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Best practices in the

management of Cerebral
Palsy patients among physical
therapist in Region X
Suson, DNJ

• Cerebral palsy is one of the common most common

neurological problem that arises prenatally, perinatally,
and postnatally

• CP is not a single diseased entity; it comprises problems

with body movement, muscle control, muscular
coordination, muscle tone, reflex, fine motor abilities,
gross motor skills, oral motor functioning, posture, and
balance (Shamir, 2012)
 Physical therapy (PT) is the mainstay of treatment for motor
deficits in children with cerebral palsy, focusing on gross
motor skills and functional mobility. (Papavasiliou, 2008)

 There are various treatments in approaching CP patients.

however, the best practices and treatment strategies in the
management of CP in Region X could be established to provide
better outcomes.

 Traditional physiotherapy has been demonstrated to improve

muscle strength, local muscular endurance, and total joint
range of motion in children with cerebral palsy (Singhi, 2004;
Mayston, 2004; Taggart, 1999)
 NDT is one of the more popular therapeutic methods for the
treatment of children with CP that are being used by thousands of
trained therapists around the world and are trained at various NDT
training centers (Mayston, 2004)

 Physical therapists have many ways in approaching CP patients when

it comes to creating interventions depending on their level of
impairments. However, some places specifically in Region X don’t
have many Rehab centers and PT practitioners are small in numbers
which results in the lack of treatment managements for CP patients.

 The best practices in managing CP patients in Region X is yet to be


• Determine the best practices in approaching CP patients

among Physical therapists in Region X.

• To classify evidence-based practices (EBP) in the

management of CP and to categorize them accordingly
Research question

1. What are the common practices of Physical therapists in the management of

Cerebral palsy patients in Region X?

2. What are the best practices that are utilized by private and rehab-based PTs

in managing Cerebral Palsy in Region X?

3. What are the classifications of the treatment of CP in EBP?

4. Do PTs in Region X use EBP in the management of CP?

Hypothesis of the study

 Ha: The best practices used in the management of CP in Region

X utilize EBP.

 Ho: The best practices used in the management of CP in Region

X do not utilize EBP.

Scope and delimitation

 This survey is to be conducted among licensed PTs who

are working in private and public institution, and self-
employed PTs who are practicing CP managements in
Region X, specifically in Iligan, Cagayan de Oro city,
Valencia, and Maramag. PT who are working part time in
region X and does not generally treat CP patients and PT
who are working outside of Region X are excluded
Significance of the study

 The Researcher
 Physical therapist

Rehabilitation supervisors

Families with CP patients

Conceptual framework

Independent Dependent

Physical therapists PT management

• Employed •Evidence based practices
• Self employed •Traditional Interventions
 Cerebral palsy
 Physical therapy
 Evidence based practice
 Rehabilitation center
 disability
Research design
Descriptive research design using a quantitative approach
through survey questionnaires

Research Locale
Region X (Valencia, Maramag, Cagayan, and Iligan)

Sampling method
Snowball sampling (60 participants)
The study population are licensed PTs in region 10 who are
working in private and public institutions and self-employed
PTs who are handling CP patients.
Inclusion Criteria

1. PTs who are working in Private and public institutions in region 10

2. self-employed PTs who are working in the field of Physical therapy

3. PTs handling CP patients before and present.

4. PTs with experience of 2 years and above

Exclusion Criteria

1. PTs who are not working in region 10

2. PTs who have part time jobs and does not generally practice in handling CP patients

3. PTs who has less than 2 years of experience

Instrumentation of the study
 The researcher will be using a survey questionnaire as the
instrument of this research
 Demographic profile
 Selected interventions
Procedure of the study
1. Identifying the workplace of the participants
2. Distribution of consent letters
3. Orientation
4. Distribution of survey questionnaires
5. Gathering data
6. Tallying
7. Data analysis
Statistical tool: Descriptive statistics and ANOVA test
Flow chart
of the study
Estimated cost

No. Item Total amount

60 Survey questionnaires P 300.00

Transportation P 1,500.00

Food expenses P 1000.00

Research assistant P 2000.00

Total P 4,800.00
Ethical consideration
 The researcher will be in charge of maintaining the
confidentiality of the participants' information. The
researcher will ensure that the participants are informed
of the study's purpose and that they have the option to
participate or not. All information received will be used
solely for research purposes.

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