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Text Civil Engineering

Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management

environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rock

Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage sy

transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. Th

facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for i

use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently

space platforms to house self-contained communities.

在规划和设计空间平台来构建自给自足型社区。 2
The word civil derives from the Latin for citizen. In 1782,
Englishman John Smeaton used the term to differentiate
his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military
engineers who predominated at the time. Since then, the
term civil engineering has often been used to refer to
engineers who build public facilities, although the field is
much broader.
土木这个词来源于拉丁文,愿意是市民。 1782 年,英国人 John
Smeaton 用这个术语将非军事工程工作从在当时占绝大多数的军

cause it is so broad, civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. Depending on the type of project, the

il engineer specialists may be needed. When a project begins, the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate util

r, and power lines. Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project

study the project’s impact on the local area: the potential for air and groundwater( 地下水 ) pollution, the project’s impact on local

nd how the project can be designed to meet government requirements aimed at protecting the environment. Transportation sp

hat kind of facilities are needed to ease the burden on local roads and other transportation networks that will result from the co

同时 ), structural specialists use preliminary data to make detailed designs, plans, and specifications for the project. Supervising

g the work of these civil engineer specialists, from beginning to end of the project, are the construction management specialists.

supplies by the other specialists, construction management civil engineers estimate quantities and costs of materials and labor

materials and equipment for the job, hire contractors and subcontractors, and perform other supervisory work to ensure the pro

on time and as specified.


ut any given project, civil engineers make extensive use of computers. Computers are used to desig

various elements (computer-aided design, or CAD) and to manage it. Computers are necessity for th

eer because they permit the engineer to efficiently handle the large quantities of data needed in dete

to construct a project.

何一个给定的工程项目,土木工程师始终(将介词 throughout 转译成副词)都要充分利用

设计工程的各要素(计算机辅助设计 CAD )且用计算机来管理这个工程项目。对于现代土木

al engineering.
In this specialty, civil engineers plan and design structures of all types, including bridge, dam

upports for equipment, special structures for offshore projects, the United States space program, transmission towers,

ical and radio telescopes, and many other kinds of projects. Using computers, structural engineers determine the for

must resist: its own weight, wind and hurricane forces, temperature changes that expand or contract construction ma

kes. They also determine the combination of appropriate materials: steel, concrete, plastic, asphalt, brick, aluminum,

tion materials.




eers in this specialty deal with all aspects of the physical control of water. Their projects help prevent floods, supply

gation, manage and control rivers and water runoff ( 流量 ), and maintain beaches and other waterfront( 市中河,湖 )

ey design and maintain harbors, canals( 运河 ), and locks ( 水闸 ), build huge hydroelectric dams and smaller dams

ents (蓄水) of all kinds, help design offshore structures, and determine the location of structures affecting naviga



ivil engineers who specialize in this field analyze the properties of soils and rocks that support structures an

l behavior. They evaluate ( 估计,求…值,评价 ) and work to minimize the potential settlement ( 沉降 ) of b

ctures that stems from the pressure of their weight on the earth. These engineers also evaluate and determi

n the stability of slopes and fills and how to protect structures against earthquakes and the effects of gr



anch of engineering, civil engineers design, build and supervise systems to provide safe drinking water and to prevent an

of water supplies, both on the surface and underground. They also design, build, and supervise projects to control or eli

of the land and air. These engineers build water and wastewater treatment plants, and design air scrubbers ( 空气滤清器 )

to minimize or eliminate air pollution caused by industrial processes, incineration ( 烧成灰,焚化 ), or other smoke-producin

o work to control toxic and hazardous wastes through the construction of special dump sites or the neutralizing of toxic a

es. In addition, the engineers design and manage sanitary( 清洁的 ) landfills ( 垃圾埯埋法 ) to prevent pollution of surroundi




ion engineering.
Civil engineers working in this specialty build facilities to ensure safe and efficient movement

. They specialize in designing and maintaining all types of transportation facilities, highways and streets,

) systems, railroads and airfields, ports and harbors. Transportation engineers apply technological knowledge as

ion of the economic, political, and social factors in designing each project. They work closely with urban planners, si

e community is directly related to the quality of the transportation system.



In this branch of civil engineering, engineers build pipelines and related facilities which transport liquids, gases, or solids

slurries (泥浆) (mixed coal and water) and semiliquid wastes, to water, oil, and various types of highly combustible and noncombustib

determine ①pipeline design, ② the economic and environmental impact of a project on regions it must traverse, ③the type of material

rete, plastic, ④or combinations of various materials-installation techniques, ⑤methods for testing pipeline strength, and ⑥controls for

ssure and rate of flow of materials being transported. When hazardous materials are being carried, safety is a major consideration as wel




ineers determine pipeline design,

…impact of … on …,

个并列宾语 the type of …


methods for…

controls for…
eers in this field oversee the construction of a project from beginning to end. Sometimes called project engineers, they apply both t

al skills, including knowledge of construction methods, planning, organizing, financing, and operating construction projects. They coor

of virtually everyone engaged in the work: the surveyors; workers who lay out and construct the temporary roads and ramps, excavate

n, build the forms and pour the concrete; and workers who build the steel framework. These engineers also make regular ( 定期的 ) pr

ners of the structure ( 业主,建设者 ).



筑临时道路和停车坪,挖基础,倒混凝土的工人们;建筑钢框架的工人们。这些工程师们也定期向建设者 ( 业主
ty and urban planning.
Those engaged in this area of civil engineering may plan and develop community within a city, or

g involves far more than engineering consideration; environmental, social, and economic factors in the use and development of

e also key elements. These civil engineers coordinate planning of public works along with private development. They evaluate th

ded, including streets and highways, public transportation systems, airports, port facilities, water-supply and waste water-disp

ngs, parks, and recreational and other facilities to ensure social and economic as well as environmental well-being.




try, surveying, and mapping.
The civil engineers in this specialty precisely measure the Earth’s surface to obtain reliable inf

designing engineering projects. This practice often involves high-technology methods such as satellite and aerial surveying, and com

f photographic imagery. Radio signal from satellites, scans by laser and sonic beams, are converted to maps to provide far more accur

ts for boring tunnels, building highways and dams, plotting flood control and irrigation project, locating subsurface geologic formation

truction project, and a host of other building uses.




Two additional civil engineering specialties that are not entirely within the scope of civil engineering b

o the discipline are engineering management and engineering teaching.


tirely within the scope of… 不完全属于

tial to ……………… 对 ... 必不可少的

ing management.

Many civil engineers choose careers that eventually lead to management. Others are ab

anagement positions. The civil engineer-manager combines technical knowledge with an ability to organize and coordinat

rials, machinery, and money. These engineers may work in government—municipal, county, state, or federal; in the U.S. A

military or civilian management engineers; or in semiautonomous regional or city authorities or similar organizations. Th

ate engineering firms ranging in size from a few employees to hundreds.




ring teaching.
The civil engineer who chooses a teaching career usually teaches both graduate (

uate students (本科生) in technical specialties. Many teaching civil engineers engage in basic research th

leads to technical innovations in construction materials and methods. Many also serve as consultants on e

or on technical boards and commissions associated with major projects.



ve as consultants on B

B 当顾问
y, civil engineers……

in this specialty do …
who specialize in this field do …

f engineering, civil engineers do …

working in this specialty do …

in this field do …

this area of civil engineering may do …

eers choose careers that …

注: all of man’s efforts
Lesson 2 (Text) Building and Architecture
•Para 1

The purpose of a building is to provide a shelter for the performance of human activities. From the time of the c

first needs of man has been a shelter from the elements. In a more general sense, the art of building encompasses all of man's efforts

natural forces to his own needs. This art includes, in addition to buildings, all the civil engineering structures such as dams, canals, tu

= 尽人类的一切努力

Para 2

The scientific basis for the design of buildings as shelters and for the design of 'civil engineering struct

of the specialized requirements of our modern society that these two fields have developed along separate paths. In a similar

as a shelter is no longer an individual; instead, his work is done by a team of several specialists: the planner, the architect, th

building depends on the collective talents of this team.

注: master builder = 建造商,建筑工程队队长
concerned with …A… as …B…= 关于将 A 作为 B 的…
the collective talents of this team. = 团队的集体智慧和才干。
Para 3


The form of a building is an outgrowth (长出,派出,结果,副产品,产物) of its function, its enviro

such as……= 例如:……

apartment building, an office building, and a school differ in form because of the difference in the functions they fulfill. In an

living rooms and bedrooms, must have natural light from windows while bathrooms and kitchens can have artificial light an

注: apartment building( 美 ) =公寓大楼

This set of requirements places a natural limit on the depth of an apartment building. In office buildings, on the other hand,

illumination, and therefore the depth of such buildings is not limited by a need for natural light.

uniform illumination= 均匀照明
walls to seal out the city completely, and a country school may develop as an integral part of the lands
Environment may affect both the shape and appearance of a building. An urban

• Paragraph 5
Paragraph 4

Finally, the form of a building is affected by a variety of socioeconomic

factors, including land costs, tenancy, building budget, and zoning

restrictions. High land costs in urban areas result in high buildings, while low
land costs in the country result in low buildings.

