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Intoduction of anatomy

By the end of this lecture the students will be able to:
 Identify anatomical terms utilized in describing the human body
 Demonstrate terms of direction
 Define and apply anatomical Position.
 Body regions & neck triangles
Anatomy and Physiology
 Anatomy:

 The study of gross structure, shape, size, location and relation of body

 Histology:

 The study of microscopic structure of body tissues

 Physiology:

 The study of body function.


 Is studied either regional or systemic

1. Regional: focusing on a specific part (head), (UL), or

 Body divisions:
Axial : head, neck & trunk (thorax, abdomen, & pelvis)
Appendicular : paired upper limbs and lower limbs.
Anatomical Position
 The position in which anatomy of the body is described

 In the anatomical position:

 The body is in standing upright (erect) position.
 The head, eyes and toes directed anteriorly
 The arms adjacent to the (sides)
 the palms facing anteriorly (Anterior).
 The lower limbs close together with the feet parallel.
Terms of Relationship and Comparison
 Superior (Cephalic)nearer the head.

 Inferior (Caudal): : nearer the sole of the foot.

 Posterior (dorsal) refers to the back surface of the body.

 Anterior (ventral) refers to the front surface of the body.

 Medial : nearer to the median plane of the body.

 Lateral refers to a structure away from median plane.

 Median: at the center

Divisions of Skeleton

1. The axial skeleton

 80 bones (skull, Hyoid bone , thoracic
cage & vertebral column)

2. The appendicular skeleton

 126 bones (Shoulder girdle, Upper limbs,
Lower limbs & Pelvic girdle)
Classification of bones based on shape
1. Short bones 4. Irregular bones

- Cube-shaped  Irregular shape

 Ex: Vertebrae & hip

- Examples: Carpals, tarsals

2. Pneumatized bones 5. Flat bones

-Thin layers of compact bone
- Has cavity “space” around a layer of spongy bone
-Exa: Skull cap , ribs, sternum
- Ex: maxilla, sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid

3. Sesamoid bones: 6. Long bone

- Has a shaft with two ends)
- Formed within tendons)
- Ex: Femur, humerus
- Example: Patella
Structure of long bone
 Periosteum (outer cover)

 Endosteum (lining)

 Diaphysis (the Shaft) Composed of compact bone

 Epiphysis (the Ends of the bone) Contain mostly spongy bone

 Epiphyseal plates “Between epiphysis and diaphysis to allow for

growth of long bone during childhood

 Medullary cavity
· Cavity of the shaft:

· Contains yellow marrow (mostly fat) in adults

· Contains red marrow (for blood cell formation) in childhood.

Types of cartilages
1. Elastic cartilages
• Have more elastic fibers
• Enable repeated bending
• Found only in : External ear & Epiglottis

2. Fibrous cartilages
• Have great strength
• Found in : (knee menisci, Intervertebral disc & Pubic symphysis)

3. Hyaline cartilages (most prevalent type)

• Give flexibility
• Found in : all remaining cartilages of the body
Joints (Articulations)

 Site where two or more bones meet

 Weakest parts of the skeleton
 Function:
 Give the skeleton mobility
 Hold the skeleton together

• Structural classification • Functional classification

• Based on tissue binding bones & a joint cavity . • Based on amount of movement
• Fibrous allowed by the joint
• Cartilaginous • Synarthroses – immovable
• Synovial • Amphiarthroses – slightly movable
• Diarthroses – freely movable
Fibrous Joints
 The bones are joined by fibrous tissues
 There is no joint cavity
 Most are immovable
 Bind bones tightly together, but allow for growth during
 In middle age, skull bones fuse and are called synostoses
 Types :
 Sutures
 Syndesmoses
 Gomphosis
Synovial Joints
Muscles of Mastication
• Neck is divided into :
• Anterior and Posterior Triangles by sternomastoid muscle.
• Sternomastoid muscle: passes from the sternum and clavicle
below, to the mastoid process and occipital bone above


Sternomastoid Muscle

 Boundaries:
 Anterior : posterior border of sternomastoid.
 Posterior : anterior border of trapezius muscle.
Trapeziu  Inferior – middle 1/3 of the clavicle.


1- Brachial plexus
2- Subclavian artery

3- Subclavian vein

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