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Lesson 2.

Magno, Christina M.
Dalisay, Louie John
Avance, Alexa Kasandra Kaye P.
At the end of this lesson, the student is
expected to:

a) Compare and contrast the different views of the self.

b) Examine the two components of self.
c) Describe the concept of the looking-glass self and how it affects self-
d) Explain the concept of social comparison and why it is important to
human behavior.
The Self as Product of Modern Society

• Modernization leads to a "delocalized" self, allowing for identity

seeking and freedom.
• Religion and traditional constraints give way to individuality and
• Stability of self-identity no longer relies on traditional definitions.
• Clifford Geertz (1973) argues that modern society allows individuality
through rationality and urbanization.
Challenges posed by modernization:
• Newfound freedom threatens authenticity (e.g., love).
• Alienation, haunted by self-created images (Marx's concept).
• Objectification of the body (e.g., medical practice).
• Dehumanization of the self.

• Individuals must discover their "true" and "authentic" selves.
• Repressive social constraints need abolishment for self-realization.
Self as Necessary Fiction
Nietzsche's perspective:
• Self is the sum of individual actions, thoughts, and feelings.
• Self is a metaphor, representing something abstract; symbolic.
• Memory enables recalling experiences not personally lived.
• Self maintains continuity through memory, whether experienced or
• The true self isn't the unity of experiences, but the presumed unity
leading to the concept of self.
Post-modern View of the Self
• Self is a narrative, a dynamic story, and a product of modern
• Historical and societal norms confine the self within acceptable
• Post-modernity introduces complications via virtual interactions,
leading to a cyber self.
• N. Green describes the self as "digitalized" in cyberspace, seen in
social media.
Manifestations of the post-modern self:
• Information technology dislocates the self into
• Global migration gives rise to multicultural
• Post-modern selves are pluralized and diverse.
Social Construction of the Self:
• Self is created through socialization, not discovered.
• Individuals actively negotiate their self-definition, not just
passive victims.
• Language and symbols play a crucial role in socially
acquiring the self.
• Social roles shaped by family, school, community
contribute to self-construction..
Rewriting the Self as an Artistic Creation

Nietzsche's view:
• Unity of self is achieved through conscious effort, likened
to creating art.
• Individuals must fashion, care for, and cultivate
• Recreation enables grasping the present, forgiving the
past, and planning the future.
Rewriting the Self as an Artistic Creation

Rorty's perspective:
• Selfhood's contingencies involve concealing the "ugly" by
reshaping its overall aesthetic.
• Rewriting one's narrative doesn't necessarily uncover deep
truths; it's about reinterpreting and redescribing the past.
Self Creation and Collective Identity

• Memories, like photographs and videos, are crucial for self

and identity creation.
• Memory and forgetting are key in reshaping one's identity,
tied to past experiences.
• Past experiences can be connected to social
• "Imagined communities" influence self creation.
• Cultural traditions from social institutions shape selves
and are maintained in collective narratives.
• Self creation within cultural lines should acknowledge
differences among individuals and cultural groups.
Self Creation and the Struggle for Cultural

• Challenges of self identity amidst recognition of racial and

ethnic identities.
• Self creation relies on collective solidarity, involving
struggling with cultural challenges and embracing the
created self.
• Adaptation and adjustment are part of the process.
Beyond Self Creation

• Modern society's quest for self-identity complicated by

postmodernity, technology, and globalization.
• Reconfiguration of identity based on gender, sex, ethnicity,
and personal style.
• The project of self creation exists within imagined
• Paradox: Pursuing self creation within predetermined
social circumstances.
George Herbert Mead (1863-1931)

• American sociologist and founder of American

• Pioneer of symbolic interaction theory and a founder of
social psychology.
Mead's Theory of Self

• The self conception emerges from social interaction with

• Opposes biological determinism, stating that the self is
constructed and reconstructed through social experience.
• Consists of two components: the "I" and the "me."
Components of the Self

• "Me": Represents expectations and attitudes of others (the

"generalized other") forming a social self.
• "I": Individual's response to the "me," essence of agency
in human action.
"I" and "Me" Dynamics

• "I" responds to attitudes of others, while "me" is the

organized attitudes assumed by an individual.
• "I" is self as subject, "me" is self as object.
• "I" is the knower, "me" is the known.
• Thinking process involves internalized dialogue between
"I" and "me."
Sociological Existence and Self

• Mead's self is intertwined with social existence.

