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A newly castrated piglet was found
dead with extended stiff limbs, erect
ears and the tail was also stiff. The
piglet is suffering from what
A. Blackleg
B. Parturient Paresis
C. Tetanus
D. Pseudorabies
Foot and Mouth Disease is a contagious viral
disease of ruminants and pigs which is
characterized by fever, vesicles in the
mouth and foot areas. The following are the
recommended preventive measures for
FMD except:
A. vaccination
B. slaughter of all affected and in-contact
susceptible animals
C. strict restriction on movement of animals
and vehicles around the infected premises
D. none of the above
Blackleg is a bacterial disease
characterized by emphysematous
swelling in the heavy muscles of
what animal?
A. cattle
B. pig
C. horse
D. chicken
Infectious diseases are caused by
microorganisms and could be classified
as contagious or non-contagious.
Which of the following diseases is
considered as non-contagious
infectious disease?
A. Hog Cholera
B. Tetanus
C. Pseudorabies
D. Tuberculosis
Coccidiosis is common in chicken and
can cause decreased growth rate to
high percentage of sick birds, severe
diarrhea and high mortality. The
causative agent of this disease is
A. roundworm
B. flatworm
C. bacteria
D. protozoa
Toxoid is the recommended preventive
measure for Tetanus in pigs, ruminants
and horses. Giving of toxoid will confer
what type of immunity?
A. natural passive immunity
B. natural active immunity
C. artificial passive immunity
D. artificial active immunity
Types of immunity
 Active immunity
 Antigen being given to the animal
and the body produced antibodies
 recovering from a disease(natural)

or injection of biological agent or

vaccine (artificial)
 Longer duration
Types of immunity
 Passive immunity
 animal’s body given antibodies
 sucking of colostrum and placental
transfer (natural) and injection of
antiserum (artificial)
 duration is usually relatively short
Which of the following animals is
most sensitive to the neurotoxin
produced by Clostridium tetani?
A. chicken
B. horse
C. dog
D. pig
The chronic form of this disease in
chicken is characterized by swollen
wattles, joints and footpads. It is
also called pasteurellosis in chicken
A. Fowl Typhoid
B. Fowl Cholera
C. Fowl Pox
D. Fowl Erysipelas
Outstanding lesions observed in this
contagious viral disease in chicken
include a swollen and edematous
cloacal bursa and hemorrhagic
pectoral, thigh and leg muscles. This
disease is
A. Fowl plague
B. Diptheria
C. Gumboro Disease
D. Avian Pest
Avian pneumoencephalitis is a common
poultry disease that is characterized by
respiratory signs like coughing and
sneezing and nervous signs like twisting of
the neck, paralysis and drooping wings.
This disease is caused by
A. poxvirus
B. birnavirus
C. coronavirus
D. paramyxovirus
Which of the following is not
considered as a zoonotic
A. Tuberculosis
B. Anthrax
C. Infectious Bursal Disease
D. Rabies
Pullorum Disease is also called Bacillary
White Diarrhea in poultry. This is
chiefly transmitted directly through the
egg but also by direct or indirect
contact. This disease is best
prevented by
A. use of antibiotics
B. vaccination
C. routine testing of breeding stock
D. all of the above
Fowl pox is a common disease of chicken
which is characterized by proliferative
lesions in the skin that progress to thick
scabs and by lesions in the
gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
Which of the following is not vaccinated
against Fowl Pox?
A. layers
B. broilers
C. breeders
D. none of the above
Brooder pneumonia is a mycotic disease
affecting the respiratory system of
chickens. This is caused by
A. Aspergillus fumigatus
B. Bordetella avium
C. Clostridium botulinum
D. Eimeria tenella
This is an acute respiratory disease of
chicken characterized by nasal
discharge, sneezing and swelling of
the face under the eyes
A. Infectious Coryza
B. Chronic Respiratory Disease
C. Newcastle Disease
D. Fowlpox
Which of the following endoparasites is
transmitted prenatally?
A. Strongyloides ransomi
B. Ascaris suis
C. Trichuris suis
D. Dioctophyma renale
The infective stage of Fasciola gigantica
(liverfluke) in ruminants is the
A. miracidium
B. rediae
C. metacercaria
D. cercaria
Life cycle of liverfluke
The mode of infection of Schistosoma
japonicum (blood fluke) in both man
and animals is through
A. ingestion of the metacercaria
B. skin penetration of cercaria
C. ingestion of the cercaria
D. skin penetration of the rediae
Life cycle of bloodfluke
Which of the following endoparasites
has a direct life cycle?
A. rumen fluke
B. broadfish tapeworm of carnivore
C. liverfluke
D. stomach worm of ruminant
Haemonchus contortus is a common
roundworm that causes severe anemia
in ruminants. This endoparasite is
found in the
A. rumen
B. small intestine
C. abomasum
D. cecum
Trichuris suis is a whipworm of pig and
the adult worm could be located in the
A. liver
B. small intestine
C. cecum
D. stomach
Which of the following ectoparasites
does not parasitize ruminants?
A. mite
B. flea
C. tick
D. lice
The disease condition cause by mite in
animals is known as
A. pediculosis
B. mange
C. dermatitis
D. surra
This is the common antidote given to
animal that have suffered allergic
reactions to a vaccine
A. sugar
B. glycine
C. epinephrine
D. acetylcholine
Surra is a protozoan disease of horse
and ruminants which is commonly
transmitted by biting flies. It causes
intermittent fever and anemia, the
causative agent for this disease is
A. Trypanosoma evansi
B. Trypanosoma cruzi
C. Trypanosoma equiperdum
D. Trypanosoma brucei
Which of the following dewormers is
best used for roundworms?
A. rafoxanide
B. praziquantel
C. levamisole
D. triclabendazole
Newcastle Disease vaccine LaSota is
given to chicks using this route of
A. intraocular
B. wing web
C. intramuscular
D. subcutaneous
Fowl Pox vaccine is given in poultry
through this route of administration
A. drinking water
B. wing web
C. intramuscular
D. spray
Which of the following is not a reason
for vaccination failure?
A. presence of maternal antibodies
B. immunosuppression
C. presence of disease
D. none of the above
Reasons for vaccination
 presence of maternal antibodies
 the animal is already affected with
the disease
 there is immunosuppression
 used of expired vaccines
 mishandling of vaccines
 the strains used in the vaccine are
not the same as those from the
pathogens in the field
The following are characteristics of an
ideal disinfectant except
A. non-corrosive
B. low surface tension
C. has minimal toxicity
D. none of the above
Antiseptics – are preparations that
are applied to living tissues that
kill or prevent the growth of