Paragraph 5 ( continued )

A housing project for the rich will take a different form than a low-cost housing project.

seal out ... = 与…隔开,

注: blank walls= 间隔围墙,

generously (大方地) budgeted for than other office buildings. The bulk of a building and its outlin

these examples, buildings with similar functions take on different forms.

than… = 与…相比,
a low-cost housing project= 低廉造价的住宅项目
both…and… = 既…又,

Paragraph 6:
Architecture is the art of building. Virtually all architecture is concerned with the enclosure of space for h

any specific building—ranging from an assembly line in a factory to a living room in a home—should dictate the size and sha

must be arranged in some logical relation to each other. Furthermore, the movement of human beings within the building—“circ

用法)— requires halls, stairs, or elevators whose size is governed by the expected load of traffic. The plan of a structure, alwa

resolution of these different purposes into an organization of spaces that will fulfill the intent of the building. Good planning guid

impresses him, perhaps subconsciously (潜意识地) , by visibly (显然) relating the several units of the edifice (大厦,

inconvenience, waste, and visual confusion.



Paragraph 7.

Furthermore, a structure must be well built; it should have such permanence as the purpose for which it is intended dem

The raw materials of architecture—stone, brick, wood, steel, or glass—in part govern the forms of the building and are ex

compression, the force that squeezes together, almost indefinitely. While it is possible to crush stone in a laboratory, for

unlimited. On the other hand, stone is weak in withstanding tension, the force that pulls apart. Any beam spanning a void

supports, putting the lower half of the beam under tension. It follows from the tensile weakness of stone that beams of thi

supported at frequent intervals.



Paragraph 7. (continued)

Moreover, stone columns must be sturdy, rarely more than 10 times as high as they are wide. In stone buildings, window

almost compelled to be taller than they are wide—the vertical rectangle of the stone aesthetic (美学的) . Stone has b

Western world that forms appropriate to ( ) it have been preserved even in buildings constructed of wood as

lends, itself to the kind of construction in which walls support the floors and roof, to post (柱) and lintel (过梁) co

and to arch construction where the stresses are predominantly compressive.

此外,石柱必须坚固,石柱的高度很少大于其宽度的 10 倍。在


Paragraph 8.

Wood, a fibrous material, withstands tension as readily as it does compression. Wooden beams may be relatively longer than ston

spaced. A horizontal rectangle, wider than it is high, results from the natural properties of wood, as may be seen in Japanese architec

度) that is equal to or greater than its compressive strength (抗压强度) . Anyone who has observed a steel building under const

梁格结构 ) of horizontal rectangles produced by the slender, widely spaced columns and the long beams of each floor. The nature of

—a skeleton to support floors and roof—with whatever surfacing material may be necessary. Wood and steel also permit cantilever

beyond the last point of support.


Paragraph 9.

Finally, architecture must do more than meet the physical requirements of strength and space; it must also content the spirit

which the several parts contribute. Thus, the sides and rear of a structure should bear sufficient correspondence to the front to

internal divisions, too, require some expression in the external design. The nave ( ) , aisles ( ) , transepts
早期的教堂中殿 通道

chapels ( ) of Gothic cathedrals ( ) , for example, are all visible on the exterior, so that the visitor
辐射状小礼拜堂 哥特式的大教堂



Paragraph 10.

Architecture calls for good proportions—a pleasing relationship of voids to solids( 虚与实的关系 ), of h

breadth( 长与宽 ). Many attempts have been made to explain good proportions by mathematical formulas,

efforts have not found general acceptance, however, although good results have been achieved through

example, a module that is half the diameter of a column) throughout the design. Such repetitions help to

human mind seems to crave.




ilding also should have what architects call scale; that is, it should visually convey its true size. Such elemen

, steps, or balustrades( 栏杆,扶手,扶栏 ), though slightly variable in size, are, by their very purpose, related

imensions of human beings. They therefore become, almost imperceptibly ( ) , units of mea

ing ( ) the size of the whole edifice ( ) . Because these units are so small in comparison
测量,测定,计量 大厦

, other elements of intermediate size are needed. Stairs and a balustrade may give a clue to the size of a door

he height of a colonnade ( ) ; and finally, the colonnade to the whole structure. The Petit Triano

s( ) is perfect in scale. The absence of small elements in St. Peter‘s in Rome (

法国北部城市:凡尔赛 罗马的圣彼

es it difficult to perceive (认识到) its vastness.

ph 12. ( 请同学翻译 )

ugh all decoration (装饰品,装饰) is rejected in some modern architecture, it was employe

ther for its inherent (固有的,内在的) beauty or to emphasize some point of importance in t

g. Decoration or ornament (装饰物) may be used to contribute the character, the visible ex

urpose of the building. Thus a bank should look like a bank, and a church should be immedi

able (可以确认的) as such. Ideally (理想地) , too, any building should seem to belong on i

me relationship to its architectural neighbors and the local geography (地理学,地理) .

agraph 13.

( )

hrough the related (所讲述的) architectural forms shaped by their purpose, governed b

rials, proportioned and given scale and character by the designer, buildings become expr

eals (理想) and aspirations (渴望) of the generations (世世代代) that built them. Th

的) styles (风格) of historic architecture are incarnations (化身) of the spirit of their


Components of A Building

注: components ([ 建筑 ] )


aterials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the load-carrying frame (

, and partitions (隔墙) . The building also has mechanical and electrical systems, such as elevators, heating and cooling

ms. The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation is that part of a buildin



注: A and B are combined to make up C

=A 与 B 相结合构成 C 。
The skyscraper owes its existence to two developments of the 19th century : steel skeleton construction and the p

a construction material dates from the introduction of the Bessemer converter in 1855. Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) in

nstruction in France. His designs for the Galerie des Machines and the Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1889 expres

②dates from… 源于…

eel framework. The Eiffel Tower, 984 feet (300 meters) high, was the tallest structure built by man and was not surpa

a series of American skyscrapers.

摩天楼的存在归功于 19 世纪的两大发展:钢骨架结构和乘客电梯。钢材作为结构材料源于 1855 年的 Bassemer 转炉

23) 在法国提出了钢结构。他在 1889 年巴黎博览会上展示的钢塔和机器充分显示了钢构架的轻盈和灵活。 Eiffel 斜塔

③not…A…until…B…= 直到… B… 才… A…
经是由人类建筑的最高的建筑物,直到 40 年后才被美国的摩天楼系列所超过。
①Owes…A…to…B…= 将… A… 归功于… B…;
(宏大的导轨) (水压力)

楼 )in New York in 1857. In 1889, Eiffel installed the first elevators (第一套电梯组) on a grand scale in the Eiffel Tower, whose hydraulic elevators could transport 2,350 passengers to the summit every hour.

iffel 在 Eiffel 塔的宏大的导轨上安装了第一套电梯组,这种水压升降机每小时能将 2350 名乘客运送到塔项。

arrying Frame.
Until the late 19th century, the exterior walls of a building were used as bearing walls to s

ction is essentially a post and lintel type, and it is still used in frame construction for houses. Bearing-wall constructio

ildings because of the enormous wall thickness required; for instance, the 16-story Monadnock Building built in the 18

feet (1. 5meters) thick at the lower floors. In 1883, William Le Baron Jenney (1832-1907) supported floors on cast-iro

-like construction. Skeleton construction, consisting of steel beams and columns, was first used in 1889.


的高度,如:于 1880 年所建的 16 个传奇性的 Monadnock 建筑物其底层的墙就有 5 英呎( 1.5 米)厚。 1883 年,

(1832-1907) 将地板放在铸铁做的柱子之上形成一个象笼子似的结构。骨架结构,由钢梁和钢柱所组成,于 1889 年

enclosing walls become a “curtain wall” rather than serving a supporting function. Masonry (砖石建筑) was the curtain wall material until the 1930's, when light metal and glass curtain walls were used. After the introduction of the steel skeleton, the height of buildings continued to increase rapidly.

支撑作用。到了 1930 年代,使用轻金属和玻璃幕墙时,砖石成了帘墙材料。在使用钢骨架结构后,建筑物的高度连续快速地增加。

buildings were built with a skeleton of steel until World War II . After the war, the shortage of steel

quality of concrete led to tall buildings being built of reinforced concrete (钢筯混凝土) . Marina

Chicago is the tallest concrete building in the United States; its height—588 feet (179 meters)—is

oot (198-meter) Post Office Tower in London and by other towers.


