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Chapter 6

Rizal’s Secret Mission

• Rizal’s secret mission
(with the blessing of
Paciano)was to observe
keenly the life and
culture, languages and
customs,industries and
commerce, governments
and laws of European
1. life and culture
2. languages and customs
3. industries and commerce
4. governments and laws of the European
Secret Departure for Spain
• He used the name Jose Mercado, a cousin from Binan.

• May 3, 1882- Rizal departed on board the Spanish steamer

SALVADORA bound for Singapore.

• Rizal’s departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid

detection by the Spanish authorities and the friars. Even his
own parents did not know because he knew they, especially
his mother, would not allow him to go.
Secret departure for Spain
• Only his older brother (Paciano),
his uncle (Antonio Rivera father of
Leonor Rivera), his sisters
( Neneng and Lucia), the
Valenzuela Family ( Capitan Juan
and Capitana Sanday and their
daughter Orang), Pedro A. Paterno,
his compadre Mateo Evangelista,
and Ateneo Jesuits fathers and
some intimate friends, including
Chengoy (Jose M. Cecilio).
• Donato Lecha- the ship • May 9, 1882- the
captain from Asturias, Salvadora docked at
Spain. Singapore. Rizal landed
• May 8, 1882- while the and registered at HOTEL
steamer was approaching DE LA PAZ, and spent
Singapore, Rizal saw a
beautiful island. Fascinated two days on a sightseeing
by its scenic beauty, he soiree of the city, which
remembered “Talim Island was a colony of England.
with the Susong Dalaga”.

Singapore to Colombo
• Rizal transferres into another ship Djemnah,a french steamer
which left Singapore for Europe on May 11. it was a larger,
cleaner vessel which carried more passengers. Among these
passengers were British, French, Dutch, Spaniards, Malays,
Siamese, and Filipinos ( Mr. and Mrs. Salazar, Mr. Vicente
Pardo, and Jose Rizal).
• May 17- the Djemnah reached Point Galle, a seacoast town in
Southern Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).
• The following day the djemnah weighed anchor and resumed
the voyage towards Colombo the capital of Ceylon. After a few
hours of sailing, she reached this city on the same day.
• The steamer crossed the Indian Ocean to
Cafe Guardafui in Africa. The trip was
difficult because of a stormy weather. Rizal
was sea sick
Suez Canal
• From Colombo, the
Djemnah continued the voyage
crossing the Indian Ocean to
the Cape of Guardafui, Africa.

