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Directing by
Dr. Jawad Al-Assadi
Amal :
I asked my son ..My son which road will you take my son .. He said I
will drive my bike towards the sea , I said .. I told him and what are
you going to do there
, He said : I haggle waves , And I put Two arms of Two
clouds and Two paddles from a strong wind , Drive ..Drive ..
Drive through the body of the sea to reach that hill on the
other side of the city
Where my mother is waiting for me , My father left her loaf and Soul
, broken
She carried me nine in her womb , And I will return her to my uterus
, and protect her forever
, My mother , My mother , who is far from my running country
, Allied oppression , Dust ,Storms and side walks
, She gave birth to me and put me on my horse's back , in the bloody river and left the country
Like a red Indian looking for a safety herb
My mother , My mother , My mother , with Two braids and Two crutches , Was thrown by the paths
,to the station of those waiting for their children in the paths of regret and hunger
.. Mom .. Mom .. Mom
Basim :
? I asked my mother .. Mother .. Mother
, Are you not weary of sitting at the lords door
, Smoking your years , and throwing your memory to the wind pit
My mother said , I'm Waiting for my son , Who is engraved on my womb , Whom I watered with hot
. tears from my heart
. My brother , since his youth , was hit by a car near the color academy
, For masked men dragged him from the light of his colored eyes into the dungeon of the dead
My mother ran , She put her abaya on her head , And she was barefoot
, She knocked on the prison gates .. She knocked on the hospital gates
.. She knocked on the gates of the secret halls
, And opened the gates of the dead .. And she did not find him
, My mom came home
She smoked her pain day and night while waiting for him at the door of the house , so that he would
. come back
, My brother was killed , And before that my father was killed in a brutal scene before my eyes
Basim :
)Basim screams(
? Amal ..Amal ..Amal
Amal :
? Hello.. Hello … Hello madam do you hear me
, Madam , I can't hear you well
, Listen , You don’t understand me
, Listen to me .. I called more than once And they did not answer
? Comprehend me what can I do
.. No .. No .. NO the subject does not bear any advice Today I go means I go
, Even if I break the door of the doctor's office Well , Go and I'll call them again ..
,May they respond and if I don’t get an answer , you must find a solution for me .. well , be safe
Amal :
? Hello .. Hello ..Hello ..Madam do you hear me
? Excuse me what time can I come to the doctor today
.. What , I can't hear you
, Listen I'm .. my name is Amal Abdullah Who is Abu Abdullah what's wrong with you
I'm a woman not a man don’t make me crazy ? Basim be patient for a moment .. I know you have a
? Be patient a little Madam did you find my name
No no how does it not exist? ..Look at the records , It's been a week since I
? booked in at the doctor
What is not there ? Make sure that I have booked at the doctor a week in
Basim :
Shut up , Amal , Shut up .. Shut up .. Shut up .. Shut up
, Shut up you hit my head, Amal And talk to people kindly .. Kindly ? I want to read
Amal :
? What do you read Basim
: Basim
Read Van Gogh... Rembrandt? Samuel Beckett?
, I don’t care about Van Gogh
? Do you know who Van Gogh is
. Van Gogh love .. Van Gogh life .. Van Gogh heaven
? Van Gogh kindness Amal speak kindly
? Hello.. yes madam do you hear me ?..What does it mean that the doctor is not existing
. I don’t understand what it means the doctor has been missing for a week
? Have you tried to go to his house , I'm afraid that his phone is idle or he has an emergency
? Don’t make me crazy? Do anything for my sake
. I can't postpone the doctor's appointment , I booked a week ago
? What does it mean you say the doctor is hidden and how do you lose my name
And what are these networks from which I do not understand anything What a junk phones are
? these
. Amal shut up , Shut up , Shut up , Shut up .. I told you to lower your voice
Stop gossiping , Please ? Stop .. Stop
? Am I chattering Basim
Yes you chatter , Your voice is like a mountain falling on my head .Your tongue resemble a whip flogs
. my imagination
.Amal give over .. Give over .. Give over .. Give over please my sweet heart
. Basim listen to me .. I'm just calling the secretary to make an appointment with her
? Do you know what she told me
: Basim
? What did she say
She told me that there are attacks in this city that began defecation doctors and
kidnapping them in return for paying a ransom for them , She also said that there are
, men who look like crows invaded this city
,And started poking people's head one by one
Imagine Basim imagine imagine .. A doctor who helped give birth to all the young men and woman
, of this city who disbelieve him and Shoot him under the pretext of halal and haram
, And that it is not permissible for him to touch women and help them bear children
? Tell me what to do Basim tell me tell me
: Basim
Don't know ..I Don't know ..I Don't know , I
. Amal this is part of my insomnia because of which I can't sleep
, Yes I can't sleep
: Amal
, Amoment Basim ? My friend is calling me to guide me to another doctor to go to
? Please honey do not call
: Amal
, I'm going away and Not disturb you
Do not call
Speak easy and Kindly
