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A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and

are all related to a single topic. Almost every piece of writing you do that
is longer than a few sentences should be organized into paragraphs
Topic sentence

• What is in a topic sentence?

• Every paragraph should include a topic sentence that identifies the

main idea of the paragraph. A topic sentence also states the point the
writer wishes to make about that subject. Generally, the topic sentence
appears at the beginning of the paragraph.

• Topic Sentence: It is important to be ready before buying a house.

• The topic is "buying a house“,
• and the controlling idea is “it is important to be ready.“
Can a topic sentence be at the end of a
• What is a topic sentence at the end of a paragraph?
• Sometimes the topic sentence occurs at the end of the paragraph.
When this is the case, the topic sentence provides the focus for the
sentences leading up to it. The paragraph is developed inductively;
that is, the evidence is given first, and then the conclusion derived
from this evidence is stated.
Explicit topic sentence
Explicit topic sentence
• What is an explicit topic?
• Explicit information is clearly stated, leaving nothing implied.
Implicit information/ explicit information
Supporting details

• Supporting details are reasons, examples, facts, steps, or other kinds of

evidence that explain the main idea. Major details explain and develop
the main idea. Minor details help make the major details clear.
• What is the meaning of supporting details?
• Supporting Details provide information to clarify, prove, or explain the
main idea. These details. demonstrate the validity of the main idea.
They often list parts, aspects, steps, or examples of the main idea.
Sample supporting detail
• Main idea: John is a really kind person even though he is a tough
basketball player. Supporting detail: My friend met John and he signed
her hat without her even asking. The supporting detail above is an
anecdote that helps to support the claim that John is a kind person.
Making your points effective by having
Examine this paragraph. Does it have unity?
• Ordinary Filipinos can easily promote our country to foreigners via social media by
supporting the Department of Tourism’s “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” campaign.
First they can share and like official publicity materials from the DOT’s Facebook page.
Each time a post is shared And liked, it becomes increasingly visible on Facebook and can
reach a wider audience. Next, they can tweet their experiences in various local tourist
destinations on Twitter using the hashtag #ItsMoreFunInPH. When many users tweet
using a specific hashtag, it becomes a trending topic and can be viewed by Twitter users
around the world. They can also tell stories to their foreign friends by talking to them
and volunteering to tour them around in our top tourist destinations, Finally, they can
share their own travel photos in Instagram. Because pictures can be worth a thousand
words, their pictures can reveal to foreigners the beauty of the travel destinations the
Philippines is blessed with. These, and so much more, are just examples how Filipinos
can participate in the DOT’s campaign through social media.
• What does with coherence mean?
• a. : systematic or logical connection or consistency. The essay as a
whole lacks coherence. b. : integration of diverse elements,
relationships, or values.3 days ago
• This means that the sentences are arranged in a logical manner,
making them easily understood by the readers.
• Your paragraph can become more coherent through the use of logical
order and signal devices
Logical order
• Chronological order -the details are arranged in the order which they
• Spatial Order- when the details are arranged according to
geographical location, such as left to right, up to down, etc.
• Emphatic order – when the information found in a paragraph is
arranges to emphasize certain points depending on the writer’s
Signal devices

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