Disinfectants – are preparations

applied to inanimate objects that
prevent infection by destruction of
pathogenic microorganisms
Which of these could be considered
both as an antiseptic and
A. ethyl alcohol
B. cresol
C. hydrogen peroxide
D. formalin
Which of the following vaccines is
considered as live vaccine?
A. NCD vaccine
B. Rabies vaccine
C. Hemorrhagic Septicemia vaccine
D. Infectious Coryza vaccine
This nutritional deficiency cause rickets in
young and osteomalacia in adults
A. vitamin A deficiency
B. vitamin D deficiency
C. vitamin E deficiency
D. vitamin K deficiency
This disinfectant is often used to cover
dead carcasses when burying
A. phenol
B. chlorine
C. quicklime
D. formalin
Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to
excessive bleeding
A. vitamin A deficiency
B. vitamin D deficiency
C. vitamin E deficiency
D. vitamin K deficiency
This metabolic disorder is seen just
before or during parturition because
of a decrease in calcium serum level
A. milk fever
B. bloat
C. tetany
D. ketosis
Non-infectious diseases are those
diseases not cause by microorganisms,
which of those listed below is not a non-
infectious disease?
A. fracture
B. snakebite
C. hernia
D. none of the above
Parturient paresis in cattle is treated by
giving calcium gluconate, which is best
given through this route
A. intramuscular
B. subcutaneous
C. intravenous
D. orally
Which of the following diseases could
be hereditarily acquired?
A. scrotal hernia
B. diabetes insipidus
C. white muscle disease
D. rickets
This hormonal disease is caused by the
absence or lack of Antidiuretic
Hormone (ADH)
A. diabetes insipidus
B. diabetes mellitus
C. goiter
D. pernicious anemia
This ectoparasite is responsible for the
mechanical transmission of enteric
diseases in human
A. common housefly
B. horsefly
C. blackfly
D. biting midges
Mosquitos could cause severe
annoyance and blood loss in livestock,
the house mosquito is also known as
A. Anopheles gambiae
B. Culex pipiens
C. Aedes aegypti
D. Psorophora columbiae
Culex pipiens (house mosquito)

Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito)

Anopheles sp. ( malarial mosquito)