.. Hello my dear do you hear me ?..Answer me ..But the doctor's secretary says the doctor is missing
? I mean what do I do know ?.. You feel me right
I want the number of your private doctor . I want to book with her ,Today I
. have to go to any doctor it is necessary , I ache a lot
Send me her number ? No, no , Tell me the number slowly so I can write it
? down . What is the number
?shut up Amal … shut up Amal
. Shush my love … shush shush shush .. I beg you shush ? Hush you hit my head
. Your voice penetrates my body like an army of worms and eats all my dreams
? Your voice buzzling in my head . Buzzling in my head . Amal please .. I want to sleep
A while ago , My obsession with sleep disappeared from my life .. It disappeared from my existence ..It
. disappeared Amal . It disappeared .. Disappeared .. Disappeared
: Amal
You're the one who disturbed this obsession inside you
: Basim
No , Amal .. Rather , The pain and bitterness of life and fear removed my obsession with
. sleep
. Fear .. Fear .. Fear , Amal .. Fear invaded everywhere
Fear subdued homes
Overran roads
Invaded Streets
. Fear subdued my head , Amal , My head .. My head .. My head .. My head
. Fear overran my head
. Fear pervaded my body
Fear invaded my body and my soul
?My body and my soul
Basim I know I know I know , Fear is killing
: Basim
The world is increasing day by day .. fornication ..Corruption ..Cruelty ..And pain
No it is getting shallower and stifling
Day by day the air is decreasing in this world.
I feel suffocated , Amal
. Give me the atomizer please
Open doors and windows
: Amal
The spray can .. Just a minute I'm going to bring it now as soon as possible
Where did you put it ? Basim calm down I'm going to bring it now
This is it , I found the atomizer , Take the inhaler, breathe?
: Amal
?Listen to me Basim
Your strange imaginations seems to control your head
: Basim
?Amal stop stop .. Stop
: Amal
Look look look how your imaginations turned to a nightmare that started to stifle you
: Basim
Amal stop chattering . Please … Give over .. Give over .. Give over
: Amal
? Does my voice bother you to this spoke
: Basim
? Stop babbling please
Give over .. Give over .. Give over
I will do .. I will go out , Move out , I'll go away
: Basim
? Where will you depart tell me honey
: Amal
? This is not your concern , Do not intrude up on , Wherever I want to go , Let me go
: Basim
repeat once again, Where will you go out, talk to me, my love, tell me?
: Amal
To the doctor
, Doctor doctor doctor, Leave the idea of your going to the doctor
All streets bubble with shots ? All things burn without doors ,Yes, Bubble catch fire
Inflame as it is doomsday , Amal
: Amal
.. Listen to me Basim listen ..Bubble .. Burn .. Dilapidate.. Crack .. Cut up
. The world is the same as the world... And i addict it's hell long time ago
. But day after day it's hell increase
: Amal
Basim let me go , I want to move out
: Basim
I won't let you walk out from the door of the house in such danger situations
: Amal
When the hour of going out approach , no one will stand against me
And you know that
I will close all the doors and windows .. so that you do not jump into the street
: Amal
.. You scold me Basim .. aha scold me
Iam your beloved ..Your friend ..Your wife ..You scold me
I didn’t mean my sweet heart, I didn't mean my honey
My beloved I didn't mean I didn't mean my love
You've had to adjust to my tone all these years
Before marriage , Your voice used to sound like the sweetest songs
I enjoyed your voice , Sweetness and delicacy
.. You were like a God ..Yes like a God
I loved your worship, You were soft and smooth in every thing
But now after marriage , No , Amal , No . You've come heavy .. Yes heavy
You became like a rotten .. heaven .. Screaming and babbling all day
Yes screaming and babbling all day
: Amal
. Know .. Know you don't enjoy my voice or my body , Very strange
.Before you throw that garbage of words out of your mouth , You should have asked me
What hurts me .. what brought me to this situation
: Basim
You didn't leave a single chance to ask about you
You gossip ..Then you babble ..Then you gossip
You didn't stop party chattering in your head
I die every day .. And you tell me why are you blabber
Why do you shriek ? Your voice is cacophonous .. Your voice is disgusting
Thank you Basim thanks .. thanks for all this love
: Basim
Help me my sweet heart .. Help me .. Help me .. Help me
I want to sleep even for one hour
I drank all kinds of liquor and couldn't sleep
I hit my head on all the walls of the house and could not sleep
, Help me, Amal , Help me
My head, Amal ,My head ..My head .. My head.. My head.. My head .. My head
: Amal
? Tell me what's keeping you from sleeping
.. The curse swept over my head ,, The image of my father does not leave my head
.. It crashes in my head . It disturbs me .It does not make me sleep
It does not make me sleep
Amal .. One day my father went to the edge of the river ..With him his two young sons who
are me and my brother , To throw our bodies in the river to get rid of the very hot climate
.. My father went to buy juice for us
Moments later ,My father's body passed in front of us in the river
He was holding juice in his hand and three bullets to the head
My father's blood kissed our bodies before she left
From that moment on , I bleed inside of me From that moment on , Sleep left my head .
