Every Little Hurricane

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“Every Little

By Sherman Alexie
1. Select 5 symbols from the story and explain what they
represent, ex: dove = peace

2. Theme of Hope: provide 3 examples from the story and briefly

discuss each one.

3. Using the bottom of p.3 as a starting point, write an example

about a person hurting or being hurt by a loved one (family/friend)
and then the person forgiving or being forgiven. *This does not
need to be a real situation.
. Discuss with your group how the person might feel before and
after the situation is resolved.
. Continual use of weather as metaphor

. overtones/connotation = subtle implications (opposite of denotation which is literal)

. HUD = Department of Housing and Urban Development

. theme of hate vs. love

Descriptive Writing: Childhood Memory

- recall something from your childhood: a favourite toy, a trip to

a new place, a best friend, your favourite past-time/hobby, a
special birthday, etc.

- focus on at least one of the 5 senses: sight, smell, taste,

touch, auditory (hearing)

- Include descriptive words (adjectives)

- -figures of speech used (similes, metaphors, personification,

• Things to Remember
• Opening sentence (topic mentioned)
• Focus on descriptive words
• Include poetic figures of speech
• 2-3 paragraphs
• You need a minimum of 2 editors

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