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An EXP Ghana Presentation

© 2023.
Exp retains the rights to all material
contained in this presentation and in any
presentation made in competition with, or
in isolation from, any other agency.
In the event of our presentation being
unsuccessful, no part of any proposal
submitted may be used by any third party
or the client without prior written approval
from Exp Ghana
G en e ra lly les s b uy er s in t he
An t ise pt ic L iqu id Cat e g or y t his ye ar

01 wit h a -8 . 5 % r ed u ct io n in b u ye rs a n d
5 5. 7 % pe n et r at io n ag a in st 61 . 8 % la st
ye a r.

T he Ha rsh e co n o mic co n d itio n s o f

th e co u ntr y is b eliev e d to h av e
in flu e n ce d the p u rch a sin g n a tu re o f
c on su m e rs , wh o no w o p t fo r
ch e a pe r alte rn ativ es to Ca me l

An NCP pr o vide s the b ra n d a

ch a n ce to re war d ex istin g bu ye r s
03 fo r th e ir lo ya lty, a ttra c t ne w
co n su m e rs a n d en g ag e with th e
g e n er al a ud ie nc e .
Reason to believe

Brand Third-Party
Market Share
Longevity Endorsement

Camel has been on the Camel has grown to be Is trusted for its ability
Ghanaian market since one of the leading to kill germs 99.9% and
1992, providing superior antiseptic brand within the expert endorsement
family protection from the category. by Ghana Medical
germs. Association.
Objective 01
Drive growth and impact sales performance to achieve FY24 target for Camel

Objective 02
•Increase share of market from 34.4% to 37 % within promo period.
•Build and reward brand loyalty among current consumers and lapsed users.
•Increase penetration and recruit new users increasing share of market.

Objective 03
•Drive reach and top of mind awareness, positioning Camel as the leading
Antiseptic liquid brand. (60% @ +1)
•Improve product consideration and drive conversions and sales
•Drive engagement and Improve campaign participation of minimum 7%
Ta rg e t A u d i e n c e

Mothers who place priority on the Mass market consumers who are
health of their children and looking for a value for money antiseptic Whole-sale and retail outlets who lift
families brand to stay healthy. stock in bulk and distribute.
Consumer Profile
Primary Secondary Trade
Consumer C onsumer

• Family oriented • Has some amount of • Looking out for the

individual concern about health best deal on
• Lives in urban centers • Generally looking for a wholesale value
• Prefers to buy in bulk good deal on products • Willing to commit to a
but on hold now due to • Buys mostly when brand if the returns
economic challenges needed are good
• Brand Loyal • Not fully brand loyal • Acts as a gatekeeper
for the consumer
The Job-to-done

•Develop end to end Consumer

activations, events and PR plan.

•Develop concept and mechanics

for trade activations

•Share exciting idea for internal

engagement activity for staff as
Strategic Thought
As stated in the client brief, the economic hardships
of the country has caused a reduction in brand
loyalty and retention. There is a high need for fiscal
or material based rewards in compares to
experience based ones. Based on a dipstick agency
performed, out of over 20 people asked what would
their preferred choice of reward for a promo, a
majority mentioned money, property, childcare
items, electronics or assets of some kind.

Therefore we believe that the campaign must not

highlight the brands caring nature but ensure that
the rewards given have a long lasting effect on the
winners. The idea of discounts for trade and a prize
pot for consumer would go a long way to help build
this reputation and feeling for the brand.
Strategic Thought

Self-Fulfillment Needs
Morality, Problem Solving, Pursue Talent, Creativity, Fulfillment

Achievement, Mastery, Recognition, Confidence

Family, Friends, Sexual Intimacy, Community

Security of Body, Shelter, Employment, Health, Morality
Basic Needs
Breathing, Food, Water, Warmth, Sleep, Sex
Strategic Thought

The need for aliveness...

in different people, there are different thresholds of sensation that they must
have in order to experience gratification of this basic human need to
experience aliveness.

