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A Quantitative Research
Background of the Study

Life is perishable, but plastic wastes are not. The persistence of the never-ending problem of plastic
waste worldwide is unprecedented. In some cases, such human litter ends up in the wilderness,
disrupting the ecological balance and destroying the state of the environment. The Philippines, known
as the "sachet economy," is infamous for its open dump sites and reckless waste haulers allowing the
plastic to leak into the ocean.

Thus, the researchers attempted to study making scented paper soap utilizing water-soluble paper
with the addition of glycerin in order to find its feasibility, which will also suffice the satisfaction of
consumers through its convenience and effects. Paper soap-making can be a great experience that
would, at the same time, give leeway in experimenting with a different kind of soap. This kind of
product has not yet reached the demands of the market, but through the study, researchers aimed to
produce a form of soap that is unique from other soap products.
Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework was presented, and it indicated

how this study would be organized in terms of content and
possible outcomes. Through its input, process, and output, the
framework showed a structured general concept of the study.

In this research, the researchers tried to know if it is feasible

to make a scented paper soap with the use of water-soluble
paper and glycerin. The study also aimed to describe the
characteristics of the fragrant paper soap. In order to achieve
the objectives, a survey questionnaire will be conducted to
gather pertinent data. The results will be interpreted by the
researchers to be able to give solutions to the problem.
Theoretical Framework
Numerous nations have created antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) initiatives with strategies to enhance
antimicrobial prescribing behavior, reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and enhance patient outcomes.
Yet, there are substantial variations in the improvement of prescribing behaviors reported by studies
evaluating identical types of therapies (Davey et al). They noted that the effect size of educational
interventions ranged from 3.1% to 50.1% and that few trials indicated lasting improvements in prescribing
behaviors. In the discipline of behavioral science, behavior change interventions are defined as "organized
sets of activities meant to alter particular behavior patterns. Interventions are frequently complex and
difficult for a variety of reasons, including the number of interacting components, the quantity and difficulty
of behaviors necessary to implement the intervention, and the number and diversity of outcomes.

They are commonly denoted as RCOOH. They are a crucial part of plants, animals, and other microbes.
Cell membranes, the neurological system, and lung surfactants all include phospholipids. Saturated fatty
acids and unsaturated fatty acids are the two groups of fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids include Fatty acids
containing single carbon-carbon bonds known as saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids have one or
more double bonds between carbon atoms. If the fatty acid molecule contains a single carbon-carbon
double bond, it is referred to as a monounsaturated fatty acid
Research Hypotheses

The study focuses on describing the viability of using water-soluble paper and glycerin base to produce a

scented paper soap through the respondents of STI College Vigan. The following hypotheses were made:

1. It is effective and viable to produce a scented paper soap using water-soluble paper and glycerin.

2. It is not effective and viable to produce a scented paper soap using water-soluble paper and glycerin.
Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to develop paper soap that will have a persistent scent, will provide moisturization, and will clean hands of

bacteria and germs, with the use of two main ingredients - water-soluble paper and glycerin.

Additionally, the researchers were specifically seeking answers to the following research questions:

1. What are the characteristics of the scented water-soluble paper soap with glycerin in terms of its:

a. color

b. size

c. texture

d. fragrance

2. What is the level of effectiveness of the scented water-soluble paper soap with glycerin in terms of its:

a. appearance

b. texture

c. fragrance
Importance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to provide pertinent information and understanding regarding the
efficacy of making scented paper soap with the application of water-soluble paper and the addition
of glycerin as a soap base. Its importance extends from the economic, educational, and
environmental aspects of society - the development of a sustainable product.

The following will significantly benefit from the findings of the study:

Consumers. The consumers will profit from this study with the purpose of product
development. This will enable them to make informed decisions about the certain goods or services
they want to promote and grasp a new product that will satisfy their current demands.

Business owners. The results of this study will help business owners offering paper soaps
enhance their understanding and knowledge of producing and developing their existing products.
Entrepreneurs. The study will help entrepreneurs to understand and comprehend the pieces

of information regarding the innovation of the product.

Students. This study can be utilized as a guide and reference for students should they

undergo similar studies and have knowledge of the business industry.

