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Types of Text
Uses knowledge of text
Most Essential structure to glean the
information he/she
Learning needs
Determine the
Enabling structure of a specific
academic text
A. identify the type of text
structure used

B. use knowledge of text

Objectives structure to glean the needed
C. recognize the importance of
structure in writing academic
Learning Task 1

Match the informal vocabulary in the list

below with the more appropriate formal
options from the box.
Learning Task 1
Learning Task 1
What is text structure?
Text structure refers to how the information within a written
text is organized. This strategy helps you understand that a text
might present a main idea and details; a cause and then its
effects; and/or different views of a topic among others.
Knowing to recognize common text structures can help you
monitor your
A. 3 Part Essay Structure-
This is the basis of all formal writing.
1. Introduction- states the issue or topic, reason or
purpose, and structure or the manner in which the
writer wants the readers to get the information of the
A. 3 Part Essay Structure-
This is the basis of all formal writing.
2. Body Paragraph-elaboration or explanation of the
topic. It is in the body that comprehensive discussion
of the topic is done by citing evidences that support
the writer’s perspectives on the topic being discussed
through examples,
definitions, etc.
A. 3 Part Essay Structure-
This is the basis of all formal writing.
3. Conclusion-summary of the ideas presented in the
paper and explains briefly how these ideas are
connected to one another. This connection of ideas is
generally known as the general statement.
B. IMRad Text Strudture- This is commonly used
in writing scientific articles or reports

1. Introduction-states the status of a current

phenomenon. It includes what the author know and
what he/she wanted to know about It is also in the
introduction where the writer states his/her thesis
statement, hypothesis or
research question
B. IMRad Text Strudture- This is commonly used
in writing scientific articles or reports

2. Methods- explains the process on an author reach

the results of his/her study or
B. IMRad Text Strudture- This is commonly used
in writing scientific articles or reports

3. Results and Discussion-explains the findings of the

study or investigation. Here, the author can compare
the result of his/her work with other existing studies or
investigations and posts his/her recommendation/s
based on his/her findings.
Types of Text Structure
What are the different types of text structure?
There are five (5) text structures: these are description, cause and
effect, comparison and contrast, sequence or order, and problem –
solution. The table listed below shows their respective definition
and specific examples.
Learning Task 2
Read and evaluate the different texts presented below.
Write your observations in your notebook. Then,
identify the way these texts are written.
Text A
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious
disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Text B
Both COVID-19 and the flu are respiratory illnesses that spread from person to
person. The symptoms of the flu and COVID-19 have some differences. People who
have the flu will typically experience symptoms within 1–4 days. The symptoms for
COVID-19 can develop between 1–14 days. However, according to 2020 research,
the median incubation period for COVID-19 is 5.1 days. As a point of comparison,
the incubation period for a cold is 1–3
Text C
If a person goes out without a facemask and face
shield, he or she is vulnerable of getting exposed to
acquiring the virus.
Text D
These are the things that we must do to protect ourselves of
getting the virus: First, we should always wear a face mask and
face shield. Second, we should wash our hands. Third, we
should practice social distancing. And finally, we can always
stay at home to keep the virus from spreading.
Text E
The increase in the number of COVID 19 cases can be
prevented by implementing strict safety protocols, increase
number of testing in the area and intensive implementation of
contact tracing.
Learning Task 3: Answer the following questions
based on the texts given.
1. Which of the text:
a. Tells a description _________________________
b. Shows a sequence _________________________
c. Compares and contrast _________________________
d. Establishes cause and effect _________________________
e. Shows problem and solutions _________________________
Learning Task 3
2. What characteristics do each of the text have that makes them
different from each other?
Learning Task 4: Identify the type of text structures
presented below using the choices below.

Cause and Effect
Comparison and Contrast
Problem and Solution
Learning Task 4
________1. Follows a certain procedure.
________2. Show causal relationship in written discourse.
________3. Presents problems that may require answers.
________4. Gives the reader a mental picture of what the idea is
________5. Two or things are being used to highlight their similarities
and differences.
Direction: Identify the text structure of the following
passages. Underline signal words and clues that helped
you determine each structure.
_____________________1. Wild chimpanzees are rapidly disappearing.
Some people are trying to solve this problem. Otherwise, chimpanzees
may one day exist only in zoos. People are trying to save the rain forests
and woodlands where the chimps live from being cut down. It will take
many people working together to solve this problem.
_____________________2. Chimpanzees and humans are alike in many
ways. A baby chimp laughs when its mother tickles it. After chimpanzees
fight, they kiss and make up. When one chimpanzee comforts another, it
gives it a hug or pat on the back. There are, of course, many ways that
chimpanzees and humans are different. Chimpanzees are smaller and
stronger than humans. An adult male chimpanzee stands three or four feet
tall and weighs about 100 pounds. But a chimpanzee can lift more weight
than a man who is six feet tall.
_____________________3. Chimps live in groups and like each other a
lot, but sometimes they fight. Because they don’t want to stay angry at
each other after a fight, they make up by holding a hand out to the other
and kissing. They show they are sorry with pats and hugs. Then the anger
goes away.
_____________________4. A chimpanzee’s body is made for climbing
and swinging in the trees. First, it uses its long arms to reach a branch.
Next, with its flexible hands and feet, it grabs and hooks on to the branch.
Finally, it swings from that branch to another branch of tree.
_____________________5. It is fun to read about chimpanzees. All wild
chimpanzees live in Africa. They live mostly in thick rain forests and in
woodlands. There are two types, or species, of chimpanzees—the
common chimpanzee and the bonobo, also known as the pygmy
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