In Ghana we say SIKA Y3 MOGYA meaning money makes you come

alive. It’s almost as important as the blood in our veins.
Strategic Thought

The need for aliveness...


OUR BIG IDEA- Cashout with Camel. Go For Gold

C r e a t i v e DDirection
Creative irection
C r e a t i v e DDirection
Creative irection
C r e a t i v e DDirection
Creative irection
Promo Name Options

• Camel Yaa ye die nie promo

• Camel Wo die womu promo

• Camel Golden scratch promo

• Camel CashOut Promo

M e c h a n i c s (
Mechanics (Consumer)C o n s u m e r )
• Buy any Camel antiseptic or Carex product.
Scratch the panel to reveal a secret code
which you text to a number provided for the

• Participants would be entered into a weekly

draw to win from a prize pot ranging from
cash, land, automobiles, electronics, home
care items, shopping coupons to local trips.

• The more times a contestant enters or buys,

the higher their chances of wining big.
R e w a r d S t r
Creative Directionu c t u r e
Instant Rewards
• Airtime
• Shopping Vouchers
• Data bundles

Weekly Draws

• Cash prize of Ghs12,000 split

between 4 winners

• Electronics worth, Ghs8,000

Gr and Priz e
20k Cash prize to 2 winners
Consumer Journey

Consumer purchases Camel Product Scratches panel to reveal unique code Text code to USSD
Brand Experience
D e s i r e d Ta k e o u t Camel Carex is a great decision to make, it not only offers value for
money and protects my family but I also get rewarded for purchase.

What will be SEEN • Camel Carex products

• Iconic brand colors
• Videos of past events and testimonials
• Carex products helping families stay healthy and germ free
• Visuals of promo and prizes to be won

What will be HEARD • Camel Carex has been a caring partner of families since 1992
• Camel has provided safety and healthy solutions for families
• Camel is endorsed by the Ghana Medical Association to kill 99.9% of
• Camel rewards consumers who are loyal and those willing to join the

• Brand merchandise
W h a t w i l l b e TO U C H E D
• Sanitation station for patrons to experience product
W h a t w i l l b e TA S T E D N/A
• The unique fragrance of a Carex protection
What will be SMELLED
Internal Launch
Internal launch
T h e m e - Tr e a s u r e I s l a n d
t hfor ethem e
We propose a Treasure Island inspiration
Internal Engagement as a way of
creating something memorable for the
brand internally.

The Cocktail area will be decorated with cut

out life sized palm trees, sand, treasure
chests and gold coins. Sprinkle sand and
chocolate foil wrapped coins on
the party table
T h e m e - Tr e a s u r e I s l a n d
Event Brochure Sample


Arrival of Guests- 5pm

MC Opening- 5.30pm
MD Speech- 5.45pm
Performance- 6.00pm
First set of Winners- 6.15pm
Internal engagement

A breakfast pack for staff which also

contains items like QR wearables, Brand We propose a Virtual Treasure hunt game driven off
Knowledge scratch card and sample an app where staff will go around the world virtually,
products. seek adventure and treasure and the winner who
finds the treasure walk home with a Cash Token.
Look & Feel
Internal engagement
• A blend of colorful decorations and mood lighting to set the mood for the internal launch. This
will be accompanied with engagement games including a game booth of ring toss, darts, pop
the balloon to generate hype.

• Promo Pass: Each employee will find a branded pack on their desks in the morning. This will
contain a Promo T shirt, Breakfast and a Golden Map to help them participate in the Virtual
Treasure hunt.

• Video reel: Reel of the past editions of the National Consumer promo showcasing winners
and their experiences

• Dance Tutorial session: Instead of a regular conference room event, the staff can enjoy a
Dance Tutorial session with the DWP Academy.

