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Submitted by Ashish Agrawal and Rahul Sharma

Inventory and its Management

Inventory is the total amount of goods and/or

materials contained in a store or factory at any given time.

Inventory Management is an enterprise-wide

discipline concerned with the identification and tracking of Information Services (IS) hardware and software assets.

What does Inventory Management provide?

Up-to-date information about data processing resources

through the creation and archiving of records in a centralized repository. Financial records specific to a single component, or groups of component. Component Status Indicators to identify a component . Component Criticality definition(1-5). Service records for all components in the inventory. Reports can be generated from the Inventory and Asset Management Systems that would project the amount of revenue that can be generated through the sale of surplus equipment.

Inventory System
The Inventory System is maintained within a data base

that ties an asset to its owner and defines the location where the asset resides. The relative importance of the asset is added to the inventory record in a Criticality field and the current status of the equipment is indicated via a status field (A=Active, R=Redeploying, D=Donated, T=Terminated, etc.). Based on this information the contingency planning specialist can plan asset recoveries needed to support critical business operations and the facilities management group can schedule work events associated with equipment status changes.

Inventory Management Processing

Resources Used
Java is used as the development language. It provides

platform independent designing, which means, same program can be copied to any Operating System with Java Runtime Installed and be executed successfully. MySQL is used as database solution. NOTE: The application has been built using the NetBeans IDE 7.0 software.

Application Features
The application designed through this project allows creation of accounts for different heads categorize them as groups adding items and categorizing them in groups entries of sales and purchases automatically generates various reports based on the entered sale and purchase entries provides features to backup and restore data restricts the access to sensitive actions via use of user permissions, i.e. security of data.

The login screen

New company creation

The about box

Main window

Options in Manage menu

Options in Entries menu

Options in Reports menu

Options in Utilities menu

Adding New Account Group

Adding New Account

Adding New Item Group

Adding New Item

Adding New User

Modifying an existing Account

New Sale form

New Purchase Form

Item Query by Itemcode

Complete Ledger Account-based

Ledger according to Account Groups

Ledger of a Selected Account

Product Lookup

Report of Profits



Delete the company

Present System Weaknesses

There is presently no Centralized Repository for asset

information, because Inventory Management is performed by many groups (i.e., mainframe, communications, data network, etc.). A consolidation of these data bases into a centralized Inventory Repository should be planned. When migrating to a centralized repository, automated tools and interfaces should be developed, so that any acquisition, redeployment, or termination of assets will have to accomplished through the automated system. This will reduce the effort presently performed by personnel and guaranty the accuracy of the Inventory repository.

The desired tasks were successfully achieved and have resulted in an application that can now help users maintain their inventory and also provide an interface to analyze the trends and thereby optimize the profits. The provisions for customization of the application according to the users need have been kept in consideration and can be implemented with simple change in the code of the program.

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