。芝加哥的 Marina 塔( 1962 年)是美国当时最高的混凝土建筑物,它高 588 英呎( 179 米);后

ge in attitude about skyscraper construction has brought a return to the use of the bearing wall. In New York City, t

ing System Building, designed by Eero Saarinen in 1962, has a perimeter wall consisting of 5-foot (1. 5-meter) wi

paced 10 feet (3 meters) from column center to center. This perimeter wall, in effect, constitutes a bearing wall. O

is that stiffness against the action of wind can be economically obtained by using the walls of the building as a tub

ter buildings are another example of this tube approach. In contrast (相反) , rigid frames or vertical trusses are

o give lateral (侧异) stability.

楼的态度改变,让人们又回过头去使用承重墙。在纽约,由 Eero Saarinen 于 1962 年设计的哥伦比亚广播大楼,

呎( 1.5 米)宽的混凝土柱所组成,柱中心到中心 10 英呎( 3 米)。这道圆柱墙,实际上,构成了一道承重墙。


skin of a building consists of both transparent (透明的) elements (windows) and opaque (不透

(walls). Windows are traditionally glass, although plastics are being used, especially in schools w

creates a maintenance problem. The wall elements, which are used to cover the structure and are

built of a variety of materials: brick, precast (预制的) concrete, stone, opaque glass, plastics, ste

. Wood is used mainly in house construction; it is not generally used for commercial, industrial, or

because of the fire hazard.



onstruction of the floors in a building depends on the basic structural frame that is used. In steel skeleton construction, floors are either

) of concrete resting on steel beams or a deck consisting of corrugated (起波纹的) steel with a concrete topping. In concrete construct

slabs of concrete on concrete beams or a series of closely spaced concrete beams (ribs) in two directions topped with a thin concrete sla

e of a waffle on its underside. The kind of floor that is used depends on the span between supporting columns or walls and the function

ent building, for instance, where walls and columns are spaced at 12 to 18 feet (3. 7 to 5. 5 meters), the most popular construction is a soli

ams. The underside of the slab serves as the ceiling for the space below it. Corrugated steel decks are often used in office buildings beca

ns, when - enclosed by another sheet of metal, form ducts for telephone and electrical lines.



或墙间的跨距和空间的功能。例如,公寓楼中,墙和柱的间距在 12 - 18 英呎( 3.7-5.5 米),最流行的结构是无梁的实心混凝土平

cal and Electrical Systems.

building not only contains the space for which it is intended (office, classroom, apartment) but also contains ancillary( 辅助的,附属的 ) sp

and electrical systems that help to provide a comfortable environment. These ancillary spaces in a skyscraper office building may constitute

ding area. The importance of heating, ventilating (通风) , electrical, and plumbing systems (卫生设备系统) in an office building is sho

the construction budget is allocated to them. Because of the increased use of sealed (密封的) buildings with windows that cannot be open

) mechanical systems are provided for ventilation and air conditioning.

系统 现代建筑物不但包含其预期用途的空间(办公室,教室,公寓)而且也包含用于机械和电力系统的辅助空间,

境。在摩天办公楼中,这些辅助空间可能占到总建筑面积的 25% 。在一个办公楼当中,供热,通风,电力和卫生设备

配到这些设施上的建筑预算达 40% 。由于具有不能打开窗户的密封建筑物的增加,精心制作的机械系统提供来用于通

nd pipes (输送管道) carry fresh air from central fan rooms and air conditioning machinery. Th

suspended below the upper floor construction, conceals the ductwork ( 通风系统的通风管 )and c

nits. Electrical wiring for power and for telephone communication may also be located in this ceili

e buried in the floor construction in pipes or conduits (管道、导管,水道,水管) .



e have been attempts to incorporate the mechanical and electrical systems into the architecture of buildings

g them; for example, the American Republic Insurance Company Building (1965) in Des Moines, Iowa, expo

the floor structure in an organized and elegant pattern and dispenses with the suspended ceiling. This type

possible to reduce the cost of the building and permits innovations, such as in the span (跨度) of the struc


)位于美国衣阿华 IOWA 州得梅因市,将管道和地板结构暴露在经心组织的文雅图案之中,并

gs are supported on the ground, and therefore the nature of the soil becomes an extremely important consideration in the design of any building. The des

any soil factors, such as type of soil, soil stratification (层化) , thickness of soil layers and their compaction (致密性) , and groundwater (地下水

ingle composition (成份) ; they generally are mixtures in layers of varying thickness. For evaluation (评价) , soils are graded according to particle s

silt (淤泥) to clay (粘土) to sand to gravel (砂砾层) to rock. In general, the larger particle soils will support heavier loads than the smaller ones.

ads up to 100 tons per square foot (976. 5 metric tons/sq meter), but the softest silt can support a load of only 0. 25 ton per square foot (2. 44 metric tons




76.5 吨 / 每平方米) , 但是最软的淤泥能支撑的则只有 0.25 吨 / 每平方英呎( 2.44 吨 / 平方米)。

h the surface are in a state of compaction; that is, they are under a pressure that is equal to the weight of the soil column above it.

s and gravels) exhibit elastic properties—they deform when compressed under load and rebound when the load is removed. The el

endent, that is, deformations of the soil occur over a length of time which may vary from minutes to years after a load is imposed. O

g may settle if it imposes a load on the soil greater than the natural compaction weight of the soil. Conversely, a building may heave

oil smaller than the natural compaction weight. The soil may also flow under the weight of a building; that is, it tends to be squeezed




both the compaction and flow effects, buildings tend to settle (沉降) . Uneven settlements, exemplified by the leaning towers in Pi

maging effects—the building may lean, walls and partitions may crack, windows and doors may become inoperative, and, in the ext

e. Uniform settlements are not so serious, although extreme conditions, such as those in Mexico City, can have serious consequenc

rs, a change in the groundwater level there has caused some buildings to settle more than 10 feet (3 meters). Because such move

fter construction, careful analysis of the behavior of soils under a building is vital.

紧和流动的影响,建筑物趋于沉降。不均匀沉降,以意大利的 Pisa 斜塔和 Bologna 斜塔为例,可能有破坏性


,如墨西哥城发生过这种情况,但也可能产生严重的后果。过去 100 年后,地下水位的变化引起某些建筑物

3 米)。因为这种运动可能发生在建造期和建造后,所以认真分析建筑物之下的土壤特性是至关重要的。
he great variability of soils has led to a variety of solutions to the foundation problem. Where firm soil exists close to the su

ion is to rest columns on a small slab of concrete (spread footing 扩展底座 ). Where the soil is softer, it is necessary to spr

over a greater area; in this case, a continuous slab of concrete (raft or mat 茷形基础或坐垫 ) under the whole building is u

oil near the surface is unable to support the weight of the building, piles (桩) of wood, steel, or concrete are driven dow




Where…; where…;where… 排比句

onstruction of a building proceeds naturally from the foundation up to the superstructure. The design process, how

oof down to the foundation (in the direction of gravity). In the past, the foundation was not subject to systematic in

pproach to the design of foundations has been developed in the 20th century. Karl Terzaghi of the United States pi

t made it possible to make accurate predictions of the behavior of foundations, using the science of soil mechanic

led with (外加,加上) exploration and testing procedures (检验程序) . Foundation failures of the past, such

f the leaning tower in Pisa, have become almost nonexistent. Foundations still are a hidden but costly part of many


经过系统的调查研究。科学设计基础的方法是在 20 世纪发展起来的。 Karl Terzaghi[ 美 ] 应用土壤力学,外加勘察

研究,使得人们能够精确预报基础的特性 。过去基础失败,例如经典的 Pisa 斜塔,已经变得几乎不存在了。对于


Fazlur Rahman khan


Tall Buildings
Although there have been many advancements in building con

general, spectacular achievements have been made in the desi

ultrahigh-rise buildings.


The early development of high-rise buildings began with structural steel framing.

stressed-shin tube systems have since been economically and competitively used i

both residential and commercial purposes. The high-rise buildings ranging from 50 t

built all over the United States are the result of innovations and development of new s

建筑之中。遍及美国的从五十层楼到 110 层楼的高层

Greater height entails increased column and beam sizes to make buildings more rigid so that under wind

acceptable limit. Excessive lateral sway may cause serious recurring damage to partitions (隔离物) , ce

addition, excessive sway may cause discomfort to the occupants of the building because of their percepti

systems of reinforced concrete, as well as steel, take full advantage of the inherent potential stiffness o

require additional stiffening to limit the sway.


In a steel structure, for example, the economy can be defined in terms of the total average quantity

of the building. Curve A in Fig. 1 represents the average unit weight of a conventional frame with increasing

represents the average steel weight if the frame is protected from all lateral loads. The gap between the u

represents the premium (额外费用) for height for the traditional column-and-beam frame. Structural eng

systems with a view to eliminating this premium.


着层数增加时平均每个惯用的框架的重量。曲线 B 代表在框架
方英尺地板面积所用的钢材量来制定。图 1 中的曲线 A 表示随
Systems in steel. Tall buildings in steel developed as a result of (作为…的结果) several types of structural i

to the construction of both office and apartment buildings.