Researchers. The study will serve as a useful resource for researchers who pursue to

undergo more extensive and detailed findings regarding paper soaps.

Community. The study will be of help in innovating products that minimize waste and

provide business opportunities to people.

Scope and Delimitations

The main concern of this study is to determine the efficacy and viability of utilizing water-soluble

papers with the addition of glycerin in producing a scented paper soap. It also identifies the overall

characteristics of the paper soap, including its texture, appearance, and scent.

This study is limited exclusively to seeking respondents’ responses and answers based on their

knowledge. Their responses are solely based on their statements and experiences about the produced

scented paper soap. At the same time, it will only revolve around the S.Y. 2022-2023 students from STI

College Vigan, specifically, 25 students from Grades 11 and 12 of any strand.

Research Design

This study is quantitative in nature and specifically employs a quasi-

experimental research design. Quasi-experiments are studies that aim to evaluate
interventions but that do not use randomization. Similar to randomized trials,
quasi-experiments aim to demonstrate the causality or effect between an
intervention and an outcome (Harris et al., 2006).

Quasi-experiment is essential in seeking the answer to the stated research

problems. It uses manipulation of the independent variable in which the researcher
controls the components of the product.
The study is conducted at STI College Vigan during the
school year 2022-2023. The population of this research is Population N
the Grades 11 and 12 students under all academic tracks 90 25
and strands. However, the researchers only chose a
combined total of 25 individuals as the respondents of the
study through the use of systematic sampling.
Sampling Method
This study utilized systematic sampling as means of obtaining the
respondents. Raina (2015) presumed that systematic sampling entails
choosing components from an organized sampling frame. By using this
method, the probability of selection for each component of the
research population is known and equal.

The sampling process begins by randomly choosing one element from

the list, after which every subsequent element in the frame is chosen,
where k is the sample interval (otherwise known as skip). It has the
advantage of having precise estimators when explicit and implicit
stratifications are present in the sampling frame (Mostafa & Ahmad,
2018). Hence, this type of sampling will be used.
Data Gathering Instrument

The survey questionnaire is the main instrument of the researchers that helped in

gathering the data and it was distributed to selected senior high school students of STI

College Vigan. The questionnaire was composed of two parts. Part I determined the

respondent’s perception of the characteristics of the products based on color, size, texture,

and fragrance while Part II determined the level of effectiveness.

Data Gathering Instrument

The survey questionnaire is the main instrument of the

researchers that helped in gathering the data and it was distributed
to selected senior high school students of STI College Vigan. The
questionnaire was composed of two parts. Part I determined the
respondent’s perception of the characteristics of the products
based on color, size, texture, and fragrance while Part II
determined the level of effectiveness
The Production Process Framework served as the guide in

making the desired paper soap. It starts with information

inquisition and raw materials acquisition and ends with soap

The figure above elicits a guide in gathering data for the

study. After the experiment, the researchers prepared

approved survey questionnaires for the data collection process.

It was given to them in their available time to avoid class

distractions. The collected data was then analyzed by the

Data Analysis
The data were analyzed through frequency distribution and percentage, and arithmetic
means - summarizes the entire dataset with a single number representing
the whole. The x̄ is the sample average of variable x, ∑xn= sum of n values, n = number
of values in the sample, therefore:

The statistical formula identifies the percentage of how many respondents chose a
specific item or choice.
The researchers then provided a summary of the results and finding. Ultimately,
conclusions and recommendations were drawn.
Problem 1. What are the characteristics of the scented water-soluble paper soap with

glycerin in terms of its:

a. color

b. size

c. texture

d. fragrance
Table 1 presents the characteristics of the scented water-soluble paper soap with glycerin in terms of its color, size, texture, and

Table 1
Characteristics of the Scented Paper Soap

Characteristics F %

White 2 8

Yellow 0 0

Purple 22 88
Green 0 0

Brown 1 4

Total 25 100

1” x 1” 4 16

1” x 2” 19 76

1” x 3” 2 8
2” x 2” 0 0

2” x 3” 0 0

Total 25 100

Rough 1 4

Fuzzy 0 0

Smooth 21 84
Slimy 2 8

Rubbery 1 4

Total 25 100

Woody 0 0

Floral 21 84

Fruity 3 12
Minty 1 4

Pungent 0 0

Total 25 100
On Color. Of 25 respondents, 22 (88%) of them chose purple. 1 (4%) of respondents chose brown. There are also 2 (8%)

respondents who chose white as the color of our product. None for green and yellow. Overall, based on the given data the color of our

product is purple.

