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At the end of this lesson, you will be able to...

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to...

1.Differentiate vector and scalar quantities

2.Perform addition of vectors

3.Solve for the components of vectors using

Vector Resolution
What are Vectors?
Magnitude + Direction = Vectors


(Scalar Quantities)
Scalar V.S Vector
*Magnitude ONLY *BOTH Magnitude and
Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

V2 V3

Head and Tail V1
-Most Common Method


V R = V 1 + V 2 + V 3 + V 4 + V5 + V n . . . . . . .
Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

Given: VR
V1 = 60 m/s, East
V1 V2
V2 = 40 m/s, East
VR = V1 + V2
= 60 m/s + 40 m/s
VR = 100 m/s, East
Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

Given: Opposite direction

V1 = 60 m/s, East VR V2
V2 = 40 m/s, West V1

V R = V 1 - V2
= 60 m/s - 40 m/s
VR = 20 m/s, East
(ALWAYS use the direction of the Vector with the greater magnitude)
Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

Given: V1
V1 = 60 m/s, East VR V2
V2 = 40 m/s, West
V3 = 60 m/s, South V4 V3
V4 = 40 m/s, North
V5 = 20 m/s, West V R = V 1 - V 2 + V3 – V 4 + V5
= 60 m/s - 40 m/s + 60 m/s – 40 m/s + 20 m/s
Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

Given: N
F1 = 6 N, East
F2 = 5 N, North FR c b F2
W θ a E
Using Pythagorean Theorem: S
a²+b²=c² tanθ = opposite adjacent
=5 6
= 0.83
= θ = 39.69
Fr= 7.81N
Fr = 7.81N, 39.69 North of East
Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

A man exerts a force of 60 N along the handle of a lawnmower to

push it across the lawn. If the handle is held at an angle of 30° with
the lawn, what are the horizontal and vertical components of the
force exerted by the man?

Find a. Fx (a horizontal component of the force)

b. Fy (vertical component of the force

Given: 60N, 30° (resultant force)

Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

Given: 60N, 30° (resultant force) FR = 60N

Reqd: Fx, Fy Fx = adjacent
Fy = opposite Fx
FR = hypotenuse


Multiply both sides by FR to get Fy
Fy = (FR) Fx = (FR)
=(60N) Substitute the value of to 30° and =(60N)
=(0.5)(60N) FR to 60N respectively =(0.87)(60N)
Fy = 30N Fx = 52.2N
Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

1. A cabinet is pulled across a cemented floor with a rope that

makes an angle of 35° and at North of East. What is the
horizontal component of the force parallel to the floor if a 90-N
force is exerted? Round off your answer to whole numbers.

2. Justin jog 315 meters East, stops to rest then continues for
another 300 meters toward the same direction. Find the total
Resultant Displacement of Justin. Round off your answer to
whole numbers.
Vector Addition
*The result of adding two or more vectors.
*The Resultant Vector(VR) is measured from the point of origin

3. You are pushing a car with a dead battery

at 45 newtons, North and 35 newtons, West.
Find your Resultant Force, Angle and
Direction. Round off your answers(Resultant
Force and Angle) to whole numbers.

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