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Jordan, Jassha Janine

Gomez, Lorraine
Ethical Issues and Problems in
Business and Corporate World

(Anti Sexual Harassment in

the Workplace)
Introduction and Core Values Integration

-Business is a productive human activity that brings beneficial

contribution to both people and society. Business produces
employment, fair deals, creativity, advancement of technology,
customers' satisfaction, among others.

- however, business is also an activity that provides an

opportunity for some unscrupulous people to take advantage of
About time to know.

• Sexual harassment is an issue in the corporate world that

must be looked into because it can create a hostile and
unhealthy workplace for the employees.

• “Sexual harassment” is defined as any behavior of a sexual

nature that affects the dignity of women and men, which is
considered as unwanted, unacceptable, inappropriate and
offensive to the recipient, and that creates an intimidating,
hostile, unstable or offensive work environment.
Anti-Sexual Act of 1995 or R.A 7877
"The State shall value the dignity of every
individual, enhance the
development of its guarantee full respect for
human rights, and
uphold the dignity of workers, employees,
applicants for
employment, students or those undergoing
training, instruction”
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) of the United
States of America, defines sexual harassment as, "
"Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
nature constitute sexual harassment when submission to
or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly
affects an individual's employment, unreasonably
interferes with an Individual's work performance or
creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive-work
Republic Act No. 7877 defines sexual harassment as,
"Employer, employee, manager, supervisor, agent of
the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach,
trainor or any other person who, having authority,
influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work
or training or education environment demands,
requests or otherwise requires any sexual favor from
the other, regardless of whether the demand, request
or requirement for submission is accepted by the
object of said act."
Sexual harassment occurs due to the power struggle between
men and women as a response to a real or imagined loss of
power or as an expression of retaliation or a flexing of the new
power. Historically, sexual harassment has always occurred but
there used to be no label for such behavior. The industrial
revolution brought about changes in the traditional function of
men and women which greatly increased gender specialization
and formed a new kind of workplace in the western world. Men
and women no longer work together on the farm or in the
family business.

1. Quid Pro Quo

2. Harassment that creates a
hostile environment
Quid Pro Quo

- This means “this for that”

(something for something)
Harassment that
creates a Hostile
In the hostile environment types of
harassment, abuses include verbal,
physical and visual conduct that
create an intimidating, offensive or
hostile environment.
How does Sexual
Harassment Affect
the Workplace?
It creates psychological anxiety and stress for
victims and if ignored, can result in high costs
for companies through loss of productivity,
low worker morale, absenteeism, and staff
Legal Penalties of
R.A. 7877
 Imprisonment of not less than 1
month but not more than 6 months.
 Fine of not less than Ten Thousand
Pesos (10,000) but not more than
Twenty Thousand Pesos (20,000)

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