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Class let’s all stand for the prayer and put ourselves

in the presence of God In the name of the father, the

son, the holy spirit Amen.

Okay you may now take your seat.

Let me check your attendance first. Who is absent

for today?

Very Good! Let’s give ourselves a perfect

attendance clap 123, 123, hooray!
Good morning children!

How are you today?

We’re amazingly fine!

Are you excited to our new lesson?

But before that let us introduce our name first. My name is

Cindy Eguio but you can call me teacher C

And my name is Crissam Calidguid but you can also call me

teacher ____.
And we are your teacher for today
Before we’re going to tackle our lesson this morning, let me ask what
lesson do we discussed last meeting?

Very Good! Shall we give her/him an Aling Donesia Applause!

Okay our lesson last meeting was all about the Region VII which is
the Central Visayas.

Okay what are the best part of central Visayas that you wouldn’t

Definitely! Tourist spot and delicacies are one of the thing that we
shouldn’t forget in central visayas. Because of those natural places to
wander we’re able to love the central visayas.
Before we are going to start our new lesson I will going to read first
the following standard rules in this class
1. When someone is talking in front listen carefully.
2. When there is an activity if there is questions don’t ask your
classmate ask your teacher.
3. Raise your hand if you want to answer.

At the end of this lesson you will know to

 1. know the different tourist spots, delicacies of Eastern Visayas

2. discuss what Eastern Samar has to offer
3. give importance on the literary piece “Bowaon and Totoon” and
apply moral lesson in daily life
Alright children, do you like to play?

Okay! I have here some random pictures, all you have to do is to name
it if either it is a place, tourist spot or a delicacy. Do you get it


Alright children, based on what we see and named those pictures

being presented. What do you think will be our lesson this morning?

Very good! Today we are going to talk about some places, foods and
tourist spots in a specific region
going to take onboard to the place of kabisayanon! The place of
wanderers and wonders! The Eastern Visayas!

Now children, what comes to your mind when we hear the place
Eastern Visayas?

Correct! Eastern Visayas, has many beautiful tourist spots. And aside
from that, it
is one of the three administrative regions in the Visayas islands and
officially designated as Region VIII. It is composed of two main
islands, Leyte, and Samar, connected by San Juanico Bridge, as well
as Biliran Island. It is an administrative region in the Philippines
occupying the eastern section of the Visayas. It covers 6 provinces,
namely, Biliran, Eastern Samar, Leyte, Northern Samar, Samar, and
Southern Leyte
Again children what are those places that eastern
visayas consist of?

Very Good! Shall we give her/him a round of


Now children, let’s go and explore more the places

of Eastern Visayas.
So those are the places that the eastern visayas
comprise with.
Now children don’t you know that eastern visayas
has an amazing story which driven and originated
from their place?

No worries children, because I’ll let you know

about it. Are ready to hear it?

Alright! So this story is entitled “ buwaon and


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