Frames with rigid belt trusses. In order to (为了) tie the exterior columns of a frame structure to the interi

trusses ( 钢性带式桁架 )at mid-height and at the top of the building may be used. A good example of this system

in Milwaukee.



Milwau-kee 市的建于 1974 年的 Wisconsin 州立银行大楼。

Framed tube. The maximum efficiency of the total structure of a tall building, for both strength and stiffne

achieved only if all column elements can be connected to each other in such a way that the entire building

rigid box in projecting out of the ground. This particular structural system was probably used for the first ti

concrete DeWitt Chestnut Apartment Building in Chicago. The most significant use of this system is in the

110-story World Trade Center building in New York.

特殊的结构体系第一次使用可能是在 Chicago43 层的钢筋混凝

是建于纽约的 110 层的世界贸易中心大楼,它采用的成对的钢


土结构的 DeWitt Chestnut 公寓大楼。这种结构的最重要的应用

Column-diagonal truss tube. The exterior columns of a building can be spaced reason

made to work together as a tube by connecting them with diagonal members intersecti

columns and beams. This simple yet extremely efficient system was used for the first tim

in Chicago, using as much steel as is normally needed for a traditional 40-story building.

Chicago 的 John Hancock 中心,所用钢材达传统的 40
Bundled tube.
With the continuing need for larger and taller buildings, the framed tube or the col

in a bundled form to create larger tube envelopes while maintaining high efficiency. The 110-story Sears

Chicago has nine tubes, bundled at the base of the building in three rows. Some of these individual tubes

building, demonstrating the unlimited architectural possibilities of this latest structural concept. The Sears

is the world's tallest building.

塔,高达 1450 英尺( 442m ),是世界上最高的建筑物。 62

结构。位于 Chicago 的 110 层的 Sears Roebuck 总部大楼就

这种近代建筑理念在建筑学上具有无比的应用前景。这座 Sears
Stressed-skin tube system. The tube structural system was developed for improving the resistance to lat

and the control of drift (lateral building movement) in high-rise building. The stressed-skin tube takes the

development of the stressed- skin tube utilizes the facade (正面) of the building as a structural elem

(与…共同作用) the framed tube (框筒) , thus providing an efficient way of resisting lateral loads in

cost-effective (节省成本) column-free (不设柱子) interior space with a high ratio of net to gross f

使用面积与建筑面积之比很高的室内空间。 63
步发展。薄壳筒 体的进步是利用(高层)建筑的正面(墙或


Because of the contribution of the stressed-skin facade, the framed members of the tube require less

expensive. All the typical columns and spandrel beams are standard rolled shapes, minimizing the us

The depth requirement for the perimeter spandrel beams is also reduced, and the need for upset bea

on (侵犯) valuable space, is minimized. The structural system has been used on the 54-story One



Pittsburgh (匹兹堡)的高达 54 层的 Mellon (梅隆)中心银行

Systems in concrete.
While tall buildings constructed of steel had an early start, development

progressed at a fast enough rate to provide a competitive challenge to structural steel systems for b

Framed tube.
As discussed above, the first framed tube concept for tall buildings was used for t

Apartment Building. In this building, exterior columns were spaced at 5. 5-ft (1. 68-m) centers, and i

needed to support the 8-in. -thick (20-cm) flat-plate concrete slabs


的间距是中对中 5.5 英尺 (1.68m) ,内层柱子用来支撑 8 英寸

43 层的 DeWitt Chestnut 公寓大楼。在这幢大楼中,外部柱子
Tube in tube. Another system in reinforced concrete for office buildings combines the traditional she

framed tube. The system consists of an outer framed tube of very closely spaced columns and an int

the central service area. The system (Fig. 2), known as the tube-in-tube system, made it possible to de

ft or 218 m) lightweight concrete building (the 52-story One Shell Plaza Building in Houston) for the

剪应力墙结构的 35 层楼的那么大。
structure of only 35 stories.
的世界上目前最高( 714 英尺或 218 米)轻量级混凝土建筑
墙内筒组成。该体系被称为筒中筒体系(图 2 ),用之设计

( 52 层的 Houston 贝壳型商业广场大楼),其单价只有传统

图 2 :筒中筒体系略图 67
Systems combining both concrete and steel have also been developed, an exam

system developed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill in which an exterior closely spaced

envelops an interior steel framing, thereby combining the advantages of both reinfo

steel systems. The 52-story One Shell Square Building in New Orleans is based on th

由 Skidmore, Owings 和 Merrill 共同提出的复合体系,在这个

52 层的新奥尔良 [ 法 ] ( New Orleans )贝壳广场大楼就是

Lesson 5


Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering is a branch of engin-eering that is concerned with pollution by the str

and processes that are involved in hu-man activities. The development of civilization has caus-ed p

the Earth‘s ecosystem, resulting in pollution of the air, land, and water. It is the task of the environ

design sys-tems to assuage( 缓和 ) this pollution but also to educate people in protecting their su

pollution. The practice of ( 有…习惯 )environmental engineering is divided into various subdiscipline

程度上扰乱了地球的生态系统 , 造成了空气 , 土地和水资源的污

所产生的污染问题的一个工程分支 . 人类文明的发展已经在很大

染 . 环境工程的任务既要设计缓和这种污染的系统 , 又要教育人们
环境工程是关于由于建筑 , 机械 , 系统和人类活动所涉及的过程中

保护其环境以免受污染 . 习惯上可以将环境工程分成若干个分支学
Water treatment and disposal. In many cases, rivers, lakes, and oceans have become poll

wastes from residential, commercial, and indus-trial sources. Many of these bodies of water h

of a movement in the 1970s to construct new wastewater treatment facilities and to improve o

and biological processes are used to remove the liquid from wastewater stream. It is this or

depletion ( 损耗 )of oxygen in rivers and lakes, with consequent anaerobic ( 缺氧性的 , 厌氧

kills and noxious odors.

成厌氧状态 , 导致水中鱼类死亡和产生有害的臭气 .
水净化处理 . 由于从居民地 , 商业地和工业地等污染源排放废

液 , 在许多情况下 , 江河湖海已经变成受污染状态 . 由于 1970

也可以用生物方法 . 因为这种有机物耗尽河水和湖水中的氧 , 造
体已经被再生使用 . 从废水流中除掉废液既可以用物理化学方法
年代建设新废水处理设施和改造旧废水处理设施的运动 , 许多水
The physical-chemical and biological processes remove an
abundance of the organic matter, along with floatable scum
( 浮渣 )and grease( 油脂 ) from the waste stream. Chemical
disinfection( 消毒 ) inactivates bacteria, viruses, and
proto-zoa( 原生物 ) in the waste stream. The physical and
chemi-cal processes used for removing solids from the
waste str-eam include screening (筛选) , sand and grit
separation, chemical coagulation (凝结) , and plain
sedimentation (沉淀) . Biological processes include
activated sludge (淤泥) , contact towers, and biological
用物理化学方法和生物方法从水流除掉富余的有机物 , 可漂流的
过滤,和生物花盘处理。 72
The application of these treatment processes to residential,
commercial, and industrial wastewaters has redu-ced the
pollutional load on many rivers, lakes, and har-bors. There do
remain, however, cases of large metropolitan( 大城市 ) areas
that have not complete their clean-up campaigns( 战役 ), and
in many other regions discharges of untreated mixtures of
sanitary ( 公共厕 所 ) wastes and stormwaters occur during
heavy ‘rains. These discharges emanate from( 发源于 ) large
conduits ( 管道 ) that carry both sanitary and storm wastes.

The impurities that run off the land during a storm mix with the
sanitary wastes in the pipes, and the quantity of wastewater overtaxes
the carrying capacity of the conduits; a portion of this mixture flows
into the nearest body of water before it can reach the wastewater
treatment facility. It is usually too expensive to construct a whole
new set of separate sanitary conduits; however, some cities, like
Chicago, have begun to solve the problem by constructing a system
of deep underground tunnels that store the large quantities of
discharges during the storm, following which the wastewaters can be
bled into the treatment facilities at reasonable rates.

