Global Warming

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Environment & Ecology

Code : CY10I008CY
UNIT – 3
Environmental Pollution and its Control

Global Warming

Department of Chemistry
National Institute of Technology, Raipur 1
Global Warming
Warming up of the troposphere temperature is called global warming
According to D.B. Botkin and E. A. Keller (1982) –
 In Green House visible light passes through the glass and heats up
the soil warming the plants

 The warm soil emits radiation in longer wavelength (IR radiation)

 The opaque glass doesn’t allow the longer radiation to go back, it

partially absorb and partially reflects IR radiation

 This mechanism of Green House is almost similar to global

warming. Hence the term Green House Effect as coined by J.
Fourier (1827) is also called as “ATMOSPHERIC EFFECT 2
Contribution of Green House Gases
Gas Percentage (%)
Carbon Dioxide 50%
Nitrous Oxide 2%
Nitric Oxide 4%
Ozone 8%
Chlorofluorocarbon 17%
Methane 19%

Green House Effect (Mechanism)

Causes of Global Warming

Combustion of
Industrialization Deforestation
fossil fuel

Carbon dioxide (CO2) – Combustion of
Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas

Chlorofluoroc Methane (CH4)

arbon (CFC) – –
aerosols, responsible for component of
refrigerants, Global natural gas,
air Warming garbage dump,
conditioners, bacteria in the
solvents rice field,

Nitrous Oxide (N2O) –

Ocean, soil, field activities, lightning

Effect of Global Warming
 Surface water would evaporate faster than normal rate,
creating drought

 Increase in surface temperature of the earth could melt

most of the polar ice caps of Green Land, Antarctica
resulting in the flooding of many low level costal areas

 Biological productivity will decrease due to rise in temp

 World’s food production can be adversely affected due

to alteration in the pattern of weather leading to crop
damage and or crop failure

Approaches to deal with Global Warming
 Reduction in Green House gases

 Reducing the use of fossil fuels

 Developing alternate source of energy-solar

energy, wind energy

 Reforestation

 Development of substitute of CFCs

Thank you

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