• At the next stop over- in Aden-

Rizal went ashore to see the
sights. He found the city
hotter than Manila.
First Trip to Suez Canal
• From Aden, the Djemnah proceeded to the city of the of Suez,
the Red Sea terminal of the Suez Canal. Upon arrival at Suez,
Rizal disembarked and went sightseeing, like an ordinary
• It took the Djemnah five days to transverse the Suez Canal.
Rizal was thrilled because it was his first trip through this canal
which was built by Ferdinand de Lesseps (French diplomat
engineer). It was inaugurated on November 17, 1869. at Fort
Said, the Mediterranean terminal of the Suez canal, Rizal landed
to hear the multi-racial inhabitants speaking a babel of tongues-
Arabic, Egyptian, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Naples and Marseilles
• Rizal Reached Naples on
June 11
• He was fascinated with Mt.
Vesuvius, Castle of St.
Telmo,and other historic
• Disembarked on Marseilles
on night of June 12
• Visited famous Chateu d’lf
• From alexander dumas’ The
Count of Monte Cristo
• Rizal arrived in Barcelona
by June 16, 1882
• Has first impression of
being unfavorable
• Later Rizal found
Barcelona to be a great city.
With an atmoshpere of
freedom and liberalism, and
its people were open-
hearted, hospitable and
• In Barcelona, Rizal wrote a nationalistic essay
entitled “Amor Patrio” (Love of Country).
• He wrote this essay on the request of his friend,
Basilio Teodoro Moran, publisher of the first
bilingual newspaper in Manila, the Diariong
Tagalog on August 20, 1882. (Spanish and
• He wrote this essay using the pen name Laong
• The essay caused quite a stir among the readers in
the Philippines.
From Manila to Madrid
• Rizal received a sad news about the cholera that was
ravaging Manila and the provinces.
• On a letter he received from Paciano dated
September 15, 1882, the Calamba folks were having
afternoon novenas and nocturnal procession, praying
to God to stop the dreadful epidemic
• Another sad news he received was from Chengoy
(Jose M. Cecilio) telling how Leonor Rivera was
getting thinner because of the absence of a love one
Life in Madrid
• Upon Paciano’s advise, Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of
1882 and established himself in Madrid, the capital of Spain.
• At Madrid he enrolled at the Universidad Central de Madrid
(Central University of Madrid) on November 3, 1882
• There he took two courses: Medicine and Philosophy and
• Aside from his studies, Rizal also took painting and sculpture
at the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Life in Madrid
• Lessons in fencing, at the schools
of Sanzan Carbonel
• Lived frugally and led a spartan life
• Stated that only extravagance was investing a few
pesitas for a lottery ticket in every draw of Madrid
• Attends reunions at the Paterno Brother’s house
• On Saturday evenings, he visited the home of
Pablo Ortega y Rey who lived with his Son Rafael
and Daughter Consuelo
Consuelo Ortega y Perez
• During Rizal’s stay in Madrid, he would frequently
visit the home of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey who lived
with his son Rafael and daughter Consuelo.
• Don Pablo was a former city mayor of Manila
during the administration of the liberal governor
general Carlos Ma. De la Torre.
• Rizal was attracted by Consuelo’s beauty. As he
made a poem entitled A La Senorita C.O. y P. to
express his admiration for her.
• Rizal, however, backed out from
his romance with Consuelo because
• (1) he was still engaged with
Leonor Rivera and
• (2) his friend and co-worker in the
Propaganda Movement, Eduardo de
Lete was madly in love with
Romance with
Consuelo Ortega y Rey
• In 1882, shortly after his arrival in Madrid, Rizal
joined the Circulo Hispano-Filipino (Hispano-
Philippine Circle), a society of Spaniards and
• Upon request of the members of the society, he
wrote a poem entitled Me Piden Versos (They
Asked Me for Verses). In this sad poem, he
poured out the cry of his agonizing heart, as
Rizal as a Lover of Books
• Favorite pastime in
• Purchased books from
second hand book-
Amongst Rizal’s collection of
books are:
• Bible
• Hebrew Grammar
• Lives of the Presidents of the U.S. Complete
Works of Voltaire
• Complete Works of Horace
• Complete Works of C. Bernard History of the
French Revolution
• The Wandering Jew
• Ancient Poetry
• Rizal’s first summer June
17-august 20,1883
• Enamored with Paris with
boulevards and sights
• Mistaken as a Japanese by
the Parisians
• Quotes Paris “Costliest
Capital in Europe”
As a Mason
• Rizal was impressed
by the way Spanish
Masons openly and
freely critized the
policies,which could
not be done with the
Philippines that time
• Joined Acacia
Financial Worries
• Harvest of rice and • The Hacienda
sugarcane failed manager was enraged
because of locust and when he was once
drought refused for a turkey
and increased the
• Increased rentals on lease.
haciendas • Rizal’s allowance
• A dreadful pest that were late in arrival or
killed almost all of the sometimes they never
turkeys arrived
Financial Worries
• June 24, 1884:
• Because he was broke,he was unable to have any
breakfast,attended class at university participated
in contest in Greek Language and won gold medal
• In evening of same day,he was able to eat for he
was a guest speaker in a baquet held in honor of
Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo at
Resturant Ingles,Madrid
Salute to Luna and Hidalgo
• National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid - 1884
• The Filipino community in Spain sponsored a banquet
to celebrate the double victory of the Filipino artist in
the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid.
• Juan Luna, with his Spoliarium won the first prize.
• Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo won the second prize with
his Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace
Christian Virgins Exposed to the
Salute to Luna and Hidalgo
• Rizal in his speech, saluted Luna and Hidalgo as
two glories for Spain and the Philippines, whose
artistic achievements transcended geographical
frontiers and racial origins.
• In Rizal’s speech, he said genius is universal.
“Genius knows no country, genius sprouts
everwhere, genius is like light, air, the patrimony
of everybody, cosmopolitan like space, like life,
like God.”
Student Demonstrations
• November 20-22,1884 a
riot was held by the
students of Central
• the address of Dr. Miguel
Morayta, a professor of
history caused his
dismissal which led to a
violent demonstrations
Student Demonstration
• November 20,1884: • November 22,1884:
• “viva Morayta! Down • Police occupied the
with Bishops!”
• Rizal had to go under
• “down with Creus!” disguise
newly appointed rector • He swore never to return
Chaos ensued to the university
• Until their satisfaction and
the old rector was
Student Demonstration
• Becomes a sensational
controversy,where papers,except
ministry are in the students favor,
a rich banker even gives ten
thousand duros to the ex-rector to
bail students and professors
Studies completed in Spain.
• The academic year 1884-1885 Rizal passed all
subjects leading to the degree of Doctor of
• Rizal completed his medical course in Spain.
He was awarded the Degree of Licentiate in
Medicine by the Universidad Central de
Madrid on June 21, 1884.
Studies completed in Spain.
• The next academic year (1884-85) he studied
and passed all subjects leading to the Degree of
Doctor of Medicine. However, he was not
awarded his Doctors Diploma because he did
not present his thesis nor paid the corresponding
• Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy
and Letters and was awarded the degree on June
19, 1885, his 24th birthday as Sobresaliente.
Studies completed in Spain.
• By obtaining a degree in Philosophy and
Letters, Rizal became qualified to be a
professor of humanities in any Spanish
• He did not bother to secure the post-
graduate degree of Doctor of Medicine
because it was also good only for teaching.
Studies completed in Spain.
• Rizal knew, however, that with his brown
color and Asian racial ancestry no friar-
owned university or college in the
Philippines would accept him in its faculty

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