The larvae of mosquitos are also
known as
A. tumblers
B. wrigglers
C. snorkets
D. nits
Life cycle of mosquitos
The larvae of biting flies could develop
in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin
or organs of domestic animal and
develop the condition called
A. mange
B. breech
C. myiasis
D. psoriasis
The following are the harmful effects of
ticks to poultry and livestock except
A. local irritation
B. blood loss
C. can cause paralysis
D. none of the above
This refers to the louse eggs found
glued in the hairs of its host
A. maggot
B. merozoite
C. nits
D. oocyst
A reactive defense of the body that
results from increase in body
temperature brought by the presence
of microorganisms in the body of the
animal is termed
A. hypothermia
B. fever
C. hyperthermia
D. chill
Which of the following animals are
prone to heat stroke because of the
absence of sweat glands in their
A. cow
B. goat
C. chicken
D. pig
Hardware disease occurs as a
consequence of perforation of this
structure by foreign objects ingested
by ruminants
A. rumen
B. reticulum
C. abomasum
D. trachea
The following are causes of bloat in
ruminants except
A. high grain diets
B. pure legume pasture
C. esophageal obstruction
D. none of the above
This is a common parasite of pigs
whose larvae migrate to the liver
causing “white spots” and in the lungs
causing abdominal breathing or
A. Strongyloides ransomi
B. Ascaris suum
C. Stephanurus dentatus
D. Trichuris suis
Contagious Ecthyma is an infectious
dermatitis of sheep and goat that
affects primarily the lips of young.
Another name for this disease is
A. Foot and Mouth Disease
B. Orf
C. Sore blister
D. pyoderma
Pseudorabies is a viral disease of pigs
and ruminants affecting the
respiratory and nervous systems.
This disease is also known as
A. Orf
B. Mad itch
C. Le rage
D. Splenic fever
Rabies is an acute viral disease that
principally affects carnivores, it can
cause the so called mad dog
syndrome. The common transmission
of this disease is
A. coitus
B. bite of rabid dog
C. ingestion
D. inhalation
If there are 2000 layers in the project
and 250 birds got infected with
Infectious Bursal Disease and 50
birds died, what is the morbidity rate
of the flock?
A. 25 %
B. 12.5%
C. 30%
D. 12%
This refers to a disease that spreads
rapidly over a large area
A. endemic
B. epizootic
C. sporadic
D. enzootic
The body’s reactive defenses against
disease are the following except
A. allergy
B. inflammation
C. immunity
D. fever
This refers to the substance comprising the
exoskeleton of arthropods
A. scutum
B. chitin
C. fleece
D. haltere
The following are ways wherein
parasites injure their host except
A. suck blood, lymph or exudates
B. compete with the host for the
C. causes mechanical obstruction
D. increase host’s resistance
Parasites may injure their hosts
in several ways:
 they may suck blood, lymph or exudates
 they may feed on solid tissues
 they may compete with the host for the
 they may cause mechanical obstructions
 they may cause pressure atrophy
 they may destroy host cells by growing in
Parasites may injure their hosts
in several ways:
 they may produce various toxic
 they may cause allergic reactions
 they may stimulate the development of
 they may carry diseases and parasites
 they may reduce their host’s resistance to
other diseases and parasites
Heterakis gallinarum is a very small
roundworm of poultry that serves as
carrier of Histomonas meleagridis.
The adult worm could be found in the
A. small intestine
B. large intestine
C. ceca
D. proventriculus
Anthrax is an acute febrile disease of
warm blooded animals including man.
This disease in man is called
A. Bang’s disease
B. Woolsorter’s disease
C. Lockjaw
D. Conjunctivitis
Deficiency of riboflavin in chicks could
results to the development of this
A. polyneuritis
B. curled toe paralysis
C. goose stepping
D. perosis
When treating an animal with
chemotherapeutic agent, the following
should be considered except:
A. animal
B. pathogen
C. environment
D. drug
The following are considered as narrow
spectrum antibiotic except
A. penicillin
B. streptomycin
C. tetracycline
D. tylosin
Which of these antibiotics is considered
A. penicillin
B. tetracycline
C. sulfonamides
D. erythromycin
This drug is used against coccidiosis in
chicken and thus considered as
anticoccidial drug
A. carbamate
B. amprolium
C. ivermectin
D. levamisole
These are all used in controlling
external parasites in poultry and
livestock except
A. ivermectin
B. organophosphate
C. pyrimethamine
D. pyrethroids
Potassium permanganate can be used
as disinfectant for fumigation if use in
conjunction with this chemical
A. nitric acid
B. hydrogen peroxide
C. formaldehyde
D. ethyl alcohol
A type of quarantine wherein animals
were separated by as much as two
fences so direct contact cannot be
made by animals
A. simple quarantine
B. absolute quarantine
C. official quarantine
D. all of the above
The following are considered part of a
biosecurity measures in the farm
A. restriction of entry of non-farm
B. provision of footbath at the
entrance of houses
C. washing and disinfection of
D. none of the above
This is the subtype of influenza A virus
which is considered very contagious
to birds and can cause infection to
A. H1N1
B. H5N1
C. H1N2
D. H3N2
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or
Mad cow disease is a neurodegenerative
disease of cattle and this is cause by a
A. virus
B. bacteria
C. rickettsia
D. prion
Diseases could be spread to animals
through the following ways except
A. immune carrier
B. people
C. carrion eaters
D. none of the above
Another name for this viral disease of
pig is Classical Swine Fever
A. Pseudorabies
B. Swine dysentery
C. Hog Cholera
D. Foot and Mouth Disease
Brucellosis is a contagious disease of
cattle, pig, sheep, goats and dogs
characterized by abortion, orchitis and
infection of the accessory sex glands
in males. The disease in man is
referred to as
A. Malignant carbuncle
B. Chagas’ disease
C. Bang’s Disease
D. Charbon

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