Curriculum Lesson 3mobile3

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LESSON 3: Teaching-Learning Process And

Curriculum Development
Reported by: Roberto Jr. Yamson
Graciella Mae Hubilla
Mark Liandro Santos

Teaching as a Process in Curriculum
Two types of Learning Theories
Three Models of Teaching anchored on learning theory

Teaching and Learning Go Together

Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning

Ways of Learning
Teaching and Learning in the Curriculum
Teaching as a Process in Curriculum


A. The needs of the learners

B. The achievable goals and objectives to meet the
A.Just do it
B.Be flexible
C. The selection of the content to be taught
D. The motivation to carry out the goals
E. The strategies most fit to carry out the goals
F. The evaluation process to measure learning
Teaching as a Process in Curriculum


A. How you will evaluate the learners
based on your planning phase.
B. Answers the question if the plans and
implementation have been successfully
achieved A.Reflection
Teaching as a Process in Curriculum
Two types of Learning Theories
Three Models of Teaching anchored on learning theory

Teaching and Learning Go Together

Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning

Ways of Learning
Teaching and Learning in the Curriculum
Two Types of Learning Theories

Behavioral Learning
Cognitive Learning Theories
Two Types of Learning Theories

Behavioral Learning Examples:

Ivan Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Theory
Theories Edward Thorndike’s Laws of Learning

• Emphasize observable
behavior such as new skills,
knowledge, or attitudes which
can be demonstrated
• Observable and measurable
• Changed behavior means they
have learned
Two Types of Learning Theories

Cognitive Learning Theories

• Observable mental processes are
used to learned and remember new
information or acquire skills.
• The concept of meaningful learning
through cognitive models
Teaching as a Process in Curriculum
Two types of Learning Theories
Three Models of Teaching anchored on learning theory

Teaching and Learning Go Together

Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning

Ways of Learning
Teaching and Learning in the Curriculum
Three Models of Teaching anchored on learning theory

Jerome Bruner’s Discovery Learning Theory

David Ausubel’s Reception Learning

Robert Gagne’s Events of Learning

Three Models of Teaching
anchored on learning theory

Jerome Bruner’s Discovery Learning Theory

• States that the individual learns from his own

discovery of the environment.
• Learners are inherently curious, thus, they can be
self-motivated until they find answers to the
• Each individual is capable of learning how to
Three Models of Teaching
anchored on learning theory

David Ausubel’s Reception Learning

• To Ausubel, though learners are inherently
curious, they may not be able to know what is
important or relevant and they need external
motivation in order to learn.
• This is in contrast to the discovery learning
Three Models of Teaching
anchored on learning theory

Robert Gagne’s Events of Learning

1. Motivation Phase
2. Apprehending Phase
3. Acquisition Phase
4. Retention Phase
5. Recall Phase
6. Generalization Phase
7. Feedback Phase
Learning basedofon
Three Models the theories
Teaching of learning
anchored on
may theory
include the following:
1. Learning does not take place in an empty vessel. Each learner is
assumed to have prior learning and maybe able to connect these
to present learning.
2. Learning is a social process where interactions with other
learners and the teacher are needed.
3. Learning is a result of individual experiences and self-activity.
4. Learning is both observable and measurable.
5. Learning takes place when all the senses are utilized.
6. Learning will be enhanced when the learner is stimulated,
directed, guided and feedback is immediately given.
7. Each learner has his/her own learning styles.
Teaching as a Process in Curriculum
Two types of Learning Theories
Three Models of Teaching anchored on learning theory

Teaching and Learning Go Together

Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning

Ways of Learning
Teaching and Learning in the Curriculum
Teaching and Learning Go Together
• Should be on the same level
• Learners are at the center of the learning
• The more we advance in learning, the more
options in teaching must be created or used.
• Teaching is the cause and learning is the effect
• Both teacher and learner benefit from teaching
and learning
Teaching as a Process in Curriculum
Two types of Learning Theories
Three Models of Teaching anchored on learning theory

Teaching and Learning Go Together

Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning

Ways of Learning
Teaching and Learning in the Curriculum
Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning

According to the number of students

Traditional time-tested methods

According to the

Improved teaching practices

number of students
Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning

According to the number of students

1. Large Group Teaching- composed of 30 or more students; for large groups, methods
like lecture, expository, panel discussion, seminar, forum, demonstration, or a
combination of lecture demonstration are appropriate.
2. Small Group Teaching- composed of 2 to 30 members; methods like role-playing,
buzz session, workshop, process approach,
According discovery
to the
number of students
learning, cooperative learning in
various forms, and laboratory methods are a few examples.
3. Individualized Teaching- Modular instruction, e-teaching, and programmed
instruction are some examples.
Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning

Traditional time-tested methods

1.Inductive method and deductive method
2.Type study method
3.Project method According to the

4.Laboratory method
number of students

5.Question and answer method or Socratic method

6.Lecture method
Some Ways of Doing Teaching And Learning
Improved teaching practices
1. Integrative technique
2. Discovery approach
3. Process approach
4. Conceptual approach
5. Mastery learning
6. Programmed instruction According to the
number of students
7. E-learning
8. Simulation
9. Case-based teaching
10.Cooperative learning
Ways of Learning
Learning by Learning by
trial and error conditioning

Learning by observation
learning by insight
and imitation through
Ways of Learning
This is related to stimulus-response

Learning by
When the result is correct or
satisfying then the response will be
trial and error repeated. When the reaction is wrong
or negative, then it will not be
Ways of Learning
Training is the simple term to describe
learning here, thus even animals can be
trained to do something but such action
does not refer to learning.
Learning is a product of what the
Learning by
individual does which will result in either
pleasant or unpleasant behavior.
Drill and practice are some learning
activities based on conditioning.
Ways of Learning
In this type of learning, a higher
level of intelligence is being
Learning by Insight is looking into oneself
with deeper thinking.
insight A sudden flash of an idea or
solution to a problem sometimes
called “aha” learning is an
example of insightful learning.
Ways of Learning
• This process of learning assumes that one learns
from someone.
• Anchored on the social learning of Albert Bandura,
learning by observation and imitation requires a
model, hence it is referred to as “no-trial” learning.
Learning by
• This process involves four phases: where the
learner copies, practices, or rehearses what has
observation and
been observed; the reproduction phase, where the
learner matches their behavior to the model and the
imitation through
motivational phase where learners will imitate the
behavior to get a chance to be reinforced by
becoming like the one from whom the behavior
was copied.
Teaching and Learning in the Curriculum
One of the crucial issues today is not what the students should learn but rather
how the students should learn how to learn. The deluge of information in our midst
and the different ways of retrieving it have become a challenge to both teaching and
learning. The curriculum seems to be overloaded: too many subjects to cover, and
too many topics to teach. Sometimes the curriculum is fragmented or simply boxed.
Unfortunately, the learners’ life is not compartmentalized as subject matter overlaps
and integrates naturally and holistically.

Teaching and learning give life and meaning to the curriculum. Each
complement and supplement the other. The value placed in teaching will help reap
the same value in learning, thus good curriculum can be judged by the kind of
teaching and the quality of learning derived from it.
Thank you for listening!

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