The world turned black in my eyes .My loneliness intensified
I disbelieved in art , Freedom , Democracy , Militias and Extremists
. Extremists , And burned all my books and even my dreams . Even my dreams
My back was broken and my family flower
Amal.. No free loaves
No actors shouting at tyrants . Nor is the city like mine, Everything got bloody and muddy
The sound of bullets , corruption , Destruction and Murder is the loudest tone in this
Amal help me ? Give me the spray can , I'm almost suffocating , Open the windows
: Amal
This is the sprayer , Pull You. tired me Basim , You tired me
Every moment you suffocate , I've got tired ,When you die I feel comfort
I can't bear to live with you either you die or I die. I get tired Basim , You made me tired,
My head .. My body .. My temperature is high
I can't feel my body , Help me , Amal , Help me
My head Amal will explode , Help me baby
, Do not act like this .. Come let me help you .. Come to sleep . Calm down , My love
? Calm down .. Come on sleep and rest .. shush . Calm down Basim calm down calm down
Do not tire me I swear in God Allah I love you do not do so to yourself . Shush
Basim do you remember our first meeting in the corridors of the university ?At that time ,
You were wearing very charming clothes .How sweet you were Basim .. Sweet .. Sweet
You read me many poems
Then you led me after the fourth and fifth meetings to that studio . Do you remember
Then you threw my hair over my shoulder and moved my neck softly and softly
. Then you kidnapped the first look of love from me
I almost passed out from the intensity of her charm I did not sleep that night , My heart
. began to punch me and control me with these hot blows
. I know very well that you drowned in the strength of my gate and my laughter
? I also know that I have turned into a martyr with your charm , Basim , Do you remember
. Amal , What do you do ? You smoke , Right ? Yes you smoke . you insist on smoking
You did not find a doctor to remove the child inside your womb you went and smoked
until you killed my son .
You wanted my son to die with smoke . You wanted to suffocate him ..You wanted to kill my
? son . You to die my son , Amal
. Amal.. please leave smoking .. honey leave smoking
. Leave me Basim .. Leave me to extinguish the volcanoes in me
. Which volcanoes are you talking about ?Tell me Amal , tell me
. About the plant you threw in my womb
. Plant , Plant ,Plant Damn that plant
. A week ago , Suspicion hovered around you Amal
.. Leave me Basim
? Leave me and don't burden me with grieve above the sorrows on my head
: Basim
? Amal , What were you doing last night in the bathroom who were you talking to
? What are you planning to , Tell me
I plan to finish the dread that lives in me . I plan to get rid of the ember you threw in my
. womb , Basim , The fire . Daily I pray to God to save me from this fetus , From this fire
The fire burns me as I saw those boys bleeding and being killed and Humiliated
. I saw you Amal , I saw you , I saw you , I saw you
. I saw you slam your belly against the wall to topple the fetus
. You seem to have lost your balance and motherhood , unfortunately
. I think this pain was caused by those voices I was hearing yesterday
? Were you hitting your stomach against the wall in order to get rid of the fetus
? Say it to me honey , Talk to me , Tell me
. You have nothing to do with that , My son , And I'm free to do with him whatever I want
Just as you are free in your rotten life filled with the smell of death and the nightmares that
. filled the walls of the house . You filled our lives with smoke , Not colors
. So I want to go out .. get out .. Get out
: Basim
? Where do you go out
: Amal
. I have to come out
?Where do you go out and the sound of bullets walking between roads ,Tell me ,Amal
. I wish the bullets would save me from you and this torment
! From me , I'm Basim your lover
. My love .. Says my love
Lord help me where to find a doctor
: Basim
.. Doctor .. Doctor .. Doctor .. Doctor
. Even if you find a doctor , I will not let you abort the fetus
? Amal , It is completely unacceptable to me , Did you hear that
.Basim listen to me ? I'm free with my body and my fetus and I will decide what I should do
? .. Have you gone mad ..Have you gone mad ..Have you gone mad
For more than a week, you have been hitting your belly with everything you find in front of
.you . But fate does not want this child to come out of your womb