• Guess the name: The floor is opened to the staff members to guess the name of the 2023
promo and win a prize

• Event Launch: A quick huddle with all invited staff to launch the Internal engagements
Event Flow
• MC opening and welcoming of
Staff to the event
• PZ MD gives crisp welcome
• Brand Manager delivers overview
of the product.
• Animated Video Unveil of the
promo amid confetti and white and
blue colored smoke.
• MC engages staff, media and
Influencers with the product
• Showreel showing the past editions
of the campaign
• Engagements and Photography
• To create a sense of excitement, the consumer
engagement would kick-off with engagement based
content on social media as we ask our followers
questions of this nature:
• - What would you do with a GHS 20,000?
• - What’s your dream goal this year?
• - If you could have any prize as a promo win, what
would it be?

• We then kick-off with teasers of the campaign promo,

without revealing the logo by providing rhetorical
answers to the questions
• Influencers and media agencies would receive invite
which would be posted with the hashtag of the
campaign to drive awareness
• On-ground event launch, a number of the social
media engagements would be printed and the lucky
handles would be invited to the event
Item Details

Ve n u e O p t i o n s Outdoor event space

Date TDB

Time Weekend Evening event

Guest 100-150

Attendees • Media personalities

• Key distributors
• State functionaries
• Partner brands/ agencies
• PZ Cussons Management & Staff

Entertainment Live band performances

Refreshment Cocktail Reception & buffet

Ve n u e S u g g e s t i o n s

Cleaver House ( Adabraka) The Savannah ( Cantonments) The Page Center ( Awoshie)
Setup Design
Experience Elements Logistics

Tr ea s ur e Is la nd i ns p ir e d s e t up Decor Welcome banner at event grounds

Te l e s c o p i c b r a n d i n g f r o m e n t r a n c e
Secure parking with security team deployed to main event space
Sanitation stations at entrance before guests Panel branding showcasing family-
arrive centric imagery
Guests ushered after registration by usher to Pull-ups
their respective seats Drapes of muted branded colors
Soft light of white, blue and green

Gu es ts a r e pr o v id ed w i th a Tre as ur e Is la nd Seating Guests would be directed to seats

inspired event program by ushers with VIP seating being

Event would also be documented and Stage LED backdrop

streamed for virtual audiences and archival Branded side panels
purposes. P. A S y s t e m
Live band setup on side

Balloons & confetti to be realized when

promo logo is unveiled and campaign
Look & Feel
Event Brochure Sample


Arrival of Guests- 5pm

MC Opening- 5.30pm
MD Speech- 5.45pm
Performance- 6.00pm
First set of Winners- 6.15pm
Look & Feel
Photo Backdrop
Look & Feel
Event Stage
Look & Feel
Event Stage
M C ’s

Target Audience #1 Target Audience #2 Target Audience #3

Jerry Adjolorlo Cookie Tee Kabutey my MC


Target Audience #1 Target Audience #2 Target Audience #3

Kofi Kinaata Ria Boss Akwaboah

Campaign Breakdown
Pre-lau nc h La un ch & Afte r Finale Priz e Eve nt

• Development of
communication items • Internal & external
• A simple but well
• Creative design launch events
• Sales activations thought out event to
• Production of brand
• Weekly draws reward Consumers
elements & materials who win the grand
• Staff awareness & event • Prize presentations
• Weekly sales reports prizes at stake.
• Training of promoters/ • Post event review
brand ambassadors • Sales reports
• Activity reports
Event Flow

Welcome Performance 6.30pm

Arrival of guests, registration & seating 6.30pm-7.15 pm

Welcome by MC 7.20pm

Introductory address by MD 7.30pm

Musical interlude 7.40pm

Past campaign footage 7.50pm

A d d r e s s b y C a m e l B r a n d Te a m 7.55pm

Past winners testimonials 8.10pm

Campaign Launch Address 8.25pm

Logo unveil and confetti 8.35pm

Musical performance & refreshment 8.45pm

Closing remarks 9.00pm

In-store activations
In- Sto re En gag em en t

• Selected key wholesale and

retail outlets would receive
campaign branding to help
draw awareness
• Managers would also be given
branded merchandise to give
to customers who purchase a
target amount
Promoter Costume
Prom oter En gag em en t

