Migration PP T

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 Migration is the movement of the people from one place to
another with the intentions of settling ,permanently or
temporarily, at a new location. The movement is over long
distances and from one country to another.

 Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms Aratrika Bose Avinash Goyal


 International Migration: It is distinguished as migration

within any country and change in residence over national
 Internal Migration: This refers to change in residence
within the national boundries.
 Voluntary Migration: This refers to the migration which is
undertaken in search of better economic conditions.
 Forced Migration: This refers to the migration in which
people have been expelled by government due to war,
other political situations or forcily transported as slaves
or prisoners.

1. Safety factors: It can cause danger to individuals,

prompting them to migrate .Persecution and
discrimination based on nationality, race, religion,
political beliefs, will prompt people to move large
distance in search of safer living location.

2. Economic factors: It moves people from developing

areas to developed areas where wages are higher and
more jobs are available.

3. Social Factors: Some migration grow from the human
needs and desires to achieve a better quality of life.
Migrants often move to ensure better opportunities for
themselves or for their family and career growth

4. Environmental factors: It causes displacement or the

forced movement of people by social or environmental
factors. Example crop failure, natural disasters like
tsunami, earthquake.
From the text “Kabuliwala”
 In the story, Kabuliwala is a migrant from Afghanistan living
in Kolkata. The story explains how religion, culture,
commerce and politics shaped people’s experiences of living.
He comes to earn his living and with this money so that he
wanted to go to his country.
 The trauma of separation and loss that people face:
1. Want of money forces him to leave his young daughter.
2. He went to jail because he didn’t know the culture, laws
and this leads to separation from his family for 8 long
3. He saw his daughter in Mini that’s why he came to her
house everyday and plays with her.
4. Mini’s father gave him some rupees and said that “go back to
your own daughter and may the happiness of your meeting
bring good fortune to my child.

From the text “Migration”

 In the poem, ‘migration’ the poet Keki Daruwala depicts that a

Migration from one country to another country is very difficult.
According to poet, these migrations cause a lot of loss on the
way and leaves an indelible scar on migrants mind.
Going back in time and reversing the phenomenon is impossible.
 If one try to recall the time,his mood becomes pensive
feels sad.
 When poet’s mother asks him whether he remembers
her mother and when poet says that he don’t remember
and her mother feels sad .Poet also feels sad that he
don’t remember her mother’s mom.
 Migrating across years is very difficult.

 Migrants lack basic knowledge and life skills so they don’t

get good job.
 Poverty makes them unable to live a normal and healthy
 Migration increased the slum areas in cities which
increase many problems such as unhygnic conditions.
 Sometimes migrants are not able to meet with their
family for long years.

 Human Migration have both positive and negative static and

dynamic effects.
 The counterfactual to forced migration can be death, violence,
perceived threats of bodily harm, psychological distress, or
severe economic loss (e.g. destruction or expropriation of
property). Forced migration has potential consequences for
host populations, migrants themselves, and for the
populations at origin.
 Such type of migration do also have impact on family
structures and on the parenting of the Children of the migrants
as they are not been able to give proper attention towards their

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