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What to expect from Second year Our advice

you will have A LOT of small tests and TIME MANAGEMENT and CONSISTENCY!!
Otherwise you will start falling behind in subjects, making it
homeworks this semester that can very easily harder to catch up when things pile up! This will be the
pile up biggest challenge for you this year, but its very doable!

You will be “tested for your knowledge” in most of the Make sure to study sufficiently prior to classes,
classes, and will be asked to substitute if you don't even especially Biochem, Histo, and Physio!
have a basic understanding of the topic

Teachers are not very understanding of students that have If you realize that you have a lot on your plate and might
subjects on repeat (it is simply not an excuse for failing not be able to pass subjects that are on repeat,
tests or not doing homeworks in their eyes) unenrolling from certain subjects (eg: biochem) is a safer
option than getting kicked out!

2nd year subjects require more understanding If something can be understood, PLEASE go through the
effort of understanding it. Teachers can tell if a student
and less memorizing than those of 1st year memorized a textbook rather than understanding it! And they
can very easily exploit that!
(2nd year)

🔬 Histology and Embryology II 🔬 🫀 Physiology I: 🫀

● Lecture
● Lecture - FINAL EXAM Written -> Practice -> Oral ● practice- Credit test (ROPOT)
● practice- seminar tests/credit test ● seminar- Seminar tests/Credit test

🇨🇿 Czech Language for Foreigners III 🇨🇿

● practice- Credit test/exemption

‍‍‍‍ Biochemistry I‍‍

‍‍ ‍
● Lecture 🏥 Nursing 🏥
● seminar- Partial tests/Credit test
● practice- attendance + ROPOTs

● Biochemistry I > Biochemistry II

● Physiology I > Physiology II, TBCM
● Histology and Embryology II > Pathology I, Clinical Introduction II (3rd year)
● Czech III > Czech IV
● Nursing > Vacational practice (3rd year)

○ Anatomy II :

■ Students who failed their 3rd attempt of Anatomy II have to wait until the Summer examination period to take
their last two attempts

Is essentially divided into 4 parts:

1. Online self study- you have to read these materials prior to your classes
2. Practical seminar- Follow-Up of what you learned, and to apply them practically
3. Clinical practice- applying what you’ve learned in the hospital
4. Test

If you have previous work experience, i.e. training in nursing, paramedic etc.You can have your achievements
recognised by the head nurse and skip the practical sessions in the hospital.
The exam will be conducted through an online test in
ROPOT. The student will be randomly generated 35
questions, the time limit will be 50 minutes. The test is
scored as follows:

A 100-94 %
B less 93-88 %
C less 87-81%
D less 80-71%
E less 70-60 %

Requirements for course completion:

final examination: written exam
● attendance: maximum two unexcused absences
Passmark: 70% (may be reduced to 60% by passing tests/completing homework)
Progress tests/Projects:
○ 1 written test (online): 2% reduction on final exam if passed
○ 1 oral test: 3% reduction on final exam if passed
○ 1 project: 3% reduction on final exam if passed
Books and materials:
● Study Materials in IS (handouts, grammar sheets, vocabulary, etc.)
● Cesky krok za krokem, Talking medicine
Study tips:
● Practice the language inside and outside of the class. Do not be afraid to speak it, even if
you think you’re bad at it!
● Generally, it would take you overall less time and effort to pass the credit test, than to get
90% on all the tests. Use your time wisely
● Review the handouts, or class notes that were created in the class. these questions/tasks
tend to appear in the tests.
● Listen to the “talking medicine” audio files (of clinical cases) while preparing for the
tests. The same cases can appear in the tests, with different questions
● The earlier you put emphasis on studying grammar in Czech, the easier the “new”
grammar gets as you progress through Czech.
Requirements for course completion:
● final examination: written, practical and oral exam
Written: 18/24 (75%) if successful, proceed to practical exam
Practical: recognising microscopic slides from list of slides available in IS ( 8/10 if successful, proceed to oral
Oral: 1 Histology and 1 Embryology Question from Question list available in IS
○ online attendance: 100% attendance in practicals
Study tips:
● Study from the Books (Janquieras, before we are born) + Videos+ white book
● The info in the histology binder alone is NOT SUFFICIENT to pass the final, let alone the partial tests. Do
NOT use it as a primary resource
● Create notes/helpful resources that will save time when revising in the second year.
● Practice recognizing the slides in the microscopic hall several times, it is not enough to do the online quiz!
● Shotgun Histology (YouTube) - videos about the slides
● Helpful Websites:
○ Histology @ Yale
○ The Histology Guide (University of Leeds)

Requirements for course completion:

● lecture: no examination in this exam period
● seminar: attendance, protocols, progress or credit tests (complete safety training)
● Progress tests and credit test (seminar): 70% (progress) OR 50% (credit)
If a minimum of 70% are obtained from progress tests, no credit test is required.
Study tips
● The lectures are enough to pass any test in biochemistry!!!!!! The lectures should always be
your primary resource! Make sure to read the “notes” of the powerpoint presentations
● You have to consistently put effort for Biochemistry in order to not fall behind- Alot of the
concepts are interconnected and will not be able to be understood well without learning previous
lessons. Try to make it a habit to review the lectures prior to your seminars, and apply what
you’ve learned!
● Ninja nerd science is a fantastic resource to review and understand Biochemistry I concepts
In the fourth semester, if you still have Anatomy on repeat, we highly advise you to
unenroll from Biochemistry II, and to continue with Physiology II instead.
Requirements for course completion:
○ lecture: no examination this exam period
○ practice: attendance, protocols, credit test (min. 70%)
○ seminar: attendance, progress tests (min. 7 points)
Study tips:
● Physiology is all about understanding – make sure to spend most of your understanding concepts
instead of memorising facts.
● Be active in the practical classes, and take notes of how practical tasks work- it will help in the
● Even though the seminar tests can be relatively easy and some questions may repeat, It’s advisable
to study well for them. Use any of the recommended physiology books/notes
● The lectures provided throughout the year are basically useless if you don’t attend- TAKE NOTES.
● Consider forming a study group to study physiology together. It helps with understanding concepts

● Medical physiology, 3rd ed. BORON, Walter F. and Emile L. BOULPAEP

● Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology 12th ed. HALL, John E. and Arthur C. GUYTON
● Color atlas of physiology. 6th ed. SILBERNAGL, Stefan and Agamemnon DESPOPOULOS
● Ganong's review of medical physiology. 23rd ed. BARRETT, Kim E.
● Physiology and neuroscience practicals (white book) NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie
● BRS Costanzo review book (only use it for reviewing!)
Statistics to be aware of
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