• Our promoters would visit selected stores in

their jurisdiction twice a week; weekday and

• Once promoter on sighting a potential shopper

will approach and hand out a printed flashcard
with the inscription, “FIND A CAMEL

• This will create some excitement and mystery

among shoppers
• For costume options we
• Trained promoters would educate shoppers propose a T shirt and a
about the campaign in an attempt to get them Pirates Cap or a full pirates
to buy the product costume for BAs
In neighborhoods we propose installing
danglers and cut out pieces of the NCP
in stores as a form of awareness
creation and engagement.

The danglers will have QR Codes and

a call to action urging consumers to

Once Consumers scan the code they

are taken to the campaign TVC and
they get to learn how they can also
participate in the promo to win big.
Simple but effective Store branding to create
awareness for the campaign
In-store activations
Tokinomo or Talking Shelves is a retail technology tool to drive
visibility and consumer engagement in-store. Tokinomo is an in-
store marketing campaigns, where hardware meets software to
create engagement between brands and customers and boost sales
It uses a sequence of motion, light and sound to interact with the
customers in a playful and memorable manner by instantly
bringing the product to life. Tokinomo is easy to use, easy to install
and really hard to forget once the consumer experiences the

-Pre-recorded morning fresh comms are installed on the device

prior to the activations.
-The device also communicates the mechanics of the in-store
- A dedicated back-office staff monitors engagements from the
office and share weekly engagements / reach reports.
Proposed outlets
We e k l y D r a w s
Sug ge sted Med ia Pa rtn ers Mec ha nics

• Camel Team & Exp Ghana team would be
Citi FM hosted by the partner radio channel during
Peace FM a drive time show
Luv Fm • The presenter would run the draw and call
Joy fm the numbers with their various prizes
Adom fm • Winner would be invited to come into the
studio for presentation
Press ( Traditional & Digital) • Presentation of prizes would be
documented for content and archival
Graphic Showbiz purposes
Ghanaweb • The draw activity will be broadcast on
Myjoyonline Facebook live and streamed on the Media
Peacefmonline partner’s Social platforms
Finale Event
Ve nu e Op tio ns

Fie sta Roy ale Ho tel

La bad i Be ach Ho te l
Set Up design
Experience Elements Logistics
- Guests to be welcomed by Décor Welcome banner at entrance
ushers to their seats Stage Build
- Guests would be given water 5 telescopic from event entrace
and a program outliune Pull-ups on stage
Spin the wheel setup
Photography & video

Seating Guest would be directed to their

seats by ushers
Vip’s will be ushered to their
designated seats by branded
• As guest arrive, they’re greeted by brand
ambasssadors and shown their seat
• The MC would call on random audience
members to play a spin and win game to
win instant prizes
• Guests would also be called upon to help
the draw during the activites
The Experience
Experience Elements Logistics
- Main event area would have a Décor Branded draping on stage
threatre style sitting with a Pull-ups
stage built infront of the chairs
- Stage woud be branded with
panels and have an LED
screen for running the draw

Stage Stage
LED Backdrop
Branded panels
Sound/ Podium
Dj Setup
Program Flow
• Opening address by Mc
• Invitation of attendees to participate in spin the wheel to win instant rewards of branded items
• Introductory speech by brand manager
• Main address by PZ Cussons MD
• Musical Interlude by artist/ Showreel showing highlights of the past editions of the promo
• Mc to invite brand manager, trade lead and two random audience members to run draw to select final
• Roadshow reel showing the Internal launch, Consumer launch, Media draws and excited winners
• First set of Presentation of awards by Camel team
• Presentation of cash prizes via dummy cheques to cash winners by PZ Cussons MD
• Musical interlude
• Closing remarks
• Photography and video session
• Promoter engagement post event
Mechanics (Trade)
Tr a d e - D i s p l a y a n d Wi n 4
Mechanics (Trade)
Tr a d e - D i s p l a y a n d Wi n 4


These targets, like most Ghanaian consumer have

become price conscious, and value seekers.

