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Laporan Kasus Manifestasi

Crohn’s Disease di Rongga

drg. Fajar Januar Mirhard
drg. Muhammad Fuadi
drg. Rizqan Maulana
drg. Tiara Oktavia Saputri

Pembimbing: Dr. dr. Adeodatus Yuda Handaya


Refers to the spectrum of oral manifestations seen

Oral Cohrn’s Disease in Crohn‘s disease (CD) patients has been reported in
0.5–37% of cases.

A case of severe OCD, which developed in a psoriatic patient and was successfully
managed with the use of ustekinumab, is reported.

A 23-year-old Kuwaiti male presented to the Oral Medicine Clinic at the Dental Teaching
Clinics/Jordan University of Science and Technology/Irbid, complaining of persistent
painful diffuse oral ulceration of 3-month duration in the buccal mucosa bilaterally and
left upper vestibule opposite to molar teeth. He also had diffuse asymptomatic swelling
of his lower lip.

Refers to the spectrum of oral manifestations seen

Oral Cohrn’s Disease in Crohn‘s disease (CD) patients has been reported in
0.5–37% of cases.

A case of severe OCD, which developed in a psoriatic patient and was successfully
managed with the use of ustekinumab, is reported.

A 23-year-old Kuwaiti male presented to the Oral Medicine Clinic at the Dental Teaching
Clinics/Jordan University of Science and Technology/Irbid, complaining of persistent
painful diffuse oral ulceration of 3-month duration in the buccal mucosa bilaterally and
left upper vestibule opposite to molar teeth. He also had diffuse asymptomatic swelling
of his lower lip.

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