Basim , Since I became pregnant , And you have been treating me with extreme neglect ,
.You have not paid attention to my pain
. Preoccupied with reading books that do not make rich and fatten
You removed all the colors from my life with your darkness and your evil
. You planned a life for me inside your rotten and gloomy forest
. And now you simply want to draw another dark life for your son in my womb
. Amal .. don't throw this at me I can't carry
. From the beginning , I refused that you were pregnant
. But your stupidity brought about this fetus
: Amal
My stupidity
Yes , Your stupidity
: Amal
? I'm stupid
: Basim
, Yes your stupid
, By the way , I also did not want to have a child
, But I don't know what happened
: Basim
? You don’t know what happened
. I tell you what happened
: Amal
? What happened
: Basim
. It happened that you didn't take your pills because of your gossip all day
. Even on the bed while making love , You babble about meaningless things
You gossip , Then chatter .. And this is the result .
. It happened . And there is a child who grows and grows every day in your womb .
And you know very well that this miserable corrupt universe is not suitable for a child to
. be born in it
, We are now living in a jungle .. A ruthless jungle .. the strong eats the weak
.No , but our life has become tougher than the forest itself
, Women of the world must stop giving birth
Rather , This world should be left to other people who are more merciful and less cruel
. than us , human being
. I lost everything .. every thing .. Even my lust for you I lost it . I lost it
Basim, What pleasure and lust are you talking about ? And you left me and our bed a long
, time ago .. Since you learned about my pregnancy
. you can't stand me anymore. I lost the sense of having a partner in this house
So I started talking to myself in sleep , In front of the mirror , In the streets , And even in
. the toilet . Everything became boring and uninteresting
We are like dead bodies on the bed of this rotting life . What lust are you

?talking about , Basim

? Listen to me , I don't want to have this baby . Do you know why
.First , Because you are not loving me anymore Basim. You no longer look into my eyes
. You're no longer kissing me . You don’t smell me any more
You don’t touch my body any more. You don't even raise a whirlwind on my bed any more
: Basim
. Amal.. You turned this house into a big prison with no hope
. You killed all my dreams with your gossip and Carelessness
. You turned the house into a huge holocaust that burned all my being
Look look look ? Look how lonely the house has become ..Muddy ..Without people ..
. Without friends ..Without relatives.. Everyone ran away from us
.A great strangeness swept our bodies and our dead bed
You have become a woman without feelings .. without feeling .. without taste .. without
. feminity
You talk about toilet , About cooking ,About men , And you don’t stop being hypocritical
. with your friends about women . You turned into a rotting mass of flesh
. You rotted my life and I could no longer stand to be close to you
. Or to smell your scent , And I no longer desire you , I no longer desire you
: Amal
. Well done great game you want to play to remove me from your life
. You take advantage of my loneliness and not having a family to embrace me
And you know that I have no refuge but you in this world after killing and abandoning all
? the rest of my family . Exploit orphan ?Want to exploit this vulnerability
. Basim , how insolent you are , Insolent
: Basim
Amal , I try daily to dispel the misunderstanding between us . But you've been missing out
. on freshness lately . You missed that innocence that I married you for
.You became more cruel and brutal
You act with me as if I were an equal
. Or a boxer .. Or an enemy ..Or a soldier who wants retribution from you
Do you want me to confess in front of you so that you can feel comfortable that iam a
. shallow person
? Bastard .. decadent .. Rubbish .. Shit .. Do you want more than that
? Will you calm down when I curse myself
? Do you want me to spit in my face in front of you
? Does this satisfy you ? Tell me baby
, Do you want me to smash my head against the wall so you can rest ? Tell me
? Amal , Tell me .. Amal , Tell me
Listen to me I don’t want to have this baby , Okay
. I also did not want a child. I never thought I would be a father one day
I did not like to be a father like other fathers. But the child has become inside your womb.
