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Well being and the World

How could Christianity
benefit a believers
Discuss in pairs, raise your hand when you have 1 benefit.

Here are a few good potential reasons:

1. A sure confident relationship with God causing you to leave any

guilt behind.
2. A source of truth for living your daily lives.
3. A confident hope for the future - Belief that everything is part
of a bigger plan.
4. Having a someone to confide to in absolute confidence allows
people to express their deepest worries and fears, getting it off
their chest.
Here we see that Mary loses faith in God and becomes unhappy in her life because of some
injustices she has witnessed. While Sheldon does not believe in God he draws comfort in
her belief. Believing God has a plan makes her happy.
Here we see an example of a woman who believes that her faith in God
healed her.
Health & Wellbeing tips from Hinduism

Yoga was used as a form of meditation

in ancient India. It was used to get in
touch with your Atman. In Hinduism,
your Atman is your inner self or soul.
Getting in touch with your Atman is the
way that you can reach Moksha, which
is the word for being liberated from the
cycle of reincarnation.
Sit in your seats, straight up shoulders back.
Before we begin just quietly check in with yourself. Ask yourself how do you feel?
Buddhism & Well being

Benefits of Buddhist Meditation has been listed

below: Buddhist meditation helps us in many ways,
from simple relaxation to freedom, from suffering
to full liberation of mind. Through meditation, one
is able to purify one’s mind, overcome mental
suffering, and attain the right path by which to live
one’s life.
Dance Meditation for Energy

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