They buy brands which make them the most profit and
which move quickly

They are loyal to brands which appreciate them


Our challenge is to get retailers to see the value

they can derive from being part of the activity by
showing them that the brand is rewarding them
for their patronage.

Deliver an exciting campaign which gets the

creative juices of retailers into overdrive, sparking
mass participation and driving awareness for the
brand in the process

Participating retailers continue to display Camel Carex

Ambition products throughout the year even after the campaign
maximizing consumer conversion for the brand

Objective Achieve 30% uplift on January and February budget

Recruitment Retail Retailer

Build category Experience rewards
Pillars and retail story Store, Shelf Weekly
in tandem with and in-trade Monthly
NCP campaign visibility Mystery shopper

Priority Retailer On- Launch and In- Weekly, Month

Activity boarding plan market and Grand
activation Finale rewards
Our engagements will be rolled out in the following stages;

Pre-Promotion In- Promotion Post – Promo

-Retailer recruitment -Jamboree -Grand Reward event

-On-boarding and Training - Weekly engagements on -Execution Reporting
-Preparation to Launch WhatsApp with leader board -Sales Reporting
-Weekly rewards
- Mystery rewards
- All existing Retailers who participated in the last 2 editions of
Our On-boarding approach for retailers
the Camel Display and Win Promo will be informed about the
prior to the event will feature the
campaign and recruited for D&W 4.
following process;
-In the trade, EXP will work with the PZ Cussons Field Sales
team to recruit other qualified retailers in the territories within

- This will be followed by briefing and alignment of the

retailers to inform them of the start date for the campaign
and the campaign mechanics

- A key part of the preparation to launch will be to ensure

availability of products in trade, to push sell out of non
promo stocks first and caution retailers against scratching
the panel on the bottles..

o Retailers and wholesalers participating in the promotion will be scored based on

the following KPIs:

1. Quantity purchased
2. Quantity sold
3. Merchandising
4. Creativity in display.

o At the end of each week the top 420 winners (i.e. 70% of total participants) will
win GHS 10 worth of airtime

o At the end of the promotion, the highest scorer in each category per region wins
between GHS 500 - GHS 1500 cash or Melcom vouchers

o Two winners will be selected for a Grand Prize of 10,000 each.

CATEGORY No. of SKUs to buy Proposed POS KPI’s Rewards
SILVER – - Buy and display . TABLE TOPS/ - Buy and display a minimum of 2 cases SKU’s
(Akwaaba) - 125ML- 15pcs SHELF - - Display all SKU’s in the CAMEL displayed - GHC 10
- 250ML - 12pcs PARASOLS - Create impactful display with the products. airtime
- 500ML - 9pcs - Outlets will be expected to sell-in & sell out in - Cash Reward
- 1L - 12pcs FIFO method (non-promo stocks out first). for top winner
- Av. 2 CTNS - Do not Scratch n text code on the bottles. GHC 500

PLATINUM – - Buy and display . SMALL - Buy and display a minimum of 4 cases SKU’s
(Kyere Wo level) - 125ML- 30 pcs CAMEL FSU + - Display all SKU’s in the CAMEL displayed - GHC 10
- 250ML - 24 pcs PRIMARY - Create impactful display with the products. airtime
- 500ML - 18 pcs SHELF - Outlets will be expected to sell-in & sell out in - Cash Reward
- 1L - 12 pcs FIFO method (non-promo stocks out first). for top winner
- Av. 4 CTNS Agency will be expected to ensure that GHC 1000

- Do not Scratch n text code on the bottles.