在暴雨季节涌出地面的杂质与下水管中共公厕所废水相混合 , 废
水量就超过了管道的运送能力 ; 一部分混合物在它能抵达废水处
理厂之前就流进了最近的水体 . 新建一整套分离厕所废水的管道
系统代价太高通常不能实现 ; 可是某些城市 , 象芝加哥 , 已经着手
解决这个问题 , 其方法是建造一个深部地下遂道来储存暴雨期间
的大量排出量 , 然后这些废水可以以合理的速度进入污水处理厂 74
Where wastewater must be discharged into lakes and dry streams, a hi-
gher level of treatment must be employed, including removal of nutrie-
nts( 有营养的 ) and colloidal( 胶状的 ) matter. Physical-chemical and bio-
logical treatment processes are employed as for wastewater treatment. In
addition, chemicals are introduced for precipitation( 沉淀 ) of nutrie-
nts, followed by coagulation( 凝结物 ) and filtration for removing solids
remaining after biological treatment; and in some cases granular ( 粒状
的 ) activated carbon( 活性碳 ) or membrane( 隔膜 ) filtration is used
for additional purification of the waste stream. This higher level of
treatm-ent is advisable because of the damage that any visual traces of
wastes can do to the appearance of the waters. In addition, the treatment
may combat the potential eutrophic( 富营养的 ) effect that the nutrients
phosphorus( 磷 ) and nitrogen( 氮 ) can have on the receiving waters.
何处将废水排进湖和干溪 , 较高级的水处理方法 , 包括富营养物和胶状物的清
除 , 都要认真考虑 . 对于水处理 , 彩物理化学方法和生物方法 . 此外 , 用化学药品
来沉淀富营养物 , 紧接着进行凝结和过滤以除掉生物处理之后剩余的固体 ; 而在
某些情况下 , 还要用粒状活性碳或者隔膜过滤方法对废水流进行进一步提纯 . 因
为可见的废水能损害水质 , 所以采用较高级的处理方法是可取的 . 另外 , 水处理 75
还要对抗能在回收水中存在的有营养的磷和氮的潜在的富营养作用 .
Where wastewater discharges into rivers from which
drinking water is taken downstream( 下游 ), special
attention is given not only to the removal of organic
matter from the wastes but also to the disinfection
processes that inactivate microorganisms( 微生物 ). Also
of concern are discharges of organic chemical
contaminants from industry or runoff from farm lands
along the river contaminated by pesticides( 杀虫剂 ) and
herbicides( 除草剂 ).
从废水排入江河处的下游取用饮水时 , 不仅要特别注
意从废水中清除有机物 , 而且要注意进行纯化微生物
的消毒处理 . 也要关注从工厂排出的有机化学污染物 ,
还要关注 , 由杀虫剂和除草剂所污染的河流所灌溉的
农田流出的排出物。 76
The indirect reuse of wastewater that has been discharged into
rivers is common around the world, and it is acceptable as long as the
disch-arges are treated properly and contamination from organic
chemicals is avoided. Less acceptable is the direct reuse of wastewater
for porta-ble( 饮用 ) use, even after a high level of treatment. Of
most concern here is the possibility of outbreak of disease. However,
some nations, such as Israel, do practice, out of necessity, reuse by
storing wastewa-ters for long periods of time in maturation( 化脓 ,
成熟 ) ponds prior to chemical and physical treatment. It has become
quite common and
间接的重新利用已经排入河流中的废水在全世界都是普遍现象 ,
只要排放物得到了合适的处理面避免了有机化学物质的污染 , 这
种重新利用是可以接收的 . 不可接收的是直接将废水再用于饮用 ,
即使是经过高水平的处理之后 , 也不可以直接再用于饮用 . 这里
最关心的是爆发疾病的可能性 . 可是某些国家 , 象以色列 , 却这样
做了 ( 即直接再用了废水 ), 由于缺乏水 , 在进行化学物理处理之
前 , 先将废水在熟化池之中放很长一段时间 . 这样做已变得相当 77
普通而且可以接收 ,
acceptable, especially in drier climates, to reuse wastewater,
following a respectable level of treatment, for irrigation of crops and
for watering golf courses. In addition, certain communities such as
Naples, Florida, and Irvine, California, have constructed dual water
systems, using treated wastewater for outdoor residential and
commercial use and for fire fighting, while saving higher-quality
water for portable use. In other cases, large industries take waters
directly from rivers for the cooling of industrial processes.
尤其在干旱气候条件下 , 在经过值得信赖的高水平处理
之后 , 再用废水 , 可用于农作物的灌溉和高尔夫球场的
清洗 . 此外 , 一些社区如 : 佛罗里达州的那不勒斯市 ,
和加利福尼亚州的欧文市 , 已经建设了双水系统 , 将处
理后的废水用于住宅的户处用途 , 用于商业用途和消
防 , 而节约优质的饮用水 . 在其它例子中 , 大企业直接
从河流中取水用于工业过程的冷却 . 78
Wastewater solids treatment and disposal. The organic and
inorganic solids that are removed from wastewater by the physical-
chemical and biological processes must be dewatered( 脱水 ),
stabili-zed( 稳定 ) biologically or chemically, and then placed in a
controlled landfill, burned, or composted for return to the land. There
are some circumstances in which the solids do not have to be
dewatered but can be applied directly to the land, following
biological stabilization. There are also instances, such as in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the solids are processed into a
废水中固体处理 . 从废水中除去的有机或无机的固体必须脱
水 , 再经生物或化学稳定过程 , 然后作可控制的垃圾掩埋 , 或燃
烧 , 或制成复合肥料给土地施肥 . 有些情况下 , 这些固体没有经
过脱水而是在生物稳定之后直接用于土地施肥 . 又如 , 在威斯康
星州的密尔沃基市 , 这种固体被加工成肥料 .

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, including the
east coast of the United States, the waste solids are
neither reclaimed to the land nor burned as a source of
energy. They are barged or piped out to sea and then
dumped into the water. It is anticipated that this practice
will be discontinued, and incineration for energy
recovery along with composting for reuse on the land
will replace ocean dumping. Where the solids are
composted, heavy and toxic metals must be removed at
their source.
不幸地是 , 在世界上许多地方 , 包括美国东海岸 , 这种废固体
既没有回收到土地 , 也没有作为能源来燃烧 . 它们被用船或管
道运到大海上 , 然后倒入水中 . 期望这种做法将来会停止 , 作
为能源焚烧法和积肥料用于土地法将取代海洋倾倒法 . 在固
体积肥的地方 , 重毒金属必须在它们的来源地去掉 . 80
The processes employed for treating wastewater solids include dewa-
tering( 脱水 ) presses, belts( 皮带 ), and centrifuges( 离心分离机 ), as
well as fluid-bed furnaces( 流床熔炉 ). Another process that has
received considerable attention is in-vessel composting.
Refuse disposal( 垃圾处理 ). The indiscriminate dumping of trash
and garbage on land has caused serious pollution problems. Refuse disposal can
be controlled in-a well-designed and -operated landfill, and this can be a suitable
process for certain small communities. However, land for the disposal of refuse
for mid- and large- size communities is being seriously reduced, and composting
of refuse for reuse on the land may have limited application.
这些过程都要进行废水固体处理 , 包括脱水处理 , 皮带运送 , 离心
机分离 , 以及流床熔炉煅烧等过程 . 另一种方法已经引起高度重视 ,
那就是容器中制肥 .
垃圾处理 . 在地上不加选择地倾倒垃圾和废物已经引发了严重的
污染问题 . 垃圾处理能够在一种精心设计 , 精良操作的掩埋法完
成 , 在一定的小社区内 , 这是一种适当的处理方法 . 可是对于大中
型社区而言 , 用于垃圾处理的土地正在严重减少 , 垃圾堆制肥料再
施于土地的方法也因土地的减少而已经限制了其应用 . 81
The appropriate system for the majority of communities
appears to be incineration of the refuse, with recovery of
the energy from the burning of organic materials. The air
emission systems from these thermal reactors, as well as
from the furnaces that burn solids emanating from
wastewater plants, must be designed to prevent chemical
and particulate air pollution. These air emission systems
include electrostatic precipitators and afterburners.
对于大多数社区而言 , 适当的系统看来还是垃圾焚烧
法 , 从有机物的燃烧之中获得再生能量 . 来自于热反应
堆 , 以及来自于废水处理厂的燃烧固体的熔炉的空气
散发系统的设计中必须防止化学型和微粒型空气污染 .
室等 . 82
Hazardous waste disposal. Unfortunately, countrysides and
groundwaters have become cluttered and polluted by long-term
illegal dumping and washings from industrial and commercial
activities, as well as from public agencies. The removal of stored
containers of wastes from the dumping grounds is necessarily a
slow process, and an approved disposal site must be developed and
contained. The cleaning of contaminated soils and groundwaters is
an even slower process and the technology for decontamination
must be properly designed and put into place.

有害废物处理 . 不幸地是 , 乡村和地下水已经变得混乱且因长

受污染 . 从倾倒场除去储存废物的容器一定是个缓慢的过程 ,
而这还一定包括一个经核准的处理场的开发 . 净化受污染的土
壤和地下水恰好是一个缓慢的过程 , 而净化的技术设计必须恰
当地进行和投入使用 .
For example, waters contaminated with organic chemicals are
slowly pumped from the aquifer( 含水土层 ), and then the
contaminants are removed either by air-stripping or adsorption onto
granular activated carbon. The cleansed water is injected back into
the aquifer, and this process can take years to accomplish. This can
be inconvenient and, in some cases, a danger to health for
communities that must use these groundwaters for their potable
water supply.

