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ME091311 ( 4 SKS)
Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan
ITS Surabaya
• Ship Wave Pattern
Lord Kelvin (1887) considered a single pressure point traveling
in a straight line over the surface of the water, sending out
waves which combine to form a characteristic pattern.

Transverse Waves

Divergence Waves
•Ship Wave Pattern
Kelvin wave pattern illustrates and explains many of the
features of ship waves. Ship wave pattern is similar to the
combination of two Kelvin wave systems generated by two
pressure points, with one near the bow and the other near the
Wave-Making Resistance
Typical Wave Pattern

Stern divergent wave Bow divergent wave

Transverse wave Ship Length
In deep water, (h   ),
wavelength of T.W:
TW  2 V / g
Wavelength of D.W:
DW  2 V 2 cos 2  / g ,
 =19 28'
Wave-Making Resistance
Transverse wave System

• It travels at approximately the same speed as the ship.

• At slow speed, several crests exist along the ship length
because the wave lengths are smaller than the ship length.
• As the ship speeds up, the length of the transverse wave
• When the transverse wave length approaches the ship length,
the wave making resistance increases very rapidly.
This is the main reason for the dramatic increase in
Total Resistance as speed increases.
Wave-Making Resistance
Transverse wave System

Vs < Hull Speed


H  2 Wave
E  b Vs  Hull Speed
8 High
Wave Length
Hull Speed : speed at which the transverse wave length equals
the ship length.
(Wavemaking resistance drastically increases above hull speed)
Wave-Making Resistance
Divergent Wave System
• It consists of Bow and Stern Waves.
• Interaction of the bow and stern waves create the Hollow or
Hump on the resistance curve.
• Hump : When the bow and stern waves are in phase,
the crests are added up so that larger divergent wave systems
are generated.
• Hollow : When the bow and stern waves are out of phase,
the crests matches the trough so that smaller divergent wave
systems are generated.
Interference Effects
1. At lower speed (Froude #), waves made by a ship are very small
& wave-making resistance is insignificant.

2. At lower Froude #, divergent waves are the primary wave

system. As the Froude # of a ship increases and the depth of
water decreases, transverse waves are more important.

3. The wavelength of T.W. increases with the speed of a ship.

Thus the position of the T.W’s crest the ship changes.
4.If the trough of the T.W. generated by the bow coincides with
that generated by the stern, then CW becomes very large. If the
crest of T.W generated by the bow coincides with the trough of
T.W generated by the stern, then CW becomes small. This
phenomenon is called bow and stern wave interference, which
accounts for the humps and valley in the CW curves.
5. In order to reduce the
resistance, a ship designer
chooses appropriate L, V
such that CW is at valley
instead of at humps.
Interference Effects
 
  
Cw  CV  A  B  2.k . A.B. cos 2 
2 2 2

 V 
V : speed  gL  Fn2
L : ship length
: wave and ship length ratio
A,B,C : constants
Z : Wave length
 2V 2

 g
  n V
Cw max; if  1
V2 gL 2
gL   2L n  Z

n = 1, 3, 5, …… “Hollow”
n = 2, 4, 6, …… “Hump”
Wave pattern of a ship
Wave-Making Resistance
Calculation of Wave-Making Resistance Coeff.

• Wave-making resistance is affected by

- beam to length ratio
- displacement
- hull shape
- Froude number
• The calculation of the coefficient is far difficult and inaccurate
from any theoretical or empirical equation.
(Because mathematical modeling of the flow around ship
is very complex since there exists fluid-air boundary,
wave-body interaction)
• Therefore model test in the towing tank and Froude expansion
are needed to calculate the Cw of the real ship.
• Ways to study or determine wave-making
1. Experiments with models in towing tank; At present, model
test is still the most important tool for prediction of wave-
making resistance.
2. *Theoretical and numerical computations (CFD): help in
interpreting model test results, reduce the range of model tests,
and guide further research.
Wave-Making Resistance

• Wave-making resistance is important to

1. a surface ship (negligible for submarine); and V
2. its speed is high. Accurately speaking, its Froude # , R 
or in U.S. the speed/length ratio, is high.
It is noticed that the speed to length ratio is a dimensional
coefficient, where V is in knots, L in feet.
A nautical mile/hr (knot) = 0.5144 m/s.
 1 is equivalent to FR  0.3
When FR  0.1, CW & RW is negligible.
When FR  0.45, CW  V 6 , RW is dominant in RT .
Wave-Making Resistance
Reducing Wave Making Resistance
1) Increasing ship length to reduce the transverse wave
- Hull speed will increase.
- Therefore increment of wave-making resistance of longer
ship will be small until the ship reaches to the hull speed.
- EX :
FFG7 : ship length 408 ft Which ship requires more
hull speed 27 KTS horse power at 35 KTS?
CVN65 : ship length 1040 ft
hull speed 43 KTS
Wave-Making Resistance
Reducing Wave Making Resistance

2) Attaching Bulbous Bow to reduce the bow divergent wave

- Bulbous bow generates the second bow waves .
- Then the waves interact with the bow wave resulting in
ideally no waves, practically smaller bow divergent waves.
- EX :
DDG 51 : 7 % reduction in fuel consumption at cruise speed
3% reduction at max speed.
design &retrofit cost : less than $30 million
life cycle fuel cost saving for all the ship : $250 mil.
Tankers & Containers : adopting the Bulbous bow
Wave-Making Resistance
Bulbous Bow
Form (Eddie-Making) Resistance

Previously, we made an assumption that the friction

resistance coefficient of a ship (or a model) is the same as that
of a smooth flat plate with the same length (Re) & wetted
surface area; namely, the friction resistance of a ship is the
same as that of a flat plate with the same length and wetted
surface area. In generally, this assumption is approximately
correct. However, a careful investigation has shown that there
are differences between the friction resistance of a ship and
that of a plate with the same length & wetted surface. Usually,
the friction resistance of a curved surface object is greater
that of a flat plate with same length & wetted surface. Their
difference is called the form resistance or form drag.
The form drag consists of 3 parts.
1. Eddy-making Resistance; the curvature causes the pressure
change along the ship. Due to the viscosity, the pressure change
will cause the flow separation from the surface, & generate
eddies. Energy is fed into eddies, and the resulting resistance is
called eddy-making resistance. Main contribution to the
form resistance is made by eddy-making resistance. For a
low speed ship, it is important to avoid the abrupt change of
the hull in order to minimize the eddy-making resistance.
2. Thecurvature of a ship (or a model) will change the local
velocity along the ship. Since the path along a streamline from
bow to stern is longer on a shaped body than on a flat plate, the
average velocity along a ship > V. Thus RFS  RF , Plate .

3 Interaction between viscous & wave-making resistances,

which is very complicated. It is a research topic in Marine
Hydrodynamic and ship-model test. The increase or decrease
of resistance due to the interaction are classified into form
drag. Sometimes, some items may be directly classified into
wave-making resistance.

It is understood now that why the difference between the total

resistance coeff. & frictional resistance coeff. is called the
residual coefficient, CRm  CTm  CFm .
Example – Resistance Calculation
To illustrate the use of a model in calculating ship resistance a
worked example is given here. The ship is 140 m long, 19 m beam,
8.5m draught and has a speed of 15 knots. Other details are:

Block coefficient = 0.65

Midship area coefficient = 0.98
Wetted surface area = 3300 m2
Density of sea water = 1025 kg/m3
Froude coefficient = 0.421 34

Tests on a geometrically similar model 4.9m long, run at

corresponding speed, gave a total resistance of 19 N in fresh water
whose density was 1000 kg/m3.

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