Don, Hannah Mae - Reporter No.3

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Qu a l i t i e s o f

aM a n a g e r
A manager has to have adequate and outstanding
preparation. Besides other educational qualifications
they are required to have management education and
training. Education not only widens the intellectual
scope of executives but also helps to understand and
interpret things properly. Business environment
awareness is also essential to tackle the various problems
that the company can encounter.
Intellectual Quality
Managers should have a higher level of intelligence
relative to others, because they have more roles in
the organization than other men. Intelligence can
assist a manager in evaluating the organization's
present and future organizational possibilities. He
must be able to predict the things in advance and
take the necessary decisions in due course.
Leadership Ability
A manager has to be able to direct and motivate people
working within the business. He shall subordinate
himself to leadership. The subordinates' skills, abilities,
and potentials should be retained and properly used to
achieve organizational goals. If a manager has the
leadersgip qualities then for the good of the
organizationn he will inspire workers to improve their
performance and function to their full capacity.
A manager must develop organizational
competencies. As described in the preceding
issue, these skills consist of technical skills,
human skills and logical abilities. These
competencies must be gained by schooling,
training, practice etc. Such skills are
important for all executive levels.
Knowledge and
A manager should have technical knowledge
of the organization's job and other tasks. He
will be better placed to assess and direct if he
has knowledge of those things himself.
Mental Maturity
To deal with different circumstances a manager
should have mental maturity. He is supposed to be
polite, good listener and quick to respond to
situations. He has to take several uncomfortable
decisions that could have an adverse effect on the
job if not taken properly. When dealing with
subordinates he will remain calm. All of these
attributes come with maturity of mind.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis ultrices felis. Fusce
sapien nunc, posuere at mauris sed, sagittis luctus
erat. Integer sollicitudin pellentesque dolor ac
suscipit. Duis quis commodo mauris.
Positive Attitude
Positive attitude is to a manager's asset. A manager has to
deal with a lot of people from both inside and outside the
company. He should be sensitive and optimistic to
different suggestions and make rational choices. He
should not prejudge issues, and should not take sides. He
will try and develop good relationships with different
people dealing with him. He would consider their issues
and attempt to reach out a helping hand.
Every manager should have faith in himself. He has
to take a lot of decisions every day; he should
thoroughly evaluate things before making decisions.
If he makes decisions, then he should stick to them
and try to put them into practice. A manager lacking
aonfidence in himself will always be uncertain
about his decisions. This kind of mentality creates
more problems than just solving them
A manager has to make a decision not just for the present but
also for the future. The technology, consumer behavior,
financial set-up etc. marketing, consun are rapidly changing.
The economic policy shifts repercussion in the future. A
manager should foresee what will happen in the future and
plan the organization for the circumstances to face. The level
of foresight will help you make the right choices and face the
challenges to come in the right perspective. If the problems
aren't properly evaluated, then the organization can face
adverse situations.
The role of a manager is very critical The word management positions apply
within an organization. An to different managerial activity
organization's success will depend on categories. In his research, Henry
The role of a manager is very critical
the manager's ability in using the Mintzberg discovered that the prevalent
within an organization. An
resources to achieve organizational view that managers
organization's wer onwas were
success will depend
objectives. He is an integral leader in ability in using
the manager's
critical the
who evaluated
resources to achieve organizational
the organization's role of achieving information carefully
objectives. He is an integral leader in
goals and targets. Technology and the organization's before
systematically making decisions.
role of achieving
working methods are rapidly goals and targets.
Mintzberg found Technology and number of
that a large
working methods are rapidly changing
changing and therefore the manager diverse, unpatterned, and short-duration
and therefore the manager should be
should be professional enough to deal tasks
professional engaged
wereenough withby
to deal in thesemanagers.
with these changes. changes. was given little time because
Th a nk
yo u !
By: Hannah Mae Don

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