例如 , 受有机化学物质污染的水将慢慢地从含水土层中抽上来 ,
然后 , 这些污染物既可以用空气脱模方法除去 , 也可以吸附到粒
状的活性碳上的方法除去 . 纯净水再注入回到含水土层 , 这个过
程可能要花数年才能完成 . 在某些情况下 , 这极为不便 , 但必须
这样 , 因为社区人必须把这些地下水用作饮用水 , 所以不这样做
变会有害于社区人的健康 .

Air-pollution control. To the environment has been added
smoke from diesel-driven trucks( 倒装句 ), uncontrolled
gasoline engine emissions, and pollution from industrial
smokestacks. In the United States, statistics published by the
Environmental Protection Agency in 1987 revealed that 2.
4×109lb(l. l×109kg) of toxic chemicals are released into the
air annually, while 100 million people live where other air
pollutants, chiefly from automobiles, exceed federal
空气污染控制 . 来自柴油机驱动卡车 , 无控制的汽油机排放以及
工业烟窗等的烟已经加入到了这处环境之中 . 在 1987 年 , 由美国
环境保护机构发表的统计数据表明 , 每年有 2. 4×109lb(l. l×109kg)
有害的化学物质被排放进了空气之中 , 而有一亿人住在了还有其
它空气污染的地方 , 这种污染主要来自于废气排量超过联邦标准
的汽车 . 85
Local smog in metropolitan areas, such as Los Angeles,
is caused by the activities of the respective communities.
Acid rain caused by the emissions of gases from the
industrial smokestacks of the midwestern United States
fails on the forests and lakes of the Northeast and
在大都市区域 , 如洛杉矶 , 上空的当地烟雾就是由各
个社区的行为所致 . 美国中西部的工业烟窗排放的气
体引起了酸雨 , 这给美国东北部和加拿大的湖泊和森
林造成了巨大损失 .

There have been attempts at cleaning up the air, but the action
toward solution has been limited. The technology is available (for
example, multiple-hearth and fluid-bed reactors along with
sophisticated air emissions technology) for removing the particulate
matter and the contaminating chemicals from the air emissions; but
the processes are expensive, and the progress is slow.
Potable management. The availability of drinking water that is safe
and of good quality is an important factor in modern civilization.
已经有了清洁空气的尝试 , 但这种解决方案一至受到了限制 . 从
( 例如 , 多层炉 , 流床反应堆和精心设计的空气排放等技术 ); 但
这种方法却非常昂贵 , 进展缓慢 .
饮料管理 .
使用安全而优质的饮用水是现代文明的一个重要标志 ( 因素 ).

Sources. Indirect use of wastewater by withdrawing drink-
ing water from rivers is a viable and economical way to
supply communities with potable water, especially those
located on waterfronts. The water must be disinfected( 消
毒 ) for the inactivation( 失活 , 钝化作用 ) of
microbiological pollutants, and physical and chemical
treatment must be provided for the removal of organic and
inorganic impurities.
水源 .
从河中抽取饮用水而间接地使用废水 , 尤其是在滨
水地区 , 是一种向社区供应饮用水的经济而可行的方
法 . 这种水必须经过消毒 , 必须让水中的微生物污染物
质失活 , 必须用物理化学方法除去其中的有机的和无机
的杂质 . 88
Other sources of drinking water are natural lakes and
impoundments of rivers. These are usually of better quality than
river waters, and they can be used for multiple purposes such as
water supply and hydroelectric power. Controlled recreational use
of sections of these lakes is not unusual.

其它饮用水源是天然湖水和用坝所围住的河水 . 这些通常比
河水具有更高水质 , 这些水可用作多种用途 , 如 : 供水系统和
水利电站 . 将这些湖的分段用于受控制的娱乐用途并不是不
平常的事情 .

Underground aquifers are a common source of drinking
water, and their quality is very high, except where
chemical contamination has occurred. In some parts of the
world, aquifers can be recharged with reclaimed surface
A serious problem in many parts of the world is the
shortage of pure drinking water during periods of low
rainfall and snow.
地下含水土层是一种常见的饮用水源 , 而且除了发生
过化学污染之外 , 其水质都非常高 . 在世界上的某些地
方 , 含水土层还会用回收的地表水回灌 .
重的问题是在低雨少雪季节缺乏纯净的饮用水 .
A major drought occurred on the eastern seaboard of the
United Sates in the spring of 1989. There appear to be
two reasons for water shortages during droughts: Many
drinking-water supply systems have not been planned to
deal adequately with droughts, and water is wasted
because of its relatively low price.

一次大干旱于 1989 年发生在美国的东海岸地区 . 在干

旱期间缺水的原因似乎有二 : 其一是许多饮用水供应
系统不能按计划充分用来抗旱 , 其二是由于平常其水
价相对较低而浪费用水 .

Quality. It is prudent to select the purest water available
for drinking purposes. This can be underground water,
springs, or upland lakes. It then becomes imperative to
protect that source. Prevention of chemical contamination
of groundwaters is extremely important, as is the judicious
control of the use of the banks of a surface water. Lakes
can be used for recreation as well as for a water source;
however, such mixed use requires good planning.
质量 . 要谨慎地选择最纯净的水作为饮用水。这可能是地下水,

The purification of water supply is just as important as
watershed planning and control. Where the quality of the
source is decent to start with, chemical disinfection,
coagulation, and filtration is adequate. If water is being
taken from a river supply that is muddy and subject to
organic pollution, additional treatment is required. Great
strides were made in the 1980s in the development of
water purification technology.
那就还要进行一些附加的处理。在 1980‘S ,水净化
Ozone has become the chemical disinfectant of choice
because it is the most potent disinfectant for bacteria,
viruses, and protozoa, and unlike chlorine, it does not
form carcinogenic by-products when there is organic
matter present in the water.

臭氧是一种上好的化学消毒剂 , 因为它对细菌 , 病毒
和原生动物都是最有效的消毒剂 . 而且与氯不同 , 当
水中存在有机物时 , 它不会形成致癌物 .

Economic in-line or direct filtration can be employed to
purify many upland supplies. Combined with ozone, this
process is adaptable to many unfiltered water supplies.
Granular activated carbon removes substances that form
tastes and odors from the waters, and it absorbs harmful
organic chemicals.

The final barrier to contamination of the water supply is
careful management of the water distribution system.
Chemicals can be added to the purified water to offset
corrosive conditions in the system, thus greatly reducing
the leaching of lead from the joints of plumbing systems;
and the water pipes can be lined with cement mortar and
kept flushed to prevent dirty water.

Other aspects. Environmental engineering can be
applied to the solution of regional problems. Ponds and
lakes that become eutrophic and have massive algae
blooms cannot be used for recreation, and the water, if
used for drinking, may be noxious.
其它方面 . 环境工程可以用来解决一些区域性问题。

These conditions can be prevented by trapping the runoff
of nutrients into the lakes and by aerating the lakes. The
indiscriminate, disposal of water into harbors and
consequent contamination of beaches can be prevented by
proper regulations and enforcement. Finally, better ways of
dealing with disposal of wastes on landscapes must be

Lesson 5


Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering is a branch of engin-eering that is concerned with pollution by the str

and processes that are involved in hu-man activities. The development of civilization has caus-ed p

the Earth‘s ecosystem, resulting in pollution of the air, land, and water. It is the task of the environm

design sys-tems to assuage( 缓和 ) this pollution but also to educate people in protecting their surr

pollution. The practice of ( 有…习惯 )environmental engineering is divided into various subdisciplin

程度上扰乱了地球的生态系统 , 造成了空气 , 土地和水资源的污

所产生的污染问题的一个工程分支 . 人类文明的发展已经在很大

染 . 环境工程的任务既要设计缓和这种污染的系统 , 又要教育人们
环境工程是关于由于建筑 , 机械 , 系统和人类活动所涉及的过程中

保护其环境以免受污染 . 习惯上可以将环境工程分成若干个分支学
Water treatment and disposal. In many cases, rivers, lakes, and oceans have become pol

wastes from residential, commercial, and indus-trial sources. Many of these bodies of water

because of a movement in the 1970s to construct new wastewater treatment facilities and to

physical-chemical and biological processes are used to remove from the liquid wastewater

matter that causes a depletion ( 损耗 )of oxygen in rivers and lakes, with consequent anaer

conditions leading to fish kills and noxious odors.

