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1 DELHI- The Heart of India - 3
2 SIKKIM- A Paradise on Earth - 4
3 Topography of Sikkim Science & SST 5
4 Lifestyle of Sikkimese Science & SST 6
5 Culture of Sikkim Science & SST 7
6 Attire of Sikkim Maths 8
7 Picture of handmade textile Maths 9
8 Ornaments of Sikkim Maths 10
9 Properties of shapes used in Maths 11
designing Sikkimese ornaments

10 Languages spoken in Sikkim German 12

11 Tradition of Sikkim German 13-14
13 Festivals of Sikkim Hindi 15
14 Tradition of Sikkim Hindi 16
Delhi, officially known as the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT), is
a city and a union territory of India containing New Delhi, the capital of
India. It is bordered by the state of Haryana on three sides and by Uttar
Pradesh to the east. The NCT covers an area of 1,484 square kilometres.
The capital of India, New Delhi is often said to be “Dilwaalon ki Dilli”, a
place wherein people have contented hearts and lively nature. With its long
history of empire successions from the Delhi Sultanate to Mughals and then
the British, the city at present stands as one of the fastest developing cities in
the world.
Delhi is a centre of great historical significance in India.
Sikkim- A Paradise on Earth
Sikkim is the least populous and second smallest
among the Indian states. A part of the Eastern
Himalaya, Sikkim is for its biodiversity, including
alpine and subtropical climates, as well as being a
host to Kanchenjunga, the highest peak in India.
Sikkim is a state in northeast India, bordered by
Bhutan, Tibet and Nepal.
Nestling in the Himalayan
mountains, the state of Sikkim is
characterised by mountainous
terrain. Almost the entire state is
hilly, with an elevation ranging
from280 metres (920 ft) in south at
border with West Bengal to 8,586
metres (28,169 ft) in northern
peaks near Nepal and Tibet.

topographic map, elevation: 1,003 ft
Sikkim has been in the forefront in
elevation, relief. Maximum
Coordinates: 27.079 elevation: 27,396 ft
conservation of natural resources
40 88.01203 Average and environmental initiatives. The
28.12264 88.92137 elevation: 11,946 ft Himalayan State leads the way in
prioritizing environmental
conservation through policy level
Lifestyle of Sikkimese
Normal life in Sikkim is so simple. They live in villages on mountain slopes, jungles
are behind there houses. People follow early to bed and early to rise kind of thing.
There is no night life. People are very hardworking, generally women do jobs in mostly
Pharma Companies and other type of works like canteens etc whereas men do mostly
hard works like construction, also there are house men doing odd jobs, carrying goods
from markets to their homes situated on upside of mountain etc.

The state's economy is largely agrarian based on the terraced farming of rice and the
cultivation of crops such as maize, millet, wheat, barley, oranges, tea, and cardamom.
Sikkim produces more cardamom than any other Indian state and is home to the
largest cultivated area of cardamom.
Culture of Sikkim
The People of Sikkim consist of three ethnic groups, that is, Lepcha,
Bhutia and Nepali. Communities of different hues intermingle freely in
Sikkim to constitute a homogenous blend. Hindu Temples coexist with
Buddhist Monasteries, Churches, Mosque and Gurudwara. The
predominant Communities are Lepchas, Bhutias and Nepalese. These
myriad Cultures has produced a quintessential Sikkimese Culture that
encompasses all ways and walk of life, but has also managed to
preserve their own identity. These can also be seen in the various places
of Worship, Festivals and Cultural dances that are celebrated through
the year.
Attire of Sikkim
The traditional attire known as Kho, as per Bhutia and Bhaku. This attire has a loose appearance
almost like a cloak garment which needs to be tightened around the neck area and needs to be
belted towards the waist portion. The belt is made of either Cotton or silk in texture and fabric.

Lepcha weaving is native to Sikkim and the
lepcha use yarn spun out of natural fiber –
nettle , also known as sisnu , for handloom
weaving. Cotton , wool and silk fabric are
also used for weaving.

Various mathematical patterns can be seen on the fabrics

weaved by the weavers. These designs include elements
like colour and line organisation in regular patterns .
These patterns are often defined by geometry . Geometry
helps define the underlying structure of how elements
are placed in a given design. Stripes and checkboard
pattern are often used in these designs.
Repeat patterns are used in the whole fabric which uses
the concept of symmetry.
The jewellery items used by the Bhutia women are
known as Yencho (earring), Khao (necklace), Phiru
(pearl ornament), Diu (gold bangle) , and Joko
The ornaments used by the Nepalese women are
Sir-bandi (tiara), Kantha (necklace), Naugeri
(necklace of pearl), Charanihari (another type of
necklace), Tilhari (green bead with a long gold
pendant worn normally by married women),
Bulaki (nose-ring), Dungri (nose-pin), Tik-mala,
Chandrahar, Chepti son (ear-ring), Gadwari (ear-
ring), Chura of Silver (bracelet) and Kalli, thickWe can observe that the jewellery worn by
heavy payal made of silver. sikkimese women consits of various patterns and
designs based on various geometrical shapes like
circles quadrilaterals , 3D shapes like spheres and
cylinders are used to make beads . Fractal
geometry is also used in making designs .

