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Objectives of this session

Have a general knowledge sharing session about XPEDITER.
Introduction to XPEDITER Creating environment for XPEDITER to run (Settings) Expediting batch programs

Mainframe tool for debugging. Helps to intercept and analyze abends. Automates the tasks of identifying problems, applying solutions, analyzing the impact of changes, and testing the fixes.

Features of XPEDITER
Runs interactively or in batch. Intercepts application program abends Alters logic Displays and modifies the content of program variables Controls the program execution at any point i.e..
tests any program or program segment starts or stops execution at any point

Features of XPEDITER (cont..)

Bypasses unwanted code Traces logic flow Analyzes program structure and data flow Automatically generates a test script library Keeps a log of the test session activity Provides online HELP

While Xpediting a program

Source code is displayed in a fully scrollable window. The inner working of the program can be viewed as each step executes.

Xpediting a program
Create DDIO files Invoke Xpediter
Choose the utilities Create Xpediter environment Allocate program files Xpedite the program

Exit from Xpediter

Creating DDIO files

DDIO files are created using option 4.12

Creating DDIO files

Choose option 1 for batch programs

Creating DDIO files

Give the list library of the program

Creating DDIO files

Enter the ListLIBB Name of the element you want to generate a DDIO of. Enter the Member Name Fill in the appropriate Jobcard Information, if it is missing. Press Enter, and a Batch Job will be submitted The Batch Job will create a dataset <Username>.<Program Name>.DDIO which will contain the DDIO Listing

Type 18 on the command line and press enter to begin the Xpediter session.

Invoke Xpediter

Choose option 2 for Batch programs.

Invoke Xpediter: Choose Batch

Invoke Xpediter: Choose TSO

Choose option 2 for interactive xped.

Invoke Xpediter: Choose SE

Choose option SE for setting up xped.

In this file facility, the DDIO files are allocated. This file is used to store information that allows Xpediter to display the object code during a test session. Type a C for create in the selection field and fill the relevant data.

Invoke Xpediter: Choose utilities

Invoke Xpediter: Setup

Choose option 1 for giving load libraries.

Invoke Xpediter: Setup

Fill the load libs.

Invoke Xpediter: Setup

Choose option 2 for giving DDIO files.

Invoke Xpediter: Setup

Fill the DDIO files.

Invoke Xpediter: Setup

Choose option 3 for giving include libraries.

Invoke Xpediter: Setup

Fill the include libraries.

Invoke Xpediter
Fill the program to be xped, the executing JCL and DB2 plan and enter

Invoke Xpediter
If you come across with any DD allocation problem allocate them accordingly

Invoke Xpediter:Xpedite the program

This screen will display the source code of the module that is being tested.
The arrow always points to the current statement that is executing once execution has halted.

Invoke Xpediter:Xpedite the program

SAME: Indicates that all characters to the right of those displayed are the same. MORE: Indicates that the characters to the right of those displayed are different.

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

SET KEEP ** : Sets size of AUTOKEEP window to **

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

SHOW PFKEYS : Reset value of PFKEYS

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

An example of the output for SHOW PFKEYS

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

LOG : View log

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

LOG : Output of LOG command.

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

MOVE : Initialize or change the value of a variable

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

TRACE ALL S : document each statement executed in a session

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

SKIP xxx yy : Skip lines xxx to yyy.

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

RETEST : Retest module without exiting Xpediter

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

GO nn : Execute nn lines

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

GOTO xxx : Goto the specified line number

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

MONITOR ALL : prerequisite to execute REVERSE

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

REVERSE : Executes the code to be tested backwards

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands


Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

INTERCEPT : Get the source code of another module in program

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

SOURCE : To return to the calling module

Invoke Xpediter: Primary Commands

EXIT : End an Xpediter session

Invoke Xpediter: Line Commands

Line Commands : A, B

B = breakpoint

The A means execution should stop after this statement has executed.

Invoke Xpediter: Line Commands

Line Commands : C

C = count

Invoke Xpediter: Line Commands

Line Commands : D, Dx

D = delete

Invoke Xpediter: Line Commands

Line Commands : I

I = Insert

Invoke Xpediter: Line Commands

Line Commands : K

K = keep

Invoke Xpediter: Line Commands

Line Commands : P
Peek Elementary Command.

Peek Command.

Invoke Xpediter: Line Commands

Line Commands : X, XX

X = exclude

Exit from Xpediter

To end an Xpediter session, type EXIT on the command line and press enter.

Primary Commands



Sets size of AUTOKEEP window to ** Reset value of PFKEYS View log Initialize or change the value of a variable document each statement executed in a session Skip lines xxx to yyy.


Retest module without exiting Xpediter

Primary Commands
Command GO nn GOTO xxx MONITOR ALL REVERSE RESUME INTERCEPT SOURCE EXIT Description Execute nn lines Go To (This command should be avoided) Prerequisite to execute REVERSE Executes the code to be tested backwards Exit REVERSE mode Get the source code of another module in program To return to the calling module End an Xpediter session

Line Commands
Command A B C D Dx Description Set Breakpoint After Set Breakpoint Before Counts the number of times Delete a line Delete Breakpoint Note A will appear (@ if both B will appear (@ if both) a line of code is executed Block delete using DD x can be A or B or K

Line Commands
Command I K P X Description Insert a new line Keep operand Keep track of this on top of screen Peek operand Show on left of source Exclude lines of code from the display screen

Thank You

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