成厌氧状态 , 导致水中鱼类死亡和产生有害的臭气 .
水净化处理 . 由于从居民地 , 商业地和工业地等污染源排放废

液 , 在许多情况下 , 江河湖海已经变成受污染状态 . 由于 1970

也可以用生物方法 . 因为这种有机物耗尽河水和湖水中的氧 , 造
体已经被再生使用 . 从废水流中除掉废液既可以用物理化学方法
年代建设新废水处理设施和改造旧废水处理设施的运动 , 许多水
The physical-chemical and biological processes remove an
abundance of the organic matter, along with floatable scum
( 浮渣 )and grease( 油脂 ) from the waste stream. Chemical
disinfection( 消毒 ) inactivates bacteria, viruses, and
proto-zoa( 原生物 ) in the waste stream. The physical and
chemi-cal processes used for removing solids from the
waste str-eam include screening (筛选) , sand and grit
separation, chemical coagulation (凝结) , and plain
sedimentation (沉淀) . Biological processes include
activated sludge (淤泥) , contact towers, and biological
用物理化学方法和生物方法从水流除掉富余的有机物 , 可漂流的
过滤,和生物花盘处理。 102
The application of these treatment processes to reside-ntial,
commercial, and industrial wastewaters has redu-ced the
pollutional load on many rivers, lakes, and har-bors. There
do remain, however, cases of large metro-politan( 大城市 )
areas that have not complete their clean-up campaigns( 战
役 ), and in many other regions discharges of untreated
mixtures of sanitary ( 公共厕 所 ) wastes and stormwaters
occur during heavy ‘rains. These discharges emanate from
( 发源于 ) large con-duits( 管道 ) that carry both sanitary
and storm wastes.
废水源于大管道既运送公共厕所污水,也排放雨季涌水。 103
The impurities that run off the land during a storm mix with the
sanitary wastes in the pipes, and the quantity of wastewater overtaxes
the carrying capacity of the conduits; a portion of this mixture flows
into the nearest body of water before it can reach the wastewater
treatment facility. It is usually too expensive to construct a whole new
set of separate sanitary conduits; however, some cities, like Chicago,
have begun to solve the problem by constructing a system of deep
underground tunnels that store the large quantities of discharges
during the storm, following which the wastewaters can be bled into
the treatment facilities at reasonable rates.

在暴雨季节涌出地面的杂质与下水管中共公厕所废水相混合 , 废
水量就超过了管道的运送能力 ; 一部分混合物在它能抵达废水处
理厂之前就流进了最近的水体 . 新建一整套分离厕所废水的管道
系统代价太高通常不能实现 ; 可是某些城市 , 象芝加哥 , 已经着手
解决这个问题 , 其方法是建造一个深部地下遂道来储存暴雨期间
的大量排出量 , 然后这些废水可以以合理的速度进入污水处理厂 104
Where wastewater must be discharged into lakes and dry streams, a hi-
gher level of treatment must be employed, including removal of nutrie-
nts( 有营养的 ) and colloidal( 胶状的 ) matter. Physical-chemical and
bio-logical treatment processes are employed as for wastewater
treatment. In addition, chemicals are introduced for precipitation( 沉
淀 ) of nutrie-nts, followed by coagulation( 凝结物 ) and filtration for
removing solids remaining after biological treatment; and in some
cases granular ( 粒状的 ) activated carbon( 活性碳 ) or membrane( 隔
膜 ) filtration is used for additional purification of the waste stream.
This higher level of treatm-ent is advisable because of the damage that
any visual traces of wastes can do to the appearance of the waters. In
addition, the treatment may combat the potential eutrophic( 富营养的 )
effect that the nutrients phosphorus( 磷 ) and nitrogen( 氮 ) can have on
the receiving waters. , 较高级的水处理方法 , 包括富营养物和胶状物的清
除 , 都要认真考虑 . 对于水处理 , 彩物理化学方法和生物方法 . 此外 , 用化学药
品来沉淀富营养物 , 紧接着进行凝结和过滤以除掉生物处理之后剩余的固体 ; 而
在某些情况下 , 还要用粒状活性碳或者隔膜过滤方法对废水流进行进一步提纯 .
因为可见的废水能损害水质 , 所以采用较高级的处理方法是可取的 . 另外 , 105 水处
理还要对抗能在回收水中存在的有营养的磷和氮的潜在的富营养作用 .
Where wastewater discharges into rivers from which
drinking water is taken downstream( 下游 ), special
attention is given not only to the removal of organic
matter from the wastes but also to the disinfection
processes that inactivate microorganisms( 微生物 ). Also
of concern are discharges of organic chemical
contaminants from industry or runoff from farm lands
along the river contaminated by pesticides( 杀虫剂 ) and
herbicides( 除草剂 ).
从废水排入江河处的下游取用饮水时 , 不仅要特别注
意从废水中清除有机物 , 而且要注意进行纯化微生物
的消毒处理 . 也要关注从工厂排出的有机化学污染物 ,
还要关注 , 沿杀虫剂和除草剂所污染的河流所灌溉的
农田流出的排出物。 106
The indirect reuse of wastewater that has been discharged into
rivers is common around the world, and it is acceptable as long as the
disch-arges are treated properly and contamination from organic
chemicals is avoided. Less acceptable is the direct reuse of wastewater
for pota-ble( 饮用 ) use, even after a high level of treatment. Of most
concern here is the possibility of outbreak of disease. However, some
nations, such as Israel, do practice, out of necessity, reuse by storing
wastewa-ters for long periods of time in maturation( 化脓 , 成熟 )
ponds prior to chemical and physical treatment. It has become quite
common and
间接的重新利用已经排入河流中的废水在全世界都是普遍现象 ,
只要排放物得到了合适的处理面避免了有机化学物质的污染 , 这
种重新利用是可以接收的 . 不可接收的是直接将废水再用于饮用 ,
即使是经过高水平的处理之后 , 也不可以直接再用于饮用 . 这里
最关心的是爆发疾病的可能性 . 可是某些国家 , 象以色列 , 却这样
做了 ( 即直接再用了废水 ), 由于缺乏水 , 在进行化学物理处理之
前 , 先将废水在熟化池之中放很长一段时间 . 这样做已变得相当 107
普通而且可以接收 ,
acceptable, especially in drier climates, to reuse wastewater,
following a respectable level of treatment, for irrigation of crops and
for watering golf courses. In addition, certain communities such as
Naples, Florida, and Irvine, California, have constructed dual water
systems, using treated wastewater for outdoor residential and
commercial use and for fire fighting, while saving higher-quality
water for portable use. In other cases, large industries take waters
directly from rivers for the cooling of industrial processes.
尤其在干旱气候条件下 , 在经过值得信赖的高水平处理
之后 , 再用废水 , 可用于农作物的灌溉和高尔夫球场的
清洗 . 此外 , 一些社区如 : 佛罗里达州的那不勒斯市 ,
和加利福尼亚州的欧文市 , 已经建设了双水系统 , 将处
理后的废水用于住宅的户处用途 , 用于商业用途和消
防 , 而节约优质的饮用水 . 在其它例子中 , 大企业直接
从河流中取水用于工业过程的冷却 . 108
Wastewater solids treatment and disposal. The organic and
inorganic solids that are removed from wastewater by the physical-
chemical and biological processes must be dewatered( 脱水 ),
stabili-zed( 稳定 ) biologically or chemically, and then placed in a
controlled landfill, burned, or composted for return to the land. There
are some circumstances in which the solids do not have to be
dewatered but can be applied directly to the land, following
biological stabilization. There are also instances, such as in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the solids are processed into a
废水中固体处理 . 从废水中除去的有机或无机的固体必须脱
水 , 再经生物或化学稳定过程 , 然后作可控制的垃圾掩埋 , 或燃
烧 , 或制成复合肥料给土地施肥 . 有些情况下 , 这些固体没有经
过脱水而是在生物稳定之后直接用于土地施肥 . 又如 , 在威斯康
星州的密尔沃基市 , 这种固体被加工成肥料 .

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, including the
east coast of the United States, the waste solids are
neither reclaimed to the land nor burned as a source of
energy. They are barged or piped out to sea and then
dumped into the water. It is anticipated that this practice
will be discontinued, and incineration for energy
recovery along with composting for reuse on the land
will replace ocean dumping. Where the solids are
composted, heavy and toxic metals must be removed at
their source.
不幸地是 , 在世界上许多地方 , 包括美国东海岸 , 这种废固体
既没有回收到土地 , 也没有作为能源来燃烧 . 它们被用船或管
道运到大海上 , 然后倒入水中 . 期望这种做法将来会停止 , 作
为能源焚烧法和积肥料用于土地法将取代海洋倾倒法 . 在固
体积肥的地方 , 重毒金属必须在它们的来源地去掉 . 110
The processes employed for treating wastewater solids include dewa-
tering( 脱水 ) presses, belts( 皮带 ), and centrifuges( 离心分离机 ), as
well as fluid-bed furnaces( 流床熔炉 ). Another process that has
received considerable attention is in-vessel composting.
Refuse disposal( 垃圾处理 ). The indiscriminate dumping of trash
and garbage on land has caused serious pollution problems. Refuse disposal can
be controlled in-a well-designed and -operated landfill, and this can be a suitable
process for certain small communities. However, land for the disposal of refuse
for mid- and large- size communities is being seriously reduced, and composting
of refuse for reuse on the land may have limited application.
这些过程都要进行废水固体处理 , 包括脱水处理 , 皮带运送 , 离心
机分离 , 以及流床熔炉煅烧等过程 . 另一种方法已经引起高度重视 ,
那就是容器中制肥 .
垃圾处理 . 在地上不加选择地倾倒垃圾和废物已经引发了严重的
污染问题 . 垃圾处理能够在一种精心设计 , 精良操作的掩埋法完
成 , 在一定的小社区内 , 这是一种适当的处理方法 . 可是对于大中
型社区而言 , 用于垃圾处理的土地正在严重减少 , 垃圾堆制肥料再
施于土地的方法也因土地的减少而已经限制了其应用 . 111
The appropriate system for the majority of communities
appears to be incineration of the refuse, with recovery of
the energy from the burning of organic materials. The air
emission systems from these thermal reactors, as well as
from the furnaces that burn solids emanating from
wastewater plants, must be designed to prevent chemical
and particulate air pollution. These air emission systems
include electrostatic precipitators and afterburners.
对于大多数社区而言 , 适当的系统看来还是垃圾焚烧
法 , 从有机物的燃烧之中获得再生能量 . 来自于热反应
堆 , 以及来自于废水处理厂的燃烧固体的熔炉的空气
散发系统的设计中必须防止化学型和微粒型空气污染 .
室等 . 112
Hazardous waste disposal. Unfortunately, countrysides and
groundwaters have become cluttered and polluted by long-term
illegal dumping and washings from industrial and commercial
activities, as well as from public agencies. The removal of stored
containers of wastes from the dumping grounds is necessarily a
slow process, and an approved disposal site must be developed and
contained. The cleaning of contaminated soils and groundwaters is
an even slower process and the technology for decontamination
must be properly designed and put into place.

