HEALTH 9 1 First Quarter

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Why is it important for young people like you to
understand the community and environmental Health?

A healthy environment is essential for human health

and well-being. Nowadays, people in your community
are exposed to different environmental problems which
affect health and well-being. If your house is in an urban
community, you must be aware of the problems of
population, overpopulation, and waste disposal. On the
other hand, If you live in a rural community, you also
experience the effects of population, deforestation, and
loss of biodiversity.
Why is it important for young people like you to
understand the community and environmental Health?

Some of your family may have gotten sick because of

air pollution, contaminated water, poor sanitation, and
hazardous chemicals. No one would like to get sick
because sickness hinders a person from working, going
to school, and doing daily activities. Thus, it is necessary
to have knowledge of effective ways to reduce pollution,
lessen landfill waste, save natural habitats, and conserve
natural resources.

A state of complete physical, mental, and

social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity. (World Health
Organization) Constitution).

Is the health status of a group of people

situated in the same geographical area. It also
includes actions and conditions which
promote, protect, and preserve health.

Refers to all things, conditions, and

influences that affect the growth, health, and
progress of living and non-living things.
Pertains to the prevention and control of
disease, injury, and disability associated with
interactions between people and their
environment. It addresses all the physical,
chemical. And biological factors external to a
person and all the related impacting behaviors

A group of people living or working in a place

and often share values, interests, ideas,
culture, and identity.

A healthy community must have health

centers and recreational facilities that are
supported by health programs. More
importantly, the health centers should have
health and security personnel who can provide
preventive and curative care to the people
within the community.
What are the characteristics
of a healthy community
The WHO has considered the following as the
characteristics of a healthy community:
1. Meets everyone basic needs.
2. Promotes peace and unity to build social
3. Participate in identifying local solutions to
local environmental problems.
What are the characteristics
of a healthy community

4. Offers recreational activities like visiting

amusement parks, biking, and other physical
5. Provides accessible and appropriate health
services and facilities.
What are the characteristics
of a healthy community

6. Initiates promotion and celebration of

historical and cultural heritage.
7. Upholds a diverse and innovation economy.
8. Sustains use of available resources for all.

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