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3B Great Rivals

Roadmap B2
r iv a l s
determined tough
thoughtful inexperienced
competitive bold
stubborn remarkable
He is a good singer.
He can sing well.

She is an early bird.

She always gets up
degrees of comparison (adjectives)

bold – bolder than – the boldest of/in

big – bigger - the biggest
nice – nicer – the nicest
trendy – trendier – the trendiest
I am bold. Bob is bolder than me.
Peter is the boldest of us (in the class).
degrees of comparison (adjectives)
curious – more curious than –the most curious of/in

Anna is curious. Sue is more curious than her.

Helen is the most curious of them (in the class).
clever – cleverer than – the cleverest 0f/in
degrees of comparison (adjectives)
good – better than – the best of/in
bad – worse – the worst
little – less – the least
far – farther (further) – the farthest (furthest)
My house is far from school. Bob’s house is
further than mine. Sue’s house is the furthest
of ours (in the class).
degrees of comparison (adverbs)
slowly – more slowly than – the most slowly in/of
hard – harder – the hardest
fast – faster – the fastest
late – later – the latest
early – earlier – the earliest
well – better – the best
badly – worse – the worst
I drive well and carefully. My sister drives better and more
carefully than me. Our dad drives the best and most
carefully of us (in the family).
less hot/interesting than – the least hot/interesting of (in)
a bit/slightly hotter/more interesting/less hot/
less interesting than
much/so much/a lot/far/far too hotter/more interesting/
less hot/less interesting than
as hot/interesting as … not so (as) hot/interesting as …
by far the hottest/ the most interesting/(the)least hot/
the least interesting of (in)
the hotter … , the more interesting …
not quite as hot/interesting as …
nowhere near/not nearly as hot/interesting as …
played less strongly than – the least strongly 0f
more/less of a gentleman
Luck plays more of a role in success than most people think.
I’m far more interested in competing against myself than against
other people.
People tend to become much more stubborn with age.
The more confident someone is, the more successful they’ll be.
In sport, genetics are as important as hard work.
I’m by far the most competitive person in my family.
The closer countries are situated geographically, the greater their
rivalry is.
Older siblings are far less likely to be outrageous than their
younger siblings.
I’m more of a dreamer than a doer.
Thomas Edison

ri va
Nikola Tesla ls
filler phrases
I would say… Well…
I seem to remember… and that kind of thing…
You know … so to speak …
kind of/sort of … if you see what I mean …
Actually, … how can I put it …
you see..
like …

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