有害废物处理 . 不幸地是 , 乡村和地下水已经变得混乱且因长

受污染 . 从倾倒场除去储存废物的容器一定是个缓慢的过程 ,
而这还一定包括一个经核准的处理场的开发 . 净化受污染的土
壤和地下水恰好是一个缓慢的过程 , 而净化的技术设计必须恰
当地进行和投入使用 .
For example, waters contaminated with organic chemicals are
slowly pumped from the aquifer( 含水土层 ), and then the
contaminants are removed either by air-stripping or adsorption onto
granular activated carbon. The cleansed water is injected back into
the aquifer, and this process can take years to accomplish. This can
be inconvenient and, in some cases, a danger to health for
communities that must use these groundwaters for their potable
water supply.

例如 , 受有机化学物质污染的水将慢慢地从含水土层中抽上来 ,
然后 , 这些污染物既可以用空气脱模方法除去 , 也可以吸附到粒
状的活性碳上的方法除去 . 纯净水再注入回到含水土层 , 这个过
程可能要花数年才能完成 . 在某些情况下 , 这极为不便 , 但必须
这样 , 因为社区人必须把这些地下水用作饮用水 , 所以不这样做
变会有害于社区人的健康 .

Air-pollution control. To the environment has been added
smoke from diesel-driven trucks( 倒装句 ), uncontrolled
gasoline engine emissions, and pollution from industrial
smokestacks. In the United States, statistics published by the
Environmental Protection Agency in 1987 revealed that 2.
4×109lb(l. l×109kg) of toxic chemicals are released into the
air annually, while 100 million people live where other air
pollutants, chiefly from automobiles, exceed federal
空气污染控制 . 来自柴油机驱动卡车 , 无控制的汽油机排放以及
工业烟窗等的烟已经加入到了这处环境之中 . 在 1987 年 , 由美国
环境保护机构发表的统计数据表明 , 每年有 2. 4×109lb(l. l×109kg)
有害的化学物质被排放进了空气之中 , 而有一亿人住在了还有其
它空气污染的地方 , 这种污染主要来自于废气排量超过联邦标准
的汽车 . 115
Local smog in metropolitan areas, such as Los Angeles,
is caused by the activities of the respective communities.
Acid rain caused by the emissions of gases from the
industrial smokestacks of the midwestern United States
fails on the forests and lakes of the Northeast and
在大都市区域 , 如洛杉矶 , 上空的当地烟雾就是由各
个社区的行为所致 . 美国中西部的工业烟窗排放的气
体引起了酸雨 , 这给美国东北部和加拿大的湖泊和森
林造成了巨大损失 .

There have been attempts at cleaning up the air, but the action
toward solution has been limited. The technology is available (for
example, multiple-hearth and fluid-bed reactors along with
sophisticated air emissions technology) for removing the particulate
matter and the contaminating chemicals from the air emissions; but
the processes are expensive, and the progress is slow.
Potable management. The availability of drinking water that is safe
and of good quality is an important factor in modern civilization.
已经有了清洁空气的尝试 , 但这种解决方案一至受到了限制 . 从
( 例如 , 多层炉 , 流床反应堆和精心设计的空气排放等技术 ); 但
这种方法却非常昂贵 , 进展缓慢 .
饮料管理 .
使用安全而优质的饮用水是现代文明的一个重要标志 ( 因素 ).

Sources. Indirect use of wastewater by withdrawing drink-
ing water from rivers is a viable and economical way to
supply communities with potable water, especially those
located on waterfronts. The water must be disinfected( 消
毒 ) for the inactivation( 失活 , 钝化作用 ) of
microbiological pollutants, and physical and chemical
treatment must be provided for the removal of organic and
inorganic impurities.
水源 .
从河中抽取饮用水而间接地使用废水 , 尤其是在滨
水地区 , 是一种向社区供应饮用水的经济而可行的方
法 . 这种水必须经过消毒 , 必须让水中的微生物污染物
质失活 , 必须用物理化学方法除去其中的有机的和无机
的杂质 . 118
Other sources of drinking water are natural lakes and
impoundments of rivers. These are usually of better quality than
river waters, and they can be used for multiple purposes such as
water supply and hydroelectric power. Controlled recreational use
of sections of these lakes is not unusual.

其它饮用水源是天然湖水和用坝所围住的河水 . 这些通常比
河水具有更高水质 , 这些水可用作多种用途 , 如 : 供水系统和
水利电站 . 将这些湖的分段用于受控制的娱乐用途并不是不
平常的事情 .

Underground aquifers are a common source of drinking
water, and their quality is very high, except where
chemical contamination has occurred. In some parts of the
world, aquifers can be recharged with reclaimed surface
A serious problem in many parts of the world is the
shortage of pure drinking water during periods of low
rainfall and snow.
地下含水土层是一种常见的饮用水源 , 而且除了发生
过化学污染之外 , 其水质都非常高 . 在世界上的某些地
方 , 含水土层还会用回收的地表水回灌 .
重的问题是在低雨少雪季节缺乏纯净的饮用水 .
A major drought occurred on the eastern seaboard of the
United Sates in the spring of 1989. There appear to be
two reasons for water shortages during droughts: Many
drinking-water supply systems have not been planned to
deal adequately with droughts, and water is wasted
because of its relatively low price.

一次大干旱于 1989 年发生在美国的东海岸地区 . 在干

旱期间缺水的原因似乎有二 : 其一是许多饮用水供应
系统不能按计划充分用来抗旱 , 其二是由于平常其水
价相对较低而浪费用水 .

Quality. It is prudent to select the purest water available
for drinking purposes. This can be underground water,
springs, or upland lakes. It then becomes imperative to
protect that source. Prevention of chemical contamination
of groundwaters is extremely important, as is the judicious
control of the use of the banks of a surface water. Lakes
can be used for recreation as well as for a water source;
however, such mixed use requires good planning.
质量 . 要谨慎地选择最纯净的水作为饮用水。这可能是地下水,

The purification of water supply is just as important as
watershed planning and control. Where the quality of the
source is decent to start with, chemical disinfection,
coagulation, and filtration is adequate. If water is being
taken from a river supply that is muddy and subject to
organic pollution, additional treatment is required. Great
strides were made in the 1980s in the development of
water purification technology.
那就还要进行一些附加的处理。在 1980‘S ,水净化
Ozone has become the chemical disinfectant of choice
because it is the most potent disinfectant for bacteria,
viruses, and protozoa, and unlike chlorine, it does not
form carcinogenic by-products when there is organic
matter present in the water.

臭氧是一种上好的化学消毒剂 , 因为它对细菌 , 病毒
和原生动物都是最有效的消毒剂 . 而且与氯不同 , 当
水中存在有机物时 , 它不会形成致癌物 .

Economic in-line or direct filtration can be employed to
purify many upland supplies. Combined with ozone, this
process is adaptable to many unfiltered water supplies.
Granular activated carbon removes substances that form
tastes and odors from the waters, and it absorbs harmful
organic chemicals.

The final barrier to contamination of the water supply is
careful management of the water distribution system.
Chemicals can be added to the purified water to offset
corrosive conditions in the system, thus greatly reducing
the leaching of lead from the joints of plumbing systems;
and the water pipes can be lined with cement mortar and
kept flushed to prevent dirty water.


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 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More

You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be

When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The

演讲人: XXXXXX 时 间: XX 年 XX 月 XX 日


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