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• Sugeng Hariyadi (Ideologi Penerjemah dalam Penerjemahan
• Rochayah Machali (Ideologi Dalam Penerjemahan/PPT)
Ideology: ‘a system of ideas and ideals, especially
one which forms the basis of economic or political
theory and policy’ (The New Oxford Dictionary of
English. 1989).

Tahir-Gurcaglar (2003): “Translation is political

because, both as activity and product, it displays
process of negotiation among different agents
(translators, authors, critics, publishers, editors, and
What is Ideology in Translation?
set of s Mason (200 Ideology plays an
upposi 0): “id
ideas a tions w eology important role in
nd ben h ich in is a
social efits of dicate translation practice. The
institut a p e r t he
presen i on, e t c s o n, grou
t ed i n t . which p, process of translation is
he form is final manipulated by ideology,
of lang ly
uage” which involves both the
Ideologi pen
erjemahan a translator's individual
prinsip atau dalah
keyakinan t ideology and the
“betul-salah entang
” atau “baik
dalam pene -buruk” dominant ideology of the
rjemahan, y
terjemahan ai t u society.
seperti apa
bagi pemba yang terbaik
ca dan terje
seperti apa y mahan
ang cocok d
pembaca. an disukai
Ideologi siapa?
Menyajikan vs mengambil alih
Menyajikan Mengambil alih
• Mengusung
pesan yang • Mengambil
sama dan pesan dan
menyajikan menjadikannya
segala elemen milik sendiri.
linguistik • Konvensi
bahasa sumber. Bahasa sasaran
STRATEGIES by L. Venuti (1995)
1. Foreignization: the strategy of retaining
information from the ST/SL, and involves
deliberately breaking the conventions of the
TL to preserve its meaning.
2. Domestication: the strategy of making text
closely conform to the culture of the language
being translated to, which may involve the
loss of information from the ST/SL.
 Foreignization is based on retaining the culture-
specific items of the original, e.g.: personal
names, national cuisine, historical figures, street
or local institutions.
 Domestication focuses on minimizing the
strangeness of the foreign text for the target
language readers by introducing the common
words used in the target language instead of
providing readers with foreign terms.
Translation and Ideology

Hatim and Mason (1997) make a distinction between (1)‘the

ideology of translating’ and (2) ‘the translation of
(1)’The ideology of translating’ refers to the basic
orientation chosen by the translator operating, within a
social and cultural context (orientasi dasar yang dipilih
oleh penerjemah ketika menerjemahkan dalam konteks
sosial dan budaya tertentu), misalnya memilih antara
‘domesticating’ ataukah ‘foreignizing’ (target-oriented or
Catatan: seringkali ini disebut ‘strategi’, dalam pandangan
(2) ‘The translation of ideology’ refers to the extent
to which translators intervene in the transfer
process, feeding their own knowledge and beliefs
into processing a text (‘mediasi’ yang dilakukan
oleh penerjemah ketika menerjemahkan,
khususnya teks yang sensitif , misal teks politik,
hukum, dll).
Hatim & Mason mendefinisikan ‘mediasi’ sebagai
sejauh mana penerjemah bisa melakukan
intervensi dalam proses menerjemahkan, misalnya
pengetahuan, maksud dan tujuan penerjemah.
Mediasi dan intervensi penerjemah

*Mediasi ini bisa dianggap sebagai ‘the voice of the

translator’. Dalam banyak hal, mediasi itu mengungkap
inisiatif atau motif yang mendasari pilihan penerjemah.
Mediasi tersebut juga menyingkapkan pandangan
penerjemah mengenai penerjemahan; bagaimana ia
memandang BSu (Bahasa sumber) termasuk apakah
ada tujuan-tujuan ideologis yang ingin dicapainya.