On size. There are 4 (16%) respondents who chose 1x1 inch as the size of the product. In 1x3 inch, 2 (8%) of the respondents

agreed. Meanwhile, a majority, 76% or 19, of the respondents chose 1x2 inches as they depict it as the size of the product.

On texture. Most of the respondents, 21 or 84%, chose “smooth” as the texture of paper soap. There are 2 (8%) respondents who

chose “slimy”, while each of “rubbery” and “rough” got 1 (4%) response. Overall, the paper soap, primarily made up of water-soluble

paper and glycerin, has a smooth texture.

On fragrance. Based on Table 1, a majority, equaling 21 or 84% of the respondents chose floral as the scent of the paper soap. 3

(12%) respondents chose fruity and 1 (4%) respondent chose minty. This presumes that the respondents can smell a flowery scent from

the paper soap.

Problem 2. What is the level of effectiveness of the scented water-soluble paper soap with glycerin in

terms of its:

a. appearance

b. texture

c. fragrance
Table 2 presents the level of effectiveness of the scented water-soluble paper soap with glycerin in terms of its appearance.

Table 2
Item Mean Ratings on the Level of Effectiveness in Terms of Appearance
Appearance Mean DR
1. The product appears to be as white as paper.
3.24 Moderate
1. The product is mini-sized and portable to carry.
4.88 High
1. The product looks pleasant and appealing to the
4.48 High
Sub-Mean 4.20 High

Norms: Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating

Item Overall
5.00–5.99 Very True Very High
4.00-4.99 True High
3.00-3.99 Neutral Moderate
2.00-2.99 Untrue Low
1.00-1.99 Never True Very Low

•As shown on the given data, Item 1, “The product appears to be as white as a paper.” garnered a 3.24 mean. This presumes that the paper soap is moderately similar
to the color of normal paper.
• It may be attributed back to the product which has a purplish transparency, thus, the paper soap is not at all white. For Item 2 that garnered a 4.88 mean rating. It
suggests that almost all respondents agreed that the paper soap is convenient and hassle-free to carry around. Moreover, Item 3, “The product looks pleasant and appealing
to the eye.”, obtained a high 4.48 mean rating. It says that almost all respondents
• agreed that the product has a pleasant smell and is soothing for the eyes, therefore, the level of effectiveness of the paper soap in terms of appearance is high with a
4.2 sub-mean rating.
Table 3
Item Mean Ratings on the Level of Effectiveness in Terms of Texture

Texture Mean DR
1. The product is as smooth and dry as paper
4.20 High
1. The product is not sticky and oily when used.
4.40 High
1. The product can be dissolved easily when in
4.24 High
contact with water
Sub-Mean 4.28 High

Norms: Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating

Item Overall
5.00–5.99 Always Very High
4.00-4.99 True High
3.00-3.99 Neutral Moderate
2.00-2.99 Sometimes Low
1.00-1.99 Never Very Low

According to the presented data, Item 1, “The paper soap is as smooth and dry as paper.”, garnered a mean of 4.20. It depicts that the paper soap has almost similar
tangible texture to normal paper. The results specifically tell that the product is smooth and dry. Item 2, “The product is not sticky and oily when used.”, garnered the
highest mean rating of 4.40 in the category of texture. Its descriptive rating suggests the stickiness and oiliness of the product after consumption are neither observed.
For Item 3, the responses presume that the paper soap easily dissolves when it comes in contact with liquid, obtaining a mean rating of 4.24. Overall, the sub-mean for
the effectiveness of the paper soap in terms of texture is 4.28 suggesting that it is highly viable.
Table 4 presents the level of effectiveness of the scented water-soluble paper soap with glycerin in terms of its fragrance.

