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Historical Criticism
 The analysis and judgement of something or someone that develops a
historian’s perspectives and understanding of the past.

External Criticism (Test of Authenticity)

1. Anachronistic Document Date

Determining the date of the document to
see whether they are anachronistic (i.e.
being out of time)
2. Author 3. Anachronistic Style
Determining the author’s manuscript Determining whether the idiom,
(handwriting) which includes the orthography (conventional spelling) or
signature and seals. punctuation is anachronistic.
4. Anachronistic Event Reference 5. Provenance or Custody
Determining whether the event mentioned Determining its genuineness.
is too early, too late or too remote/distant.
Example: Rizal was not executed on the
year 1901.
6. Semantics 7. Hermeneutics
Determining the meaning of the text, Determining the ambiguity (i.e.
phrase, sentence or word. open to more than (1)
interpretation; vague)
Internal Criticism (Test of Credibility)

1. Authors Identification
Determining the authors
reliability, mental processes,
personal attitude and relationship.
2. Date Approximation 3. Ability to tell the truth
Determining the events date that must be Determining the witness nearness to
verisimilar (i.e. almost close to the truth) the event, competence and degree of
attention to attain verisimilar facts.
5. Corroboration
4. Willingness to tell the truth Determining if the place of information
Determining if the author consciously or receives, supports or confirms a theory or
unconsciously tells falsehoods. finding, usually referring to historical fac
(i.e particulars that rest upon the
independent testimony of two or more
reliable witnesses

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