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Hue Citadel is one of the
tourist attractions in

The Huong Pagoda is a vast
complex of Buddhist
temples and shrines.

They took refuge in the

There is an ancient
monument in my town.

There are many picturesque
villages in our country.

Every year, many pilgrims
travel to Huong Pagoda.

James received an award in
recognition of his
significant contribution.

Foreign tourists to Vietnam
really like traveling around
by rickshaws.

The sunset yesterday was
truly spectacular.

Pyramids are the tombs of
the Pharaoh.

There used to be a vast area
of forest in my countryside.

The view from our balcony
is breathtaking.

His performance was an
astounding success.

A majority of Vietnamese
people used to live in
thatched houses.

Thatched house
Nhà lá
It's exhausting commuting
from Brighton to London
every day.

Commute (v)
Đi đi về về giữa 2 nơi
The police evacuated the
village shortly before the

Evacuate (v)
Sơ tán
I can’t put up with his

Unprofessional (adj)
Không chuyên nghiệp
She is very professional. I
like to work with her.

Professional (adj)
chuyên nghiệp
Trenches were very popular
in Vietnam during wartime.

Trench (n)
Hầm chiến đấu.
Have you ever travelled by

Tram (n)
Tàu điện
My mother is very tolerant
of my mistakes.

Tolerant (adj)
Chịu đựng
The loom is very old

Loom (n)
khung cửi dệt vải
This cooker is very
convenient because it is

Versatile (adj)
đa năng, nhiều công dụng
You can see a row of
willows near the river.

willow (n)
cây liễu
I prefer sketching in
charcoal to pencil.

charcoal (n)
chì, chì than (để vẽ)
Commodity prices can be a
useful indicator of inflation,
he claimed.

indicator (n)
chỉ số
Knowledge of languages is
a real asset in this sort of

asset (n)
tài sản
The older children had gone
upstairs to play and she felt
left out.

be/ feel left out (adj)

cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi
The school is upgrading its
outdoor play facilities.

facility (n)
phương tiện, thiết bị
I passed your message on to
my mother.

pass on (ph.v)
truyền lại, kể lại
We passed a glorious
looking scene today, in a
big snow cavern.

cavern (n)
hang động lớn
We are studying about the
complex geological
structure of the region

geological (adj)
thuộc địa chất
The landscape is flat and
the geology is dominated by

limestone (n)
đá vôi
We have booked a first-
class compartment

compartment (n)
toa xe
He woke up to hear the
sound of bells clanging in
the distance.

clanging (adj)
Tiếng leng keng
It’s hard to find good
accommodation during
holiday season

accommodation (adj)
Chỗ ở
I hope to go on a cruise
around the world.

cruise (n)
Cuộc đi chơi biển
They will go on an
excursion to Hawaii.

excursion (n)
Chuyến đi ngắn
We are planning an
expedition to the Amazon

expedition (n)
Chuyến hành trình
Have you made up your
mind about future career?

make up one’s mind.

Quyết định
They narrowed down the
list to four contestants.

narrow down (v)

Cắt giảm xuống
My friend took me on a
sightseeing tour of the city.

sightseeing (n)
Sự ngắm cảnh
Jim has just come home
from a long safari.

safari (n)
Cuộc đi săn, hành trình
The plane had a smooth

Touch down (v)

Hạ cánh
We rarely hire a tour guider
when we go sightseeing.

tour guider (n)

Hướng dẫn viên du lịch
What’s our next

destination (n)
Điểm đến
This company charges an
affordable price for its new

affordable (adj)
Giá cả phải chăng
Mary has the accent of
Northern people.

accent (n)
Giọng điệu
My manager is bilingual in
English and Japan.

bilingual (adj)
Hai ngôn ngữ
Jill couldn’t understand if
you spoke dialect.

dialect (n)
Tiếng địa phương
She has a dominant role in
her team.

dominant (adj)
Chủ đạo, chi phối
I want to know about the
establishment of this

establishment (n)
Sự thành lập
We should train the body to
develop the flexibility.

flexibility (n)
Tính linh hoạt
Kids are likely to imitate
their parents.

