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Newswriting Style

What is AP style?
Writing guidelines based on the Associated Press Stylebook - the
ultimate desktop reference for print reporters. It's often called a
reporter's bible. Reporters, editors and others use the AP
Stylebook as a guide for grammar, punctuation and principles and
practices of reporting.

AP style highlights

Reporting Basics
Where do stories come from?
 Stuff happens all the time. So how does it become a story?
 Breaking news – events are that are sudden and unpredictable
Example: Sept. 11, storms
 Scheduled events
Example: Elections, city council meetings
 News releases
Example: New birth at zoo, Bears coach retires
 Your own story ideas – or suggestions from editors, readers
Tips pop up everywhere
Reporting Basics

When a Chicago
Tribune editor spotted
this photo a
University Lacrosse
team visiting Pres.
Bush at the White
House, she noticed
that some of the girls
were wearing flip-flops.
 It led to this story.
Reporting Basics
 Finding and using sources
To write a story, you must gather information. All stories require
 So what are sources?

Official records Spokespeople Social media

Reference material Experts Internet

Reporting Basics
Attribution - what does it mean to attribute something?
Attributing facts and opinions to their sources shows readers that
you're reporting what's been said, not saying it yourself. When
you write stories you must clearly indicate where those facts,
opinions and quotes came from.
 Home Prices Climb

Attribution exercise - handout
Reporting Basics
On the record – Off the record
What does it mean when?
On the record
Your source agrees that anythings said during the interview can be
printed, and the source's name cannot be used.
Example: “Obama plans to veto the tax bill,” Roy Reed, secretary
of commerce.
Off the record
The information cannot be published in any form. That means you
have to confirm it from a separate source before printing it.
Reporting Basics

On Background
The information can be used in a story – and it can even run as a
quote – but the sources cannot be identified by name.
Example: “Obama plans to veto the tax bill,” a high-ranking
commerce department official said.
On Deep Background
The information can be used, but the source cannot be revealed.
Example: President Obama is expected to veto the tax bill.
(Keep in mind that publishing unattributed speculations may be
Newswriting Basics
Importance of an interview

Talk to the right person

Avoid yes or no questions

Keep the questions brief

Ask one question at a time

Try not to interrupt

Listen carefully

Repeat the question

Ask why, how, what

Make it clear that the interview is over
Newswriting basics

Organizing your facts exercise

 Deadly Fire Kills Man

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