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Cell organelles and nucleus

Daniel Zhu
Cells are compartmentalized
Eukaryotic vs prokaryotic

Membrane-bound nucleus
细胞质( cytoplasm )

 细胞质基质 (cytoplasmic matrix)

 为代谢提供场所、物质和环境
 细胞器 (organelle)
 形态、分裂、分化、物质运输

• Jelly-like material inside of the cell

• Job: Help dissolve solutes & move materials

细胞膜 Plasma membrane

• Aka: Cell Membrane

• Composition: Bilayer of lipids & proteins
• Job: Allow materials to enter/exit
• Semi-Permeable: only specific materials may enter and exit through pores & protein channels
细胞核 nucleus

 A nucleus is defined as a double-membraned eukaryotic cell organelle that contains genetic material. JOB: control cell
 除高等植物成熟筛管细胞核哺乳动物成熟的红细胞、血小板等极少数细胞外,真核细胞都有细胞核
 选择透过性
 组成:
 染色质 chromatin
 Long strands of DNA
 Holds info to make proteins
 染色体 chromosome
 核仁 nucleolus: makes ribosomes
 核孔 nuclear pore
内质网 endoplasmic reticulum

 网状 ( labyrinth )
 Rough/smooth
 Protein/lipid (fats)
高尔基体 Golgi apparatus

 囊泡 vesicle
 蛋白质加工、分类、包装
 Sorting house
 细胞壁 cell wall :纤维素 cellulose 果胶 pectin
核糖体 ribosome

 生产蛋白质
 真核 / 原核细胞共有
 游离 / 附着
 胞内蛋白 / 分泌蛋白
 在 nucleolus 核仁中被制造
1 minute quiz

 Which organelle builds proteins?

 Stores DNA?
 Produces ribosomes?
 Creates fats and breaks down toxins?
 Packages and releases proteins from a cell?
 Allows material to enter/exit a cell?
 Links chains of amino acids together?
线粒体 mitochondrion

 2 membranes  Endosymbiosis theory:

 Cristae  once free-living organisms that became parts of
modern eukaryotic cells
 Increase size for more enzyme attaching
 - Evidence:
 Aerobic respiration
 Own DNA & ribosomes
 健那绿染色线粒体
 Make proteins
 Replicate
叶绿体 chloroplast

 双层膜
 基粒 granum/grana
 类囊体 thylakoid
 光合作用
 绿色植物
 Endosymbiosis theory
 chlorophyll
溶酶体 lysosome

 水解酶
 分解衰老细胞 / 细胞器
 参与免疫调节
液泡 Vacuole

 色素 pigment
 酶 enzyme
 维持渗透压
中心体 centrosome

 动物细胞 / 低等植物细胞
 有丝 mitosis 、减数分裂 meiosis
Cilia 纤毛 & Flagella 鞭毛

 Job movement
 Cilia = short-hair-like extensions (numerous)
 Flagella = long whip-like extension (Prokaryotes)
Cell wall

 Outermost layer of plant, fungi, & bacteria cells

 Job: Adds support for growth
 Made of tough cellulose pectin
 Hard to digest
 Witnessed by Robert Hooke in 1665
Last Universal Common Ancestor
The End.

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