Now let us talk about the properties of the

shapes used in designing these ornaments.
Rhombus – It is a type of parallelogram in
which all the sides are equal and diagonals
bisect each other at right angles.
Square – It is a type of rhombus in which all
angles are also equal.
It is a set of all those points which are
equidistant from a point called centre.
Sector of circle – It is the region between
two radii and the corresponding arc.
Segment of circle – It is the region between
the cord and the corresponding arc.

A fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric
shape that can be split into parts, each of which
is a reduced-size copy of the whole, a property
called self-similarity. Handmade jewellery piece of
They appear similar at all levels of magnification.
Sikkim .
Gesprochene Sprachen
Die offiziellen Sprachen des
Staates sind Englisch, Nepali,
Sikkimese und Lepcha.
Weitere Amtssprachen sind
Gurung, Limbu, Magar,
Mukhia, Newari, Rai, Sherpa
und Tamang, um die Kultur
und Tradition des Staates zu
bewahren. Nepali wird von
der Mehrheit der
Bevölkerung gesprochen und
ist die Verkehrssprache von
Die Bräuche und Rituale von Sikkim sind vielfältig und
umfassen die "Lepchas" - im Wesentlichen Kinder des Waldes,
die "Bhutias" und die "Nepalesen". Die Menschen in Sikkim
lieben es zu feiern. Die nepalesische Mehrheit von Sikkim
feiert alle wichtigen hinduistischen Feste, einschließlich Tihar
(Diwali) und Dashain (Dusshera). Traditionelle lokale Feste wie
Maghe Sankranti, Sakela, Chasok Tangnam und Bhimsen Puja
sind beliebt.
सिक्किम के प्रमख
ु त्यौहार
लॉसंग फेस्टिवल
लॉसंग फेस्टिवल सिक्किम का एक प्रमुख त्यौहार है जो सफल के अंत में और साल के दसवें महीने के
अंत में तिब्बती कैलेंडर के अनुसार मनाया जाता है। इस उत्सव के दौरान लोग अच्छी फसल और आने
वाले साल में अच्छी संभावनाओं के लिए प्रार्थना करते हैं।
लोसार महोत्सव
लोसार महोत्सव फरवरी के महीने में तिब्बती नव वर्ष के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इस उत्सव में याक
नत्ृ य बेहद लोकप्रिय है और इसमें जुलस
ू भी निकाला जाता है।
डांस फेस्टिवल
डांस फेस्टिवल सिक्किम में खास उत्सवों में से एक हैं जिसको दिसंबर के महीने में मनाया जाता है।
इस उत्सव के दौरान भिक्षुओ ं द्वारा किया गया नत्ृ य बुरी ताकतों के विनाश को चित्रित करता है। इस
उत्सव के दौरान वे सिक्किम में शांति और समद्धिृ की कामना भी करते हैं।
े फेस्टिवल
ल्हाब ढेचन
ल्हाब ढे चेन फेस्टिवल भगवान बुद्ध की स्वर्गवासी माता की शिक्षा के बारे उनके वंश का प्रतिनिधित्व
करता है। बौद्ध धर्म के लोग सिक्किम में इस उत्सव को बहु त ही हर्ष और उल्लास के साथ मनाते हैं।
सिक्किम की परं परा
सिक्किम विभिन्न समुदायों के विभिन्न धर्मों, रीति-रिवाजों और परं पराओं का एक
अनठू ा मिश्रण है। प्राचीन काल में, सिक्किम पर तीन जनजातियों का कब्जा था;
नोंग, चांग और द मोन। लेकिन समय के साथ, आसपास के देशों के निवासी राज्य
के एक प्रमुख निवासी बन गए। जिसमें लेप्चा शामिल हैं; तिब्बत के नागाओं के
कबीले, आदिवासी समहू ों में से एक, भटि ू या हैं; तिब्बत और नेपाल के बौद्धों के
वंशज; नेपाल से हिंदुओ ं के वंशज, जो अब सिक्किम की आबादी के काफी हिस्से पर
हावी है।और इसलिए, सिक्किम की सभी भाषाओं में नेपाली सबसे आम है। तिब्बती
भटिू या, ने सिक्किम में बसे पिछली तीन शताब्दियों के बाद से परं परा और विश्वास
के लिए अपनी गहरी जड़ें जमा लीं। सौहार्दपर्वू क एक साथ रहते हु ए, सिक्किम के
ू या और तिब्बती लोग बीच-बीच में सांस्कृतिक, सामाजिक और भाषाई समानता
प्रदर्शित करते हैं।
JANVI GARG & Krish Goswami

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