Imitate (v)
Bắt chước
You raise your intonation at
the end of some questions.

Intonation (n)
Ngữ điệu
I often look up a word in a
paperback dictionary.

look up (v)
Tra cứu
Vietnamese is my mother

mother tongue (n)

Tiếng mẹ đẻ
American English and
Canadian English are two
varieties of English.

Variety (n)
Sự đa dạng
Most of students in my class
are fluent in English.

fluent (adj)
Trôi chảy
Only few animals can live
in high altitude

Altitude (n)
Độ cao so mới mặt biển
Do you think that Mars is

Habitable (adj)
Có thể sinh sống
My father is a member of
the fight crew

Crew (n)
Đoàn, đội
Jim reads book about
astronomy once in a blue

Once in a blue moon

Rất hiếm khi
The first rocket wa
launched in July 1950

Launch (v)
Phóng, mở, khởi đầu
Have you ever seen a

Meteorite (n)
Thiên thạch
They closed the store for

Maintenance (n)
Sự bảo trì
Last night my friends and I
were over the moon

Be over the moon

Rất vui
The national channel
broadcast the soccer match
via satellite.

Satellite (n)
Vệ tinh
I have experienced the
weightless condition

Weightless (adj)
Không trọng lượng
They attached the coupon to
the last page of magazine

Attach (v)
Gắn vào
My brother wants to study
astronomy on the future

Astronomy (n)
Thiên văn học
Neil Armstrong was the first
astronaut to walk on the

Astronaut (n)
Nhà du hành vũ trụ
This English course will be
advantageous to your future

advantageous (adj)
Có lợi
Mr. Smith rarely shares his
burdens to his wife

burden (n)
Gánh nặng
Weather is their sole topic
of speaking.

Sole (adj)
Duy nhất
More and more people want
to get a service-sector job.

sector (n)
Mảng, lĩnh vực
He is responsive to her

Phản ứng nhanh nhẹn
Have you got any hands-on
experience in working with

hands-on (adj)
Trực tiếp, thực hành
The teacher acts as a
facilitator in modern

facilitator (n)
Người điều phối
It is very difficult to
evaluate the success of your

evaluate (v)
Đánh giá
I'm perfectly content to
hang out with friends.

content (adj)
Hạnh phúc, hài lòng
She spent all her money,
and consequently she had to
borrow some.