Table 4
Item Mean Ratings on the Level of Effectiveness in Terms of Fragrance

Fragrance Mean DR
1. The product smells floral similar to the lavender
4.32 High
1. The scent of the product lasts longer than
4.00 High
1. The product is neither pungent nor irritating. 3.92 Moderate
Sub-Mean 4.08 High

Norms: Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating

Item Overall
5.00–5.99 Always Very High
4.00-4.99 True High
3.00-3.99 Neutral Moderate
2.00-2.99 Sometimes Low
1.00-1.99 Never Very Low

• As presented on Table 4, Item 1, “The product smells floral similar to the lavender scent.”, gained an average of 4.32 rating in which it suggests that the
product has a floral fragrance identical to a lavender flower. It has a high rating rooted in how the respondents perceive the product after consuming it. As per Item 2,
“The scent of the product lasts longer than expected.”, which garnered a flat 4.00 mean rating, tells that the paper soap leaves a smell that lasts long on the hands of
the respondents. For Item 3, it garnered a moderate mean rating of 3.92 which suggests that it is neither pungent nor irritating to the nasal but it has somewhat a
property of having an unpleasant smell.
Table 5
Grand Mean Rating on the Level of Effectiveness of the Scented Water-soluble Paper Soap with Glycerin


Appearance 4.20

Texture 4.28

Fragrance 4.08
Grand Mean 4.19

Norms: Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating

Item Overall
5.00–5.99 Always Very High
4.00-4.99 True High
3.00-3.99 Neutral Moderate
2.00-2.99 Sometimes Low
1.00-1.99 Never Very Low

On the given data, the level of effectiveness of the scented water-soluble paper soap with glycerin in terms of appearance garnered a high 4.20
mean; of texture with the highest sub-mean rating of 4.28; and of fragrance with the lowest sub-mean rating of 4.19. Computing its grand mean, the
overall efficacy of the produced paper soap obtained high with a 4.19 rating.

This study aims to determine the viability and the level of efficacy of the scented water-soluble paper soap with the addition of

glycerin. It used a quasi-experimental research design, quantitative in nature, in order to answer the research problems stated as it

establishes the effect of the input to the output. It had undergone significant research to determine the level of effectiveness in terms of

appearance, texture, and fragrance.

Moreover, the produced scented paper soap is purplish in color, lavender in scent, and smooth in texture. Based on the survey

conducted to the respondents, the level of effectiveness for the soap is described “HIGH” with a grand mean rating of 4.19. Hence, the

respondents like the overall performance of the product and it is regarded as an effective personal hygiene solution.

This novel paper soap has the advantage of giving a clean and hygienic manner of washing hands, especially in situations when

regular soap are unavailable. Glycerin, in addition to prividing a pleasant odor, has skin benefits such as moisturizing and soothing

properties. Therefore, the product has proven its effectivenes, safety, and practicality, making the paper soap made from water-soluble

paper and glycerin is viable.


With the evidence that was presented throughout the study, the researchers came up with the following conclusions:

・ The viability of the aforementioned product has been determined to be significant, owing to its composition of organic constituents.

・ The scented water soluble-paper soap with glycerin has high efficacy in terms of its appearance, texture, and fragrance.

・ The product looks appealing to the eyes with its purplish color, pleasant to the nose with its lavender scent, and gentle to touch with

its smooth texture.

・ This alternative can be utilized particularly in the context of travel and environmentally conscious practices because of its handiness

and portability.

・ A paper soap with a long-lasting fragrance is possible because the majority of respondents in the survey concluded that the

fragrance of paper soap lasted long.


Considering the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are forwarded:

・ The researchers recommend to businesspeople to conduct a feasibility study of the produced paper soap to

determine its performance on the market.

・ The researchers recommend to the community to consume the scented paper soap primarily made with

water-soluble paper and glycerin because it is safe and viable.

・ To the entrepreneurs, the researchers recommend to continuously create innovative products which will

benefit both the society and environment.

・ To the students, the researchers recommend to improve the overall quality and characteristics of the scented

paper soap.

・ To the future researchers, the researchers recommend to further the study and widen its scope regarding the

water-soluble paper soap.

Josh Andrei R. Unciano
Kristela Joy S. Chua
Jericho Daniel F. Mission
Christine Mae Q. Ramos
Alexia Kassandra R. Pre
Lourd Merczendel D. Bergonia
Michael Angelo R. Rafanan
Gabriel Jeff R. Jara
Janisah A. Pitiilan
Zildjan A. Agcamaran

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