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BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

Backgound Information
I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

There are three routes to a career in technology:

apprenticeship, technical college, & university.
I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

An apprenticeship is a system for training a new generation of practitioners

of a trade or a profession.

Apprenticeships combine on-the-job training at work with education at a local college,

usually on a day-release basis.

For those who find suitable employment, an apprenticeship offers the advantages of
earning money while gaining a qualification & practical skills.

Apprenticeship ⭢ activity
Apprentice ⭢ person
I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

There are further-education college courses available for every aspect of technology.

These lead to vocational qualifications at certificate & diploma level.

In the UK, often courses are geared to the needs of local business & industry
& are taught by lecturers who have work experience in their field.
I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

Universities offer both broad-based & specialist degrees in engineering.

UK courses range from three to four years or longer if a work placement is included.

One year postgraduate Master’s degrees in specialist fields are also common.
I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

To maintain & improve our lifestyle, in this increasingly high-tech world, requires
universities & learning institutions to produce Engineers, Technicians, & Technologists
capable of adapting, for example, the latest discoveries
in Physics & the Biological sciences, to practical solutions to benefit those in the
developed & developing world.

Universities & colleges are prepared to recognize

prior knowledge & work experience as entry qualifications.
I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021

Web technology plays an important part in enabling companies to conduct their


They can stay in touch with customers & employees around the world.

They can upload & download

computer software, engineering designs, sales contracts, etc.

Engineers can remotely monitor the performance of machines & provide solutions to
problems as they arise to people on site, without the Engineer leaving the office.
I. BICHIOU * INSAT * 2020-2021


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