consequently (adv)
Hậu quả là
Monday September 18th 2023
Unit 6 – Lesson 3
Advantageous to (adj) : có lợi cho
Burden (n) : gánh nặng
consequently (adv) : hậu quả là
Content (adj) : hạnh phúc, hài lòng
Evaluate (v) : đánh giá
Facilitator (n) : người điều phối
hands-on (adj) : trực tiếp, thực hành
Responsive (adj) : phản ứng nhanh nhẹn
Sector (n) : mảng, lĩnh vực
Sole (adj) : duy nhất
Although/ even though/ in spite of/ despite
Because/ because of
Although S + V + O, S1 + V1 + O1
= In spite of/ despite + N/ V-ing, S1 + V1 +O1
Because S + V + O, S1 + V1 + O1
=Because of + N/ V-ing, S1 + V1 + O1
1, Khi chủ ngữ S = S1,
In spite of/ despite / because of + V-ing
Although she gets up early, she goes to school late
In spite of / despite getting up early, she goes to school late
Because he is sick, he can’t go to work
Because of being sick, he can’t go to work
2, Khi S#S1
A, Although + S + is/am/are + adj, S1 + V1 +O1
= In spite of + the/his/her… + N (adj), S1 + V1 + O1
Because S + is/am/are + adj, S1 + V1 + O1
= Because of + the/his/her… + N (adj), S1 + V1 + O1
2, Khi S#S1
B, Although + there + is/are/ was/were + (an/a) + N, S1 + V1 + O1
= in spite of/ despite + the + N, S1 + V1 + O1
Because + there + is/are/ was/were + (an/a) + N, S1 + V1 + O1
= Because of + the + N, S1 + V1 + O1
Although there was an accident, she still drives to the city
In spite of the accident, she still drives to the city
Because there was a big tree, they couldn’t drive to the city
Because of the big tree, they couldn’t drive to the city
C, Although + (her/his..) + N + is/am/..+ adj, S1 + V1 + O1
=In spite of/ despite + the/ her/his + adj + N, S1 + V1 + O1
Because (her/his..) + N + is/am/..+ adj, S1 + V1 + O1
= Because of + the/ her/his + adj + N, S1 + V1 + O1
Although his leg was broken, he went to work
= Despite his broken leg, he went to work.
Because his arm is broken, he can’t write down
= because of his broken arm, he can’t write down.
Complete the sentences. Use “because” or “because of”
1. Liz borrowed some money __ because __ she wants to buy a car.
(because/ because of)
2. Jack travelled a lot _ because of _ his job. (because/ because of)
3. Manir and Alberto were late _ because of _ a flat tire. (because/ because
4. Kim studied for three hours _ because __ he had a big test. (because/
because of)
5. Aldie moved to the city __ because of __ her husband’s job. (because/
because of)
6. Tony couldn’t drive his car _ because of _ the broken window. (because/
because of)
7. Koka couldn’t sleep last night ___ because __ she had a headache.
(because/ because of)
1. Although I was late, I didn’t miss the bus
In spite of being late, I didn’t miss the bus.
2. Despite the rain, they went to the football match
Although it was rainy/ raining/ it rained, they went to the football match
3. Kate never learnt Spanish. She lived in Spain for years
Though Kate lived in Spain for years, she never learnt Spanish.
4. I got very wet in the rain. I had an umbrella
Although I had an umbrella, I got very wet in the rain
5. They have very little money. They are happy.
In spite of having very little money, they are happy
6. David smokes. He seems to be in good health
Although David smokes, he seems to be in good health.
Khoanh tròn vào phương án đúng
1. Everything is going well. We didn’t have/ haven’t had any problems so far
2. Margaret didn’t go/ hasn’t gone to work yesterday
3. Look! That man over there wears/ is wearing the same sweater as you
4. Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He grew/ has grown a lot
5. I still don’t know what to do I didn’t decided/ haven’t decided yet
6. I wonder why Jim is/ is being so nice to me today. He isn’t usually like that
7. Jane had a book open in front of her but she didn’t read/ wasn’t reading
8. I wasn’t very busy. I didn’t have / wasn’t having much to do
9. Mary wasn’t happy in her new job at first but she begins/ is beginning to enjoy it now
10. After leaving school, Tim found/ has found it very difficult to get a job
11. When Sue heard the news, she wasn’t / hasn’t been very pleased
12. This is a nice restaurant, isn’t it? Is this the first time you are/ you’ve been here?
13. I need a new job. I’m doing/ I’ve been doing the same job for too long
14. Ann has gone out- Oh, has she? What time did she go/ has she gone?
15. You look tired- Yes, I’ve played/ I’ve been playing basket ball
16. Where are you coming/ Do you come from? Are you American?
17. I’d like to see Tina again. It’s a long time since I saw her/ that I didn’t see her
18. Bob and Alice have been married since 20 years/ for 20 years
Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, điền đại từ quan hệ thích hợp vào chỗ trống Who/ whom/ whose/ where/ which
1. What’s the name of the man______________car you borrowed?
2. A cemetery is a place ______________people are buried?
3. A pacifist is a person______________ believes that all wars are wrong
4. An orphan is a child ______________parents are dead
5. The place______________ we spent our hoildays was really beautiful
6. This school is only for children______________ first language is not English
7. I don’t know the name of the woman to______________ I spoke on the phone
8. The man______________is wearing glasses is a pop singer
9. The window ______________was broken by the naughty boy will have to be repaired
10. Mrs Jackson, ______________ we met in the supermarket yesterday, is my music teacher
11. Rome is the city______________ he lived for ten years
12. That was the day on______________ I first met Ann
13, The girl, the brothers of ______________ study in our school, looks very nice
14. His new car ______________cost him a fortune, was really stunning
15. I met the old lady______________you were very kind to
16. That’s the book about______________ I’ve heard so much
Điền vào chỗ trống các đại từ và trạng từ quan hệ : who, whom, which, whose, where, when” sao cho thích
1. Can you give me back the money __________I lent you last month?
2. This is the restaurant __________we used to eat when he lived in Boston
3. Mark has sent me an email __________I haven’t replied yet.
4. Who’s the person__________ is sitting next to Nancy?
5. They complained about the wrong goods __________ were sent to them
6. This is Susan __________ husband works in the sales department
7. Candy is wearing a new dress __________ she bought in the summer sales
8. Monday is the day __________ bills have to be paid
9. The secretary showed me the filing cabinet __________ important documents are filed
10. Do you like the boy __________ Mary is talking to?
11. We enjoyed the party __________ Peter and Pam had to celebrate Christmas
12. Are you the person __________ applied for a job as a receptionist?
13. Is this this pub __________ you meet your friends?
14. You have to delete the sheet __________ is repeated
15. April is the month __________ we have Easter holiday in Spain.
16. The advice __________ Sam gave me was quite senseless
17. Have you bought the food __________ I asked you?
18. Pjone Mr Smith __________ you will have to talk to tomorrow
19. Let’s visit the park __________ we played after school
20. Celebrities receive lots of invitations __________ they don’t accept
21. Did you refuse the offer __________ the company made you?
Cho dạng đúng của độngt ừ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ
hoàn thành
1. She (feel)___________sick after she ( eat) ___________ a whole box of
2. After the doctor ( examine) ___________ the child he (have) ___________ a
talk with the mother
3. When I ( call) ___________ on my friend, he (go) ___________ out
4. Mary (finish) ___________ her homework when her father (come)
___________home from his ofice
5. I (throw) ___________ away the newspaper after I (read) ___________ it
6. After she (spend) ___________all her money she (ask) ___________ her
father to help her
7. The teacher (give) ___________ back the exercise books after he (corect)
8. The sun ( rise) ___________ when the farmer (start) ___________ work
Bài 4: Dựa vào những từ cho trước, viết câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. It / widely / believe / that / ghosts / really / exist.

