview

Modes of Self-Administered Surveys


Disk-by-Mail Drop-off

Advantages of Self-Administered Surveys


Sample Accessibility

Time Constraints

Topic Coverage

Disadvantages of Self-Administered Study

 Low response rates in some  Skewed responses by

modes extremists
 No interviewer intervention  Participant anxiety possible
 Cannot be too long  Directions necessary
 Cannot be too complex  Need for low-distraction
 Requires accurate list environment
Options for Web-based Surveys

Fee-Based Surveying
Service Software
Example: Example: Inquisite and Snap


Advantages of Surveying Software
 Questionnaire design in word processing environment
 Question and scale libraries
 Automated publishing to the Web
 Real-time viewing of incoming data
 Rapid transmission of results
 Flexible analysis and reporting mechanisms
The Web as a Survey Research Venue

Advantages  Disadvantages
 Cost savings  Recruitment
 Short turnaround  Coverage
 Use of visual stimuli  Difficulty developing
 Access to participants probability samples
 Perception of anonymity  Technical skill
 Access to data and experiences  System compatibility issues
otherwise unavailable  Possible self-selection bias

Telephone Survey


CATI systems
(Computer assisted Telephone Interviewing)

(No human interviewer)

Disadvantages of the Telephone Survey
 Lower response rate
 Early termination
 Higher costs if geographically
dispersed sample
 Limited Interview length
 Inaccessible populations
 Limited complexity of scales
Survey via Personal Interviews

(Computer-assisted personal interviewing)

Evaluation of Personal Survey
Advantages Disadvantages
 Good cooperation rates  High costs
 Interviewer can probe and explain  Need for highly trained
 Visual aids possible interviewers
 Illiterate participants can be  Time consuming
reached  Labor-intensive
 Interviewer can prescreen  Interviewer bias possible
 CAPI possible

Improving Response Rates
Advance Notification


Monetary Incentives

Participation Deadlines

Promise of Anonymity

Appeal for Participation

Snapshot: Gamification in Research

 Gamification is the process of “using game thinking and game mechanics to engage
audiences and solve problems.”
 According to the Gartner Group, 50 percent of all innovation and 70% of all Global 2000 companies
will be gamifying processes by 2015.
 Many survey participants consider the survey process boring.
 “As our surveys become games, the people taking part aren’t quite respondents but they’re not
quite game players either.” They are called “playspondents”.
Snapshot: Gamification in Research
What is a good Response Rate in consumer research?

What is a good survey response rate in
Consumer Research?

 A good survey response rate ranges between 5% and


 An excellent response rate is 50% or higher.

 33% as the average response rate for all survey

channels, including in-person and digital
(SurveyAnyplace, 2018)

 >20% being a good survey response rate for NPS

surveys (Genroe, 2019) 31
Declining Phone Response 34
Snapshot: Voice Adds Depth

 Hybrid study uses automated phone study to

capture precise responses to open-ended

 Answers to open ended questions were 15%

longer over the automated study than on an
online study

“By eliminating the human

interviewer from the call, we
allow the caller to participate
whenever it suits them, rather
than when it suits us.”
Any questions?


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