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Identify other Recognize Describe how each
systems that assist differences in a man system work
in the reproduction and a woman’s brain harmoniously for
perspective of man the purpose of a
quality life
• Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability
caused by differences in the brain.

• People with ASD often have problems with social

communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive
behaviors or interests.

• People with ASD may also have different ways of learning,

moving, or paying attention.
What causes autism?

• having an immediate family member who's autistic.

• certain genetic mutations.
• fragile X syndrome and other genetic disorders.
• being born to older parents.
• low birth weight.
• metabolic imbalances.
• exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins.
• a maternal history of viral infections.
Fragile X

• Fragile X syndrome has been found in all major ethnic groups

and races, and is caused by an abnormality (mutation) in
the FMR1 gene.

• FMR1 is a gene located on the X chromosome that produces a

protein called FMRP needed for proper cell function
• Here, females carry two X chromosomes (XX) and only
produce gametes with X chromosomes.

• Males, on the other hand, carry only one X chromosome (XO)

and produce some gametes with X chromosomes and some
gametes with no sex chromosomes at all
Drugs -
• Seventh-day Adventists believe the Bible teaches that each human
body is a “temple of the living God,” which should be cared for
intelligently (2 Cor. 6:15-17).

• The church’s Bible-based Fundamental Belief No. 22 states, “Along

with adequate exercise and rest, we are to adopt the most healthful
diet possible. … Since alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and the
irresponsible use of drugs and narcotics are harmful to our
bodies, we are to abstain from them. … Instead, we are to engage
in whatever brings our thoughts and bodies into the discipline of
Christ, who desires our wholesomeness, joy, and goodness.”
Adventist Church views on Marriage - Adven
• Issues related to marriage can be seen in their true light only as
they are viewed against the background of the divine ideal for

• Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by

Jesus Christ to be both monogamous and heterosexual, a lifelong
union of loving companionship between a man and a woman. In
the culmination of His creative activity, God fashioned humankind
as male and female in His own image; and He instituted marriage,
a covenant-based union of the two genders physically,
emotionally, and spiritually, spoken of in Scripture as “one flesh.”
• Because marriage has been corrupted by sin, the purity
and beauty of marriage as it was designed by God needs to
be restored.
The Nervous system


It is the most important sexual organ of the body

R.A. Alora and J.M.Lumitao

What Does the Endocrine System Do?
• Endocrine glands release hormones into the
• The endocrine hormones help control mood,
growth and development, the way our organs
work, metabolism , and reproduction.
• The endocrine system regulates how much of
each hormone is released.
• Alerted by blood vessels or sex hormones

• Estrogen, Progesterone, testosterone NEUROHORMONES

Pituitary gonadotrophic hormones

A. Follicle stimulating hormones and luteinizing



Pituitary gonadotrophic hormones




Circulatory system
• The circulatory and reproductive systems can be considered as
tubular transport systems of blood cells and gametes.

• Both systems involve complex flows and fluid-structure

Respiratory system
• Sexual intercourse and respiratory failure – ScienceDirect

• Females' reduced airways diameter and lung volume result in lower

peak expiratory flow and vital capacity.

• A reduction of sexuality was reported in patients with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis and
respiratory failure on non-invasive mechanical ventilation
• Reduced blood flow can lead to erectile dysfunction in men
• Sexual arousal difficulties in women.

• Symptoms of cardiovascular disease such as chest pain,

shortness of breath, and fatigue may also interfere with
sexual performance and enjoyment of sexual activities
Sexual Health Concerns in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease

• Sexual Health Concerns in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease | Circ

ulation (

• For men, the most frequently reported sexual problems

include reduced sexual desire and difficulty
achieving and maintaining an erection
Sexual Health Concerns in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease

• Cardiovascular disease and its treatment may

also affect a man’s ability to achieve orgasm
Effect among WOMEN
• Women are more likely to experience
• 1. decreased sexual desire
• 2. problems with orgasm
• 3. vaginal dryness
• 4. pain during intercourse
• Their function is to:
• Remove waste products and medicines from the body.
• Balance the body's fluids.
• Balance a variety of electrolytes.
• Release hormones to control blood pressure.
• Release a hormone to control red blood cell production.
• Help with bone health by controlling calcium and phosphorus.

• The reproductive system enables the species to reproduce by

producing eggs in the female and sperm in the male.
• The Significance of the Excretion of Sex Hormones in the Urine: (Secti
on of Therapeutics and Pharmacology) - PubMed (

• Pregnancy and the normal menstrual cycle

• Healthy discharge after sex contains a mixture of cervical
mucus and vaginal fluid.
• In males, it may contain seminal fluid and sperm. People may
notice more vaginal or penile discharge during arousal
Muscular system
• Pelvic floor muscles
• Stop your stream of urine
• Keep yourself from passing gas or having a bowel movement
• They're also the muscles that can contract (tighten) during an
• Erection
Why do muscles contract during sex?
• Vaginal contractions are generally an involuntary muscular
response to sexual stimulation
• 1. Sexual stimulation
• 2. Sexual arousal
• 3. Culminating in orgasm

• Vaginal contractions are caused by both .

Gastrointestinal system
• Can digestive problems affect sex drive?