Di bagian-bagian berikut disajikan beberapa contoh

hasil terjemahan dengan berbagai macam mediasi (dan
intervensi ke Teks Sumber atau Tsu)
Mediasi: contoh foreignizing 1 -alasan penerjemah
Teks Sumber (Tsu)
Some scientists believe that the discovery of crown of
thorns spines in old reef sediments indicates that
population explosions have occurred from time to
time in the past before humans became a factor in reef
Teks Sasaran (TSa )
Sebagian ilmuwan percaya bahwa penemuan spina
‘crown of thorns’ dalam endapan karang tua
menunjukkan bahwa ledakan populasi telah terjadi
dari waktu ke waktu di masa lampau sebelum manusia
menjadi suatu faktor dalam ekologi terumbu.
Mediasi: contoh Foreignizing 2 - kuasa penerbit dan penulis asli

from Harry Potter:

Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive,
were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank
you very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, yang tinggal di nomor 4 Privet
Drive dengan bangga mengatakan bahwa mereka betul-
betul normal, untunglah.
Catatan: hampir di seluruh novel banyak terjadi
Contoh Domestication
Dari Harry Potter:
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive,
were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank
you very much.

Tuan dan Nyonya Dursley, yang tinggal di nomor 4
Privet Drive dengan bangga mengatakan bahwa mereka
betul-betul normal, untunglah.
Domestication of cultural terms in the novel Gadis Pantai
(written by Pramudya Ananta Toer, 1962) into The Girl
from the Coast (translated by Samuels):

1. Tsu: Dia dapat persen minum air gula-jawa.

Tsa: He gets some molasses.
2. Tsu: Ia tidur di bale kawani emak.
Tsa: She had joined her mother on the sleeping
3. TSu: …belum juga mereka berpapasan dengan dokar
lainnya. Grobak pun tak ada mereka papasi.
Tsa: …had yet to meet another vehicle, even an oxcart.
Target Language:
Source Language:
Manufacturing engineering
Perekayasaan manufaktur dapat
may be defined as designing the didefinisikan sebagai perancangan
production process for a product. proses produksi sebuah produk.
Although there is a large Meskipun terdapat perbedaan
difference of opinion on exactly pendapat yang besar mengenai
what is included in the design of a
apa sebetulnya yang termasuk ke
production process, almost all
people would generally agree dalam desain sebuah proses
With the above definition. produksi, pada umumnya hampir
Production or manufacturing semua orang akan setuju dengan
engineering includes all definisi di atas. Produksi atau
considerations pertaining to the
perekayasaan manufaktur meliputi
process of production. This
semua pertimbangan yang berkaitan
includes such functions as the
following: dengan proses produksi tersebut
meliputi fungsi-fungsi berikut ini.
1. Evaluating the 1. Mengevaluasi manufakturibilitas
manufacturability of the dari produk tersebut.
product. 2. Memilih proses dan menyiapkan
2. Selecting processes and parameter proses seperti bahan
setting process parameters untuk alat pemotong, ukuran, dan
such as cutting tool material, bentuk; kecepatan memotong;
size, and shape; cutting speed; kedalaman potongan; dst.
depth of cut; and so on.
3. Merancang alat-alat pemegang
3. Designing work-holding
devices (jigs and fixtures) to
benda (jigs and fixtures) guna
secure and control the menjamin dan mengontrol posisi
position of the work piece benda yang dikerjakan selama
during manufacture. pembuatan.
4. Estimating the cost of 4. Memperkirakan biaya
manufacturing the part. pembuatan produk.
5. Assuring the quality of the 5. Menjamin kualitas dari produk.
part produced.
Students who are practicing Para siswa yang sedang
speaking and listening berlatih mengembangkan
benefit from feedback which kemampuan berbicara dan
provides new opportunities menyimak bisa memperoleh
and unique forms of feedback manfaat dari umpan balik,
such as a visual khususnya umpan balik
representation of their voice yang membuka kesempatan
patterns compared to that of baru dan yang sifatnya unik
a native speaker. semisal pola intonasi
(SL) mereka dibandingkan
dengan pola intonasi
penutur asli.
Your turn now!!!
 Be in pairs and do the following instructions!
 Take a look on the ST on the next slides, then
translate them into Indonesian,
 Then observe and analyze the foreignization or
domestication used by the translator to translate
those texts!
 Report your findings!
As indicated in the article already
referred to, the average teacher engaged
in teaching English to science and
technology students finds considerable
difficulty in adjusting to a teaching
situation very different from the one for
which he was originally trained.
Both archeological evidence and
local oral tradition, as well as place
names of Javanese origin to be found
in Southeast Sulawesi, suggest that
much of the trade was in the hand of
Javanese, who frequently sailed along
the coast on their way to the spice

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