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Overview of the Federal Inspectors General Community

Presented To

The National Press Foundations Paul Miller Washington Reporting Fellowship Program
May 2, 2011 1

IG Mission
To promote economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity in the delivery of agency programs.

May 2, 2011

Appointment of Federal IGs

Appointment and Removal

President appoints IGs at cabinet-level departments and major agencies (35 IGs)

Senate confirmation required of presidentially appointed IGs. Presidentially appointed IGs can only be removed by the President.

Remaining 38 IGs are appointed and removed by their respective agency heads.

The Senate and House of Representatives must be notified 30 days in advance if an IG is to be removed.

May 2, 2011

Key IG Activities

AUDIT, INSPECT, and EVALUATE agency programs and activities INVESTIGATE allegations of wrongdoing REVIEW proposed legislation and regulations as to their likely effect on the economy and efficiency of the host department/agency INFORM agency head and Congress

Operate a HOTLINE to receive information

May 2, 2011

What Does This Mean

IGs provide Federal oversight to identify and recommend the elimination of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. IGs are a value added resource for the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal government.

May 2, 2011

What IGs Do Not Do

Operate Programs

Create or Amend Program Policy

Enforce Implementation of OIG Recommendations Suspension or Debarment Employment Decisions Regarding Agency Personnel

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Hallmarks of an Effective IG


Oversight Independence Objectivity


Identify Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Mismanagement Dual Reporting Requirement (Department/Agency Head and Congress) Be Transparent to the Media and Public

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Media & Public Interface

Hotlines IG Websites List Serves

Semi-Annual Reports to Congress

Freedom of Information Act

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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)

Established by Federal law:

The Inspector General Act of 1978

IG Act Amendments of 1988

IG Reform Act of 2008


May 2, 2011

CIGIE Mission

Address integrity, economy, and effectiveness issues that transcend individual Government agencies; and
Increase the professionalism and effectiveness of personnel by developing policies, standards, and approaches to aid in the establishment of a well-trained and highly skilled workforce in the offices of the Inspectors General.

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Membership and Construct of CIGIE

73 Federal Inspectors General (IGs) 6 Additional Members IG Staff Sizes Vary CIGIE Officers Integrity Committee and 6 Standing Committees

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Federal IG Community
Results in Brief for FY 2010
Inputs Over 12,600 Audit, Investigation, and Other Professionals At 73 Federal Offices of Inspector General Outputs 7,517 Audit, Inspection, and Evaluation Reports Issued 25,589 Closed Investigative Cases

457,344 Hotline Complaints Over $2.5 billion aggregate budget for Processed all OIGs. Outcomes

$80.2 Billion in Potential Savings from Audit Recommendations

$6.9 Billion in Investigative Recoveries 5,610 Indictments 5,593 Successful Prosecutions 973 Successful Civil Actions 5,114 Suspensions and Debarments
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May 2, 2011


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