2. It / rumor / last / year / that / group / of / gangster / destroy / part / of / the / building.

3. It / report / that / there / be / increase / in / number / of / tourists / last / year.

4. It / think / the winner / be / team / A/ but / it / turn / out / to be / team B.

5. It / claim / by / local / authorities / that / community house / build / next / year.

6. It / forecast / that / terrible / storm / come.

7. It / tell / Jim / take / gap / year / after / he / finish / high / school.

8. It / believe / national / heritages / need / preserve.

Viết lại câu với những từ cho sẵn.
1. When I was a child, I liked watching cartoons but now I no longer like them.
-> When I was a child, I used _______________________________________________________
2. My brother is very lazy. I can’t stand him anymore.
-> I wish my _________________________________________________________
3. I want to be a university students but I can’t.
-> I wish _______________________________________________________
4. When Jim was six, he dreamt of becoming a superhero but now he gives up on that dream.
-> When Jim was six, he used _______________________________________________________
5. Mr. Brown never allows her daughter to go to the party although she always want to.
-> Mr. Brown’s daughter wishes
6. My friend always regrets that he doesn’t live in the same neighborhood as me.
-> My friend wishes _______________________________________________________
7. “What did you use to do in your free time as a child?” Mary asked me.
-> Mary asked me what _______________________________________________________
8. I am frustrated because I am cleaning the mess Jim has made.
-> I wish I _______________________________________________________.

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