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Title Page

I can explain population distribution. I can
describe how the location, climate, and natural
resources of Latin America impacts trade and
affect where people live.

Name: Malaysia Hunter

(CNN pg)
Click Video link. As you watch and listen complete the strategy below.
Amazon Rainforest Video

I see a lot of land and water

I think the rainforest is very gorgeous

I wonder why the rainforest is called the lungs of our planet

PAGE 30 Mexico, Brazil, Cuba SS6G3
Directions: Complete the chart below with information you learned during the presentation.

(country, map, flag)

Mexico Cuba Brazil

Location(3 for each) ● Mexico is located in the

southern portion of north
● The Northern caribbean sea
Gulf Of Mexico and where
● eastern side of south
america Atlantic Ocean meet. ● coast of the atlantic ocean
● It is boarded to the north ● Its east of Yucatan Peninsula ● amazon river sketches
by united states ● South of both U.S. state of across brazil
● Mexico is between the Florida and the Bahamas
pacific ocean and the
caribbean sea

Climate (3 for each) ●

Very arid and semi arid
divides the country into

seasonally humid
● equator gives support one of
the world's largest rainforest
temperature and tropical ● maritime influenced and semi ● mostly hot and tropical
zones continental features ● south the climate is
● Tierra caliente (hot zone) temperate (mild)
tierra templada(temperate

Natural Resources ●



(4 for each) ● copper ● iron ore ● chromium
● gold ● chromium ● copper
Page 31 Mexico, Brazil, Cuba SS6G3
Directions: Complete the chart below with information you learned during the presentation.

(country, map, flag)

Mexico Cuba Brazil

SEAPORTS (how ● more than 20 seaports ● There are 70 ports ● Brazil has a total of 175 port
DRAW the map for Mexico Cuba Brazil
Flag for each
ONE fact that you ● Mexico has 10-12% of the
world's biodiversity.
● Cuba is the largest island in
the Caribbean Sea.
● Brazil is the largest country
in South America.
learned about each
one IMAGE that
represents each
Page 32
You may choose from 1 of the three options to complete.
Be sure to use your notes to help and do no plagiarize.

1. 2. 3.
If you had a choice to visit one of
You will Select 1 of the 3 countries Choose 2 countries to compare and the 3 countries, where would it be.
(Mexico, Brazil and Cuba) and write a 6 sentence summary doing
so. Explain why in a 6 sentence
write a 6 sentence summary sharing summary. Be detailed and specific.
reasons how location, climate,
natural resources impact trade and
why people love where they live.
easy access to rich fishing waters. Fishing provides food
another product to export. One of the fastest growing
f the Caribbean, Cuba is suffering from longer droughts,
. By changing the way nature functions in the Caribbean,
with the raw elements of productivity. Venezuela is in the
st north of equator.

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