DIAMOND - Buy and display BIG CAMEL - Buy 7 cartons each of all SKUs .
(Sikafuturo) - 125ML- 69pcs FSU + - GHC 10
- 250ML - 54pcs PRIMARY - Display all SKU’s in the CAMEL displayed airtime
- 500ML - 39pcs SHELF - Create impactful display with the products. - Cash Reward
- 1L - 24pcs - Outlets will be expected to sell-in & sell out in for top winner
FIFO method (non-promo stocks out first) GHC 1500

- AV. 7 CTNS - Do not Scratch n text code on the bottles.


On-boarding creative deliverables


T shirts
We propose mini jamboree events in the following
Markets to launch the promotion.

- Adum in Kumasi
- Tamale Central Market
Mini Jamboree - Market Circle in Takoradi
Events - Accra Central
- Koforidua Central Market

• A team of 10 promoters, accompanied by a brass band will move through
the markets at certain points to engage retailers
o Over the period of the promotion, supervisors will be
assigned to outlets to engage the outlets, educate them
on the display & win promotion, track their performance
and score them.

o During this period we will have:

Weekly rewards
Monthly rewards
Mystery shopper (randomly selected retailers who
perform well will receive a cash prize of GHC 200. This
will happen once a month in each region)

o We will also distribute brand collaterals to the outlets

for visibility, excitement and, to appreciate their
patronage and participation

o To bring an end to the DW4

promo we propose a grand
finale event in Accra Central as
this is a prime location for many
retailers and wholesalers who
come to pick stock to sell.

o The location will also be

convenient for our target
audience and stakeholders to
attend the event.
SIC Life Mall AMA City Hall
MC Options
In order to ensure that our event has a localized
look and feel, we propose MCs’ who resonate with
the respective audiences

Akosua Sarpong ( Utv Odeefuor

& Peace Fm) Media personality and
MC known for hosting
Atinka TV’s Di Asa
Photo ops
Program Time

Music on Arrival of Guests 11:00am - 11:15am

Introduction by MC 11:15am - 11:20am

Opening Prayer 11:20am - 11:25am

Welcome Address: {Insert Name & designation), PZCL 11:25pm - 11:40am

Screening of Documentary: The Road to the Treasure Island
11:40am - 11:50am

Event Flow Prize Presentation: Part 1

1 – 5 Top Ten Winners Presented by {Insert Name & designation}; PZCL 11:50am – 12:00pm

Cultural Dance performance 12:00pm – 12:10pm

Speech by resource person 12:10pm - 12:20pm

Speech by Previous winners 12:20pm - 12:30pm

Prize Presentation: Part 2

6 – 10 Top Ten Winners Presented by {Insert Name & designation}; PZCL 12:30pm -12:40pm

Cheorography 12:40pm - 12:50pm

Grand Prize winner announcement + Live Winners Phone call 12:50pm – 1:00pm

Closing Remarks: {Insert Name & designation), PZCL 1:00pm – 1:10pm


The following will be rewarded at the grand finale event.

• Top 15, consisting of 5 Silver, 5 Diamond and 5 Platinum

retailers and wholesalers (will be selected out of a pool of 25
Diamond and 25 Platinum retailers and wholesalers based on
tallied scores).

• The top performing retailer and top performing wholesaler will

be entitled to the grand prize of 10k cash and will be rewarded
during the event.
• The top 10 winners will receive a combination of prizes detailed below

First 5 ( 1000 cedis worth products) Second 5 ( 600 cedis worth products)

Rice Cooker Rechargeable LED Lantern

Hand blender Kettle

Table-Top Gas Stove Hand mixer

Sandwich maker Table Top Gas Stove

• Retailers and wholesalers within and around Accra Central will be rewarded with their participation
amount at the close of the event. Each retailer and wholesaler will be asked to come along with their ID
card for identification and pick up of their participation amount at an allocated desk at the event

• Campaign Observations
• Consumer Feedback
• Visual content
• Promoter engagement
• Challenges & recommendations
( if any)
Mercy Apaloo
+233 30 251 9428 / 644

+233 268 875 2075

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