• - Community participation precedes individual
• - Taking others' perspectives leads to self-consciousness.
Mead's Three Stages
of Development of
Stage 1: The Preparatory Stage (Birth to
Age Two)
• Children mimic those around them; they imitate behaviors and
• Imitation is prevalent; foul language can be mimicked without
• Example: Young children mimic language heard on TV shows
without comprehending the meaning.
Stage 2: The Play Stage (Age Two to Six)

• Children engage in pretend play and create their own rules.

• Organized games might not have strict adherence to rules.
• Example: Children play games with flexible rules, such as
patintero or basketball, during this stage.
• Pretend play involves taking on roles of significant others, like
Stage 3: The Game Stage (Age Seven
• Children understand and follow formalized rules of games.
• They grasp perspectives of the generalized other (social group's
• Pretend play shifts from mimicking specific parents to generalized
• Example: Children adopt roles in pretend games like "bahay-
bahayan" independent of their own household roles.
Developmental Progression

• Progression from mimicry to understanding perspectives of others.

• Children move from imitation to creating their own rules and then
comprehending formalized rules.
• Concepts of the "I" (individual's impulses) and the "me" (socially
constructed self) are integrated during these stages.
The Looking-Glass Self: Our
Sense of Self is Influenced
by Others' Views of Us
Concept of the Looking-
Glass Self
• Proposed by Charles Horton Cooley (1864-
• Self-concept forms from how we perceive
others' views of us.
• How we believe others see us affects our self-
Influence of Social
Interactions on Self
• Our self-concept develops through interactions
with others.
• Our view of ourselves comes from
contemplation of personal qualities and
impressions of others.
Labels and Self-Concept

• Labeling bias occurs when we're labeled,

impacting others' views and expectations.
• Self-labeling can occur when we adopt others'
labels into our self-concepts.
• Labels can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies
where our behavior aligns with expectations.
Impact of Labels on Self-
• Diagnosis-related labels can lead to self-
• Internalized prejudice occurs when individuals
direct others' prejudice onto themselves.
• Internalized adjustment is seen in various
groups, including sexual and racial minorities.
Reclaiming Labels

• Oppressed groups can reclaim derogatory

labels to reduce stigma.
• Reclaiming labels can lead to positive
evaluations, increased feelings of power, and
reduced negativity.
Social Comparison Theory:
Our Sense of Self Is
Influenced by Comparison
with Others
Social Comparison Process

• Self-concept and self-esteem influenced by social comparison.

• Social comparison involves evaluating abilities, opinions, and
social status by comparing with others.
• Comparisons can be with known individuals, media
representations, or anyone seen as important.
Meaningful Comparisons

• Most meaningful comparisons are with those perceived as similar.

• People tend to compare themselves with those who share similar
characteristics or experiences.
Dimensions of Comparison

• Social comparison focuses on dimensions lacking clear correct

answers or objective benchmarks.
• People rely on others' beliefs to determine appropriate behavior.
• Examples include choosing attire for an interview or selecting
music for a wedding.
Evaluating Skills and Abilities

• Social comparison helps determine personal skills and abilities.

• Individuals compare their performance with others' to assess
• For instance, students may seek class averages to gauge their
exam performance.
Thank You
For Listening!

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• Boundless. (2016). "George Herbert Mead: The I and the Me."
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• Rath, D. (2016). "George Herbert Mead's Stages of Self and
Development in Toddlers." The Classroom.
• Isaksen, J. (2013). "The Looking Glass Self: How Our Self-
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• Fox, J. A., & Stinnett, N. (1996). "Racial Threat and Social
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• Taylor, J. L., Hume, L. E., & Welsh, D. (2012). "The Influence of
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• Moses, T. (2009). "Self-labeling and Stigmatization: Do These
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• Carter, R. (2012). "When the Cure is the Cause: The Impact of
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Dissertation, University of Georgia.
• Szymanski, D. M., & Obiri, O. (2011). "Self-compassion and
Women's Experiences of Self-Labeling and Mental Illness
Stigma." Journal of Counseling Psychology.
• Galinsky, A. D., et al. (2013). "Power and Perspectives Not
Taken." Psychological Science.
• Buunk, A. P., & Gibbons, F. X. (2007). "Social Comparison: The
End of a Theory and the Emergence of a Field." Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
• Van Lange, P. A. M. (2008). "What We Should Expect from a
Theory of Social Comparison." Psychological Inquiry.
• Festinger, L. (1954). "A Theory of Social Comparison
Processes." Human Relations.

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