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Theoretical foudation(frameworks) of ob

•Cognitive Framework

•Behaviouristic Framework

•Social cognitive Framework

Cognitive framework
•Cognitive Framework was established by Edward
Tolman (1886-1959) a American psychologist.
•Cognitive means a mental process involved in
knowing,learning and understanding things.
•It is the process of acquiring new knowledge.
•Cognitive is the individuals

thought,knowledge,level of understanding and

interpretation of any event,object or person.
Cognitive framework
• This theory states that learning involves a relationship
between cognitive cues(hints about how to choose the right
way) and expectation. Edward tolman used white rat in his
psychological experiment of cognitive theory.He found that
rat could run through critical path with particular intention of
getting food(goal)
• Cognitive processes involves the selection of information, the
making of alternations in the selected information, the
association of items of information with each other,the
elaboration of information in thought in memory and when
needed the retrieval of stored information.
• The cognitive concept implies that a person desires a goal
and knows the behaviour that will lead to achievement of
goals as rat did.
Cognitive framework


 FEEDBACK-------------
 Behaviouristc framework is developed by Ivan
 Behaviour includes anything a person or

animal does that can be observed in same

 Behaviour can be observed recorded and

 No one ever saw or heard a mind ,but we can

see and hear behaviour

 Behaviourism is systematic approach to
understanding the behaviour of human.
 Ivan pavlov stressed the imporant of studying

observable behaviour instead of the

intangible mind.They advocated that
behaviour could be best understood in term
of stimulus and resonse.
 In conclusion Behaviouristic framework is

based on.Behavioural,Environmental variables

which can be obserable


 The view that we can learn through both observation
and direct experience is called social cognitive
 Much of what we have learned comes from watching
our social models- parents,teachers,peers,actors,
motion pictures and television and so on.
 Thus learning through both direct observation and
experience from society has been called social
cognitive framework.

 This approach basically deals with learning

process based on direct observation and
 It is achieved while interacting with individuals.
Individual learns a great deal from watching
attractive models and they copy the behaviour
of their parents,adults and display the same.
 Social cognitive is practiced in org. by
observing various cultural and social practices.
Diversity context of OB
B. Approaches to Managing Diversity
There are mainly two types of approaches to
manage diversity. Both the approaches
primarily focus on developing multicultural
Characteristics of multicultural organization
 Reflect the contributions and interest of diverse

cultural and social groups in organizations

mission, operations and product services.
 Acts on a commitment to eradicate social
oppression in all forms within the organization.
 Includes the members of diverse cultural and
social groups as full participants, especially in
decision making.

Strategies and techniques

Individual Approach Organizational

•Path Learning Technique Approach
•Path of Empathy •Testing technique
Technique •Training technique
•Mentoring technique
 Every org. are becoming more diversified.
 Diversity provides both opportunity and

 To grip opportunity and to minimize the

challenges, Managers need to apply

management programmes.
 Individual approach includes learning and

empathy,and org level approach include

testing training and mentoring

 Ethical behaviour are the act of right conduct.

 Managers need to improve the ethical

behaviour by just increasing the right

 Managers need to convience all employees to

behave ethically behaviour in org.

 Workshop,seminar and training can be

benefit to improve behaviour

 OB helps manager to identify, undrstand and

change unethical behaviour of employees

 Sources – Individual and group value system
 Other sources- Culture and Organizational

 Cultural influences on Ethical behavior-

Family, friends, neighbours, education,

 Organizational Influences- Ethical codes,

policies and practices, reward and

punishment, role models.
 Environmental influences: PEST
 Latest Emerging Issues: Sexual Harassment,

Employee privacy issues.


 Ethics deals with right and wrong behavior

 Cultural, organizational and external forces

affect ethical behavior

 Sexual harassment and rights of privacy are

todays main issues of OB .Therefore must be

recognized and carefully managed

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