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Introduction to mass balance

Mass balance analysis

• The fundamental basis for the analysis of the physical, chemical and
biological unit processes used for wastewater treatment is the
materials mass balance principle, based on the principle that mass is
neither created nor destroyed, but the form of the mass can be
altered/oxidise (liquid to a gas). Q, Cnitrite, ammonia
nitrogen, nitrate and
Q Cnitrogen When nitrogen react with water what happen, because nitrogen gas
this nitrogen is either oxidised or reduced

• The mass balance analysis affords a convenient way of defining what

occurs within treatment reactors as a function of time.
Treatment process as a function of time


Retention time or mean residence time

• To illustrate the basic concepts involved in the preparation of a mass-balance
analysis, consider the reactor shown below.

Rate of
accumulation Rate of flow of reactant
Rate of flow of reactant Rate of generation of
of reactant out of the system
into the system boundary reactant within the
within the boundary system boundary
• = - +
System boundary

Q, Cnitrogen (inflow) Qi, Ci (outflow)

Control volume
The corresponding simplified word statement

accumulation = inflow - out-flow + generation
• The material’s mass balance is made up of the four terms presented in the
previous slide.
• Depending on the flow regime or treatment process, one or more of the terms
can be equal to zero.
• For example, in a sealed batch reactor, the second and third terms in the
analysis of separation processes discussed in the above, the fourth term, the
rate of generation, , will be equal to zero.
• In the above equation,, a positive sign is used for the rate of generation term
because the necessary sign for the operative process is part of the rate
expression ( = -kC for a decrease in the reactant or, = +kC for an increase in the
Preparation of mass balances
In preparing mass balances it is helpful if the following steps are followed
especially as the techniques involved are being mastered:
• Prepare a simplified schematic of flow diagram of the system or operation for
which the mass balance is to be prepared.
• Draw a system boundary to define the limits over which the mass balance is to
be applied. Proper selection of the system boundary is extremely important
because, in many situations, it may be possible to simplify the mass balance
• List all of the pertinent data and assumptions that will be used in the
preparation of the materials balance on the schematic of flow diagram
• Select a convenient basis on which the numerical calculations will be based.
Application of the mass-balance analysis
To illustrate the application of the mass balance analysis, consider the
complete-mix reactor as shown below:
• mixer

• inflow outflow

System boundary for mass Control volume boundary for

balance C mass balance
To apply a mass balance analysis to the liquid contents of the reactor
shown above, it will be assumed that:
• The volumetric flow-rate into and out of the control volume is constant
• The liquid within the control volume is not subject to evaporation
(constant volume);
• The liquid within the control volume is mixed completely;
• A chemical reaction involving a reactant A is occurring within the reactor
• The rate of change in the concentration of the reactant A that is occurring
within the control volume is governed by a first order reaction ( = -kC )
Using the above assumptions, the mass balance can be formulated as
• Simplified word statement

accumulation = inflow - outflow + generation
Symbolic representation from the above reactor
• Where = rate of change of reactant concentration within the control volume
• v= volume contained within control volume
• Q= volumetric flow-rate into and out of control volume
• = concentration of reactant entering the control volume
• C = concentration of reactant leaving the control volume
• = first order reaction (-kC)
• k= first order reaction coefficient
• Before attempting to solve any mass balance expression, a unit check should
always be made to assume that units of the individual quantities are
For example, if the following units are substituted in the above equation:
• V=,L
• = g/
• Q= s,L/s
• C = g/
• K= J/l
Steady state simplifications
• Fortunately, in most applications in the field of wastewater treatment,
the solution of mass balance equations, such as the one presented
above can be simplified by noting that the steady state concentration
is of concern.
• If it is assumed that only steady state effluent concentration is
desired, then the above equation can be simplified by noting that,
under steady state condition, the rate accumulation is zero ( = 0), then
the above equation can be written as:
• 0=
• When solve for derived from the above equation
• 0=

• =)

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