• Gut health can influence your libido and contribute to

erectile dysfunction. Studies, including “The Gut-Brain Axis:

• The Missing Link in Depression”, conclude an imbalance in your

gut flora, where bad bacteria outweighs the good, can
contribute to depression and anxiety.
Gastrointestinal system
• Not only does your appearance have a physiological impact on
your sex drive, but obesity can increase the risk of diabetes, high
blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease, all of which are
contributors to erectile dysfunction.

• Those with a poor diet or restrictive vegetarians and vegans can

also experience food deficiencies, including B12 and zinc. A lack of
essential nutrients leaves you exhausted and can cause serious
illnesses. We recommend getting a blood test to detect a vitamin or
mineral deficiency, a potential source of your poor libido.
Low sex drive? Your Diet Could be Affecting
Your Libido |
• The following foods are proven to decrease testosterone in men and women:
• Flaxseeds – The lignans, which are highly estrogenic, can reduce the level of
free testosterone. (The Effect of Flaxseed Supplementation on Hormonal
• Liquorice – Glycyrrhizic acid can reduce testosterone levels in healthy male
subjects. (Reduction of Serum Testosterone in Men by Liquorice)
• Alcohol – Beer, wine and alcohol can decrease testosterone levels in men.
(Alcohol and the Male Reproductive System)
• Soy – Made with soybeans, the high phytoestrogen levels can impact
testosterone levels negatively. (Effect of Soy Protein on Testosterone Levels)
Foods that increase testosterone
• Pumpkin seeds – The high levels of zinc can increase testosterone and
sperm count while boosting your libido. (Zinc Status and Serum
Testosterone Levels of Healthy Adults)
• Olive oil – A tablespoon a day can boost testosterone levels by more
than 17%. (Effect of Argan and Olive Oil Consumption on the
Hormonal Profile)
• Pomegranate – The high levels of antioxidants and minerals promote
increased libido and testosterone levels. (Pomegranate Juice Intake
Enhances Salivary Testosterone Levels).
Low energy equals low sex drive
• A diet low in nutritious foods causes low energy.
• Additionally, take away the junk foods lack essential vitamins and
minerals, which can lead to deficiencies. These factors all contribute
to low energy and decreased sex drive.
• Trans-fat found in burgers, hot chips and other deep-fried foods can
reduce your libido in a similar way to the testosterone-reducing
foods above.
Additionally, weight gain can occur if you regularly consume these
foods, which also contributes to compromised sexual health.
Erectile dysfunction.
• Gut health can influence your libido and contribute to erectile
• Studies, including “The Gut-Brain Axis: The Missing Link in
Depression”, conclude an imbalance in your gut flora, where bad
bacteria outweighs the good, can contribute to depression and
• Your brain is responsible for sending the message to your penis that
it’s time to work, which is unlikely if it’s in a negative frame of mind.
Alcohol, antibiotics and stress
Can wreak havoc on your gut flora since they allow the bad bacteria to
The imbalance can cause mental and physical issues, which might be
why you are experiencing erectile dysfunction symptoms.

• Fortunately, you can improve the state of both your gut and sexual
health with probiotics.
• Not only does your appearance have a physiological impact on your
sex drive, but obesity can increase the risk of diabetes, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease, all of which are
contributors to erectile dysfunction.
• Those with a poor diet or restrictive vegetarians and vegans can also
experience food deficiencies, including B12 and zinc. A lack of
essential nutrients leaves you exhausted and can cause serious
illnesses. We recommend getting a blood test to detect a vitamin or
mineral deficiency, a potential source of your poor libido.
Either supplement with a probiotic or increase the number of
fermented foods you eat, with the following choices

• Yoghurt
• Kombucha
• Sauerkraut
• Apple cider vinegar
• Kefir
• Kimchi
Immune system
• Participating in sex one to two times per week helps boost
the immune system, according to research published in
Psychological Reports.

• They found that people who had sex once or twice per week
had a 30 percent increase in IgA (an antibody that shows how
tough our immune system is) compared to those who don't.
Role of Iga

• Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is the first line of defence

in the resistance against infection

• 1. Inhibiting bacterial and viral adhesion to

epithelial cells
• 2. Neutralisation of bacterial toxins and virus,
both extra- and intracellularly.
• The skin locally synthesizes significant amounts of
sexual hormones with intracrine or paracrine actions

• The local level of each sexual steroid depends upon the

expression of each of the androgen- and estrogen-
synthesizing enzymes in each cell type, with sebaceous
glands and sweat glands being the major contributors
• Estrogens have been implicated in
• 1. Skin aging
• 2. Pigmentation
• 3. Hair growth
• 4. Sebum production
• 5. Skin cancer
Sebum has the following functions:

• It reduces water loss from the skin surface.

• It protects the skin from infection by bacteria
and fungi.
• It contributes to body odour.
• It is colonised by the bacteria
Proprionibacterium acnes, which may have
a role in immune system regulation.
• Androgens affect several functions of human skin, such as
sebaceous gland growth and differentiation, hair growth,
epidermal barrier homeostasis and wound healing.

• Changes of isoenzyme and/or androgen receptor levels may

have important implications in the development of
hyperandrogenism and the associated skin diseases such as
acne, seborrhoea, hirsutism and androgenetic alopecia.

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