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Sofi Valentina Mora López

PRODUCTION OF CUMENE FROM Chemical engineering
Julian Camilo Hernandez Mora
Chemical engineering


Chemical engineering and petroleum engineering
Nicolas Vargas Acero
Chemical engineering

The main flowsheet for the production of cumene from

Chemical Engineering deals with the combination of
benzene and propylene is presented below.
scientific knowledge in chemistry and physics with the
analysis of industrial processes to convert raw materials into
products. It is essential to design and operate processing
systems in a safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly
way. In this project, a recognition of the equipment found in Figure 3. Main flowsheet of Production of cumene from
the "CEPIIS" pilot plant located at the University of America benzene and propylene.
is carried out, especially the reactor bank. Following this, a
simulation is made in Aspen Plus for the production of
cumene from benzene and propylene for the PFR reactor
with a capacity of 3 liters, taking into account its dimensions,
the use of valves, accessories and necessary pipes in the
same. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is proposed according to a
possible recirculation, its performance and the costs
necessary for it. Figure 4. Benzene Inflow Vs Conversion and Yield.

Figure 5. Costs for the production of cumene from

benzene and propylene.

Resolution 601 of
Resolution 1541 of
Resolution 0631
of 2015
Decret 1287 of
Figure 1. P&ID Bank of reactors. 2016
Socialización y análisis
de costos

Muestra y muestreo
[1] Abdolmaleki, G., & Bayrami, Z. (2022). Cumene. En Reference Module in
Biomedical Sciences. Elsevier.
[2] de emergencia:, T. de I. 950 047 174 T. (s/f). FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD
PROPILENO. Recuperado el 27 de febrero de 2023, de
[3] Sga, I. (s/f). FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD. Recuperado el 27 de
Figure 2. PFD Production of cumene from benzene and febrero de 2023, de


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