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What did you notice in the


How are the pictures relevant

to you?
Luke 15: 11 - 32


 Divide yourselves into 2 groups.
 The first group will practice for the role play
of the parable of the prodigal son.
 The second group will do the brainstorming
through a graphic organizer.
 Note: you will be given only 5 minutes for
your practice, 5 minutes for the
presentation of the play and the
brainstorming. Then, 5 minutes for the 2nd
group to present their graphic organizer.
 What did you feel about the activity?
 What idea did you get from the activity?
 If you are the son in the story, how are you going to
justify yourself to your parents why you left home?
 If you are the father, what will you do to your son?
 If you were the brother, how will you react given
that your prodigal brother had been given such
favor as the one in the story?
 What message can you get from the parable?
 How did the parable teach the following?
 Patience
 Love
 Repentance
 Acceptance
 Forgiveness
What is the story all about?

1. the gracious God who provides the way out

and way forward.
2. The word, “prodigal” means “extravagant or
A parable of the son who blew his inheritance on a
wasteful living.
3. A dysfunctional family which displays the
messiness of a world vandalized with sin.
But wait… there is more too
the story…
1. There are more than one lost son in this
2. this parable is also here to teach us something
about God.
3. There is something in here about us, about the
two brothers, but the most important element
is the father.
- with the parable of the lost sons, Jesus reveals
the fatherly heart of God.
The revelation unfolds…
1. The request of the younger lost son.
2. The riotous living of the younger lost son.
“Enough living with Dad! I’m going off and do my own
thing and live life by my terms and do what is right in
my own eyes!”
3. The return of the younger lost son.
- he spent everything on immoral lifestyle and then
suddenly a famine hit.

FAMINE – just don’t happen by chance. God promised

that it would be his rod to chastise and discipline his
covenant people.
 “the way of the unfaithful is hard” (Proverbs
 “harsh discipline is for him who forsakes the
way. And he who hates correction will die”
(Proverbs 15:10_
 His father abandoned him so that he might
learn from his foolishness.
2. The reaction of the older lost son.
- he became angry of his brother’s return and
his father’s celebration.
- he became self – righteous and looked down
on his brother.
- at this point, he became the lost son.
3. What the father did.
for the younger son…
- he acquiesced and let the son go his way.
- he realized that he cannot force his son to love him.
- we may desire things that are not good for us. In his
wisdom, God may give them to us and let us go our
- he does that so in due time we will lose our taste for
sin and return to him.
- he then came running and welcomed his son. He
even made feast for him.
- the Father rejoices when sinners come to him in
repentance and humility.
 For the older son..
- he went after his son and reached out to
- he took the initiative to try and persuade
him to be of a different mind.
- he responded to his older son gently and
patiently. He did not give the elder son what
he deserve.
As a whole…
 The story portrays the grace of God for younger brothers
and older brothers.
 In relation to our perfect Father, we all have dysfunctions.
 We have sinned.
 We are not worthy to be called sons, those destined to
received inheritance.
 The gospel promises that we have a Father who will lavish
us with the greatest riches imaginable.
 Truly, we have a God with a kind fatherly heart who is rich
and extravagant with all his children.
 The pattern of the prodigal is: rebellion, ruin, repentance,
reconciliation, restoration.
– Edwin Louis Cole

 In a ¼ sheet of paper, write a short reflection

about what you have learned in the story.
Write it in 1 or 2 sentences only..

 Answer the worksheet together with your


 In a ½ crosswise, write down your story.

 In what way did you experience rebelling against
your parents and how did you come back to their
bosom/ will?

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