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Chủ đề: Technology

1. Định nghĩa
The definition of technology is the application of scientific knowledge
for practical purposes or applications.
Technology uses scientific principles, and applies them to change the
environment in which humans live.
1 số thiết bị
1 số lĩnh vực công nghệ
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by computer systems and other machines

Medical Technology
Medical technology aids in more efficient and accurate health assessments, diagnosis, management of health
ailments, and treatment, along with implications in the field of pharmacology.

Các nước phát triển công nghệ

1 số lĩnh vực công nghệ

• Communication Technology
• Communication technology has made huge strides in recent times, with some examples of this
technology being virtual assistants, social media platforms, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

• Educational Technology
• Educational technology mainly aims to improve the learning process by replacing or
complimenting the more traditional approaches with scientific and technological tools.
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2. Vai trò tương lai công nghệ

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