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1C Design a workout

Lesson Objectives:
• To create a short exercise routine
• To describe the positive effects of
physical exercise
Tell the name of this workout

arm circles
run in place
toe touches
jumping jacks
WORKOUT: ​ A session of exercise
or practice to improve fitness
Design a workout: Class Survey
Let’s find out about the class’s exercise habit!
Name Favourite Time spent Reason for
form of exercising exercising
exercise each week
David plank 14 mins To strengthen
your ………..

Talk to people around you – At least 3!

Design a workout: Class Survey
Let’s reflect on the responses you got?

• How many people did you ask?

• What were the 2 most popular forms of exercise?

• What was the average time your classmates spent exercising each week?

• What were the 2 top reasons that people exercise?

Design a workout: Class Discussion
What are the benefits of exercise?
Exercise helps you:
• Stay healthy
• Improve your body movement
• Increase your flexibility and strength
• Control your weight
• Feel better about yourself
• Sleep better
Design a workout: Class Discussion
What are the benefits of exercise?
• improve your brain health
• help manage weight
• reduce the risk of disease
• strengthen bones and muscles
• improve your ability to do everyday activities
• Increase your chances of living longer
• help your brain health and memory
• help with relaxation and sleep quality
Design a workout: Student Activity Book page 8
Design a short workout that increases muscle strength. Use this outline to help

This work out is for: ___shoulders/ chest/ abdomen/ legs/ arms/ back________________
Repeat this workout: ____________________________ times a week.

Exercise name Repetitions Body

What is the exercise? Write How many times? Which part of the body does it
instructions or draw a picture strengthen?

If you have time, record your workout on your phone/ipad!

Design a workout: Student Activity Book page 8
Design a short workout that increases muscle strength. Use this outline to help

This work out is for: _____________________________

Repeat this workout: ____________________________ times a week.

Exercise name Repetitions Body

What is the exercise? Write How many times? Which part of the body does it
instructions or draw a picture To make sure I am safe, I need to: strengthen?
• ___________________
• ___________________
• ___________________
• ___________________
To make sure I am safe, I need to:

1. Take 5 to 10 minutes to warm up and cool down properly.

2. Listen to my body. Hold off on exercise when you're sick or feeling very
3. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes
4. Drink enough water to prevent dehydration
5. Rest/ Break
Design a workout: Student Activity Book page 8
Design a short workout that increases muscle strength. Use this outline to help

This work out is for: _____________________________

Repeat this workout: ____________________________ times a week.

Exercise name Repetitions Body

What is the exercise? Write How many times? Which part of the body does it
instructions or draw a picture strengthen?
Lesson Objectives:
• To create a short exercise routine
• To describe the positive effects of
physical exercise

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