. It has become a reality .. It will not descended ..okay
. You ate my heart
You taught me a lesson in spreading the darkness and sitting on garden benches waiting for
. even one carnation flower from you . You write me the magic of poems on paper
. And trample me in the corridors of the university when I was chasing your shadow
. And attempts to find your sleeping heart on another pillow , In another bed
You throw your perfume on the breast of a woman who humiliated me and threw her
. mean jealousy on my mantle
While I was an orphan , I carried my brother's ashes in a small urn after the masked
. murderers burned him in the public square
Not for anything , Only because he wanted to remove the dust of death from the people
. gathered in the square
.He used to play for them daily .. And on that day , How many followers and fans increased
Until that dirty moment came when they threw gasoline at him and his musical instrument
. and then burned him in front of the people
.I came to you from the midst of that massacre
But you treated me like a stranger , Like you've never smelled my perfume , you were a
certain brutality
I observe you sitting behind the door lock it without me , And leaving me to passengers ,
. Gathering up my body in my mantle and hiding my fear under my wiper
? Amal , Give me
: Amal
? What do you say
: Basim
? My son inside my womb , Give him to me
: Amal
? What's the matter with you ? Are you insane
. I'm not mad
Amal my son who is inside your belly I want him . I want to put him in my belly inside my
. uterus ? Inside my womb
: Amal
? From where did you get that matrix
, I have a womb , Amal , I have one , Two and Three I have fifty wombs
: Amal
? You have an uterus and you varnish it from me
: Basim
. Amal , I will put my son in my matrix and I will bring him out to this life after 100 years
: Amal
. In order to last forever
: Basim
? My love , Give me one convincing reason to get rid of the fetus ? Understand me
? Tell me Basim ? To which guillotine do you want me to give birth to my child
On which bench will the blood of my angel flow after I give birth to him and grow up
.. Basim tell me
In what way will I do wedding to my son , to the cemetery after I give birth to him and he
? grows up
.. Do I do wedding to him with ahead cut off with knives
..or do wedding to him with a body riddled with silencer bullets
. Or do wedding to shreds and small pieces after they blow it up
? Or do wedding to him with a hanged body because of his drug and crystal practice
? Basim , Tell me
Don't you see those monsters that filled the streets of the city because of their use of this
? poison
Don't you see how young people have turned into dead and empty bodies without
. awareness because of addiction
. Everyone imitates everyone ..Until we fell into great ruin
? To what ruin you want me to give birth to him
Basim.. The fetus grows in the mothers body , Then it's years flourish from her tears , And
then after that
He walks into a society whose children are born to kill
Life in this society is either you die physically or you die from oppression
My Lord ,My Lord , I don’t want to see this scene in my fetus
I will cut my guts so that he does not come out to this world
In what hell will I live the rest of my life if my son is devoured by the mill of extremists and
. murderers? which has spread today among young people
.. Basim , I'm a mother
? Do you know what happens to a mother's heart when she loses her son
. Her heart crumbled like charred dirt particles and it flies in the air
. To turn into a curse over the head of this city
.. Basim , I'm a mother
: Basim
? Honey , what's going on with you
: Amal
? Basim I want to go out
: Basim
? Where are you going , and the streets are full of bullets and killing
: Amal
, I want to go out in order to get rid of this child that I have in my uterus
. I have to put him down
, Amal , I will not let you come out of the house
: Amal
? Leave me Basim

Amal Amal Amal

. Amal I dreamed about my son who is in your insides was running , Yesterday
. Running among streets and he is naked
. Running and Running and behind him thousands of young people and pretty girls
. All was carrying musical tools in their hands and they went towards that street
They went and started playing , Singing and dancing and The rain is falling on their musical
instruments . And thousands of beautiful young men and girls came out with them from
?the streets, and started dancing and singing too
...AMAL... the streets were filled with theatres, cinemas and opera houses
.I had a strange feeling that I hadn't felt for many years
. Everyone was carrying green myrtle and they went towards that bridge
. They went to remove that black cloud from this city by music and dance
. Amal .. I will teach my son music and dancing
Music and Dance are the most beautiful worship to make advances to God and Refining of
. spirits
.